Tuesday, April 22, 2014

What do you think of this for a 2 year old, seem like its a good one?

Q. http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4187346
Would you buy this product or have you?? If so what's your review of it?? His birthday (2nd) is next month and I want to get this for him as he loves to be outdoors, he already has two slides and a wagon so I thought this would be a nice addition and would be a bit easier to load in the SUV for trips to the park!!! What do all you mommy's of toddlers think??

My nephew got that bike last year he will be 3 in march this year. It is a great bike but he is to big for it.

So this year he is getting this one

Radio Flyer Boys Fold 2 Go Tricycle

We like this because it folds completely down and fits in the trunk.

Brunswick Georgia apartments for a family?

Q. I am trying to get a feel for Brunswick, GA and the apartment communities there. If you have spent some time in that area, could you please recommend a good place to live. I have a toddler, so the important things are a safe playground nearby, family-oriented community, single level housing (no stairs), and good locks on the doors. A pool would be nice, but is not necessary. A private garage would also be nice, but not necessary.

I think my common thread here is that I need to feel very safe in my new home. Nothing shady. We are not party people, so we have no interest in being where the party is. I'd like to see other families outside with their kids on bikes and tricycles, and other moms with strollers and such. I am blessed to have that where I am now and hope to find it again out there in Brunswick.

I very much appreciate your experience and help.
Thank you.
Thank you, Tyler. That was helpful indeed.

I think I am going to be avoiding Brunswick, if I can, and look for a nearby town or city to live in. I'm getting a bad impression about Brunswick from what I read online. It appears that they rank a 10 in crime, on a scale from 1 to 10. If anyone knows otherwise, or likewise, please let me know.

Also, if anyone has information on, or experience with, nearby towns or cities that would be an improvement over Brunswick, please let me know. We will still need to commute to the Brunswick area however, so the town we live in should not be farther than a 30 minute drive, I'd say.

Thanks everyone!

I don't have any personal experiences because I am not from the area, but I do work for an apartment search engine and there are a lot of tools out there that can help you get advice (without having to depend on waiting for answers like on here).

To get reviews of apartments and landlords (some reviews will also contain how safe/family friendly apartments are) try out ApartmentRatings.com and Yelp.com. I attached links to both sites below for Brunswick, GA.

These resources will help you get a feel for apartments that you have found. As for finding the apartments themselves, I attached a link to our apartment search below also. I don't want to just push our site on you though, other good sites are ApartmentFinder.com, ApartmentGuide.com, Hotpads.com, ForRent.com, Move.com. Then as you find units from these sites you can check them in the resources above.

Some sources that just cover crime are CrimeReports.com and SpotCrime.com. I also put in links for them in Brunswick, GA (crime reports wouldn't let me keep the Brunswick location). CrimeReports.com seems to just have registered sex offender's location but SpotCrime covers some other types of crimes. Some of these companies have relationships with the police department (good coverage) and others just crawl news stories on the internet and map out crimes (less coverage), but both are good for spotting the safe neighborhoods.

Hope this helps!

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