Saturday, July 27, 2013

What should I buy my baby cousin for his 1st birthday?

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I was thinking diapers but is there anything you'd prefer? He likes to put things in his mouth btw... Also if I buy him clothes what kind of clothes? Onesey, shorts..ect? Its almost summer time but its cold here in Alabama.

Babies that age love the toys that they can push around. They also love the toy version of pots and pans. Go down the aisle at the store that has the toys for babies and look at the age recommendation on the labels. They will tell you if it is recommended for babies/toddlers that are 12-18 months. Babies also love the security blankets that have a stuffed animal attached and satin binding around the edges. If you want to get something fun, there are some low to the ground scooting riding toys like tractors or four wheeled scooting bikes.

Homeschooling Schedule?


I am planning on homeschooling my children (ages 2&3) and I would like to get into a routine soon so I can be ready. Does anyone know any great resources of how to juggle cleaning, cooking, homeschooling, basically, being a stay at home mom and teaching her two children? I am in DIRE need of order in my life! On top of having 2 toddlers, I also am starting an at home business of running a greenhouse and raising plants. Any personal tips would be appreciated, as well as any resources on how to juggle my daily tasks.

I home schooled my oldest for a short time during a move and my good friends husband was also home schooled...his mom gave me lots of pointers...since your kiddos are so young, you can introduce anything into their day and they will adjust rather easily..just remember not to push them. You can start with some workbooks that you can find anywhere that sells coloring books, like walmart..some counting books and letter books...(story books) Miss Spider Tea Party is a good one that my 4 year old likes. Home schooling doesn't need to be the regular all day thing that regular schools are. As long as you have and agenda to follow and you keep to it and as long as you get through all the required curriculum the state requires you'll be fine. Most home schooled children end up graduating at a younger age (16 and 17 aren't uncommon ages) Days can be as short as 2 hours. Keep in mind that your kids are young and don't have much of an attention span so you have to keep your lessons short like 15 minutes each, then move on to something else.
If I were you, I would start my day like any other day, with breakfast, baths whatever your normal daily routine may be...then starting at 8 or 9 you can do things like talk about the weather (is it sunny or cloudy? what should the weather boy wear today (the weather boy can be a picture of a kid cut out of a magazine with some outfits from felt)....) this is science. talk about today's day/date etc..use a giant desk top calendar with a reusable star or other marker that can be moved from day to day...or you can use a cloud, sun, cloud/sun, rain cloud etc to mark the day and the weather together.
Pick a color and number for the day...have the kids put post-it notes with certain number on it on items of that number that you have preselected. For instance...put 2 cars together on the floor and have your kids find them and label them. Now you have a math lesson. For the letter of the day you can glue noodles or colorful cereal etc on construction paper in the shape of that letter...use play dough to make the shape of both letter and number of the day...of course, use every minute you can to introduce colors...what color is the paper you picked? what color is that leaf? etc. the kids should have some free play time now. And it's at this point in time that you can do up dishes or throw a load of wash in. If you started at 8, you should have a healthy snack around 930. If your kids take a morning nap, after am snack is a good time to get them settled into that. You now have that free time to work on you business. when nap time is over, have lunch and go on with outdoor play, using this time to identify things like green leaves and square sidewalk blocks and "ant" starts with "a"...At their ages, it's not so much that they know that it's schooling, they just think they are playing a game with mom. It gets them prepared for when it is time to get on the road of being homeschooled. You have to figure out what you want to teach them now, how long you want to spend on each lesson (15 minutes is a good time at their ages), what you want to get accomplished per day, and what time you want to start. After that, things will just fall into place....For example:
8am breakfast
815 talk about the weather/day
830 letter of the day with craft
9am morning move and groove session...use kiddie music to dance around
915 number of the day with game
945 morning snack (orange wedges and juice or cereal bar and milk)
10 clean up
1015-1115 nap/rest/story time...use this to just rest and relax, darken the room and have kids lay down. You now have some "you time"
1115-1145 lunch
1145 clean up
12noon outdoor play (explore the yard, take a walk on the bike trail etc, talk about what you see along the way)
etc etc...
200 should be the latest you lay them down for an afternoon nap..1 hour is they get am nap no more than 2 hours if they don't get rest time in am
Good luck!

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Friday, July 26, 2013

What do you do when others guilt you about leaving children for the weekend?

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My daughter is 6, and we've been going through a rough patch, but for the most part, we're fine. It's just me and her in the house. I dirt bike on a regular basis, while my daughter's with friends or with my sister. I recently joined a group, and we're going away this weekend. I haven't been away from my daughter in months. I asked her dad if he'd watch her (which he never does), and he is guilting me about leaving Friday night, all day Saturday, and returning that night. I'm having my very good friend stay tonight, my daughter's toddler teacher hand out with her on Saturday, and my sister taking her Saturday night in the event something happens with the weather, and I can't return until Sunday. My mother is also on my case about me leaving "so often". I work full time, I'm home in the evenings and just about every weekend. I might take a few hours out of my Saturday and go ride for a while, but that's only if I have a sitter. My daughter's not old enough to come with me, yet. I'm not sure how much time is too much time.
Also, activities. Because of the fact, I'm on my bike a lot, especially in the summer, I want my daughter to come out with me, but her dad says if I do that, he'll have me in for child abuse because dirt bikes and motorcycles are "unsafe" at her age. I want to do activities as a woman, and I want my daughter to go with me, but she can't and I still get guilted into leaving her behind. I've given up a lot to be a mom (friends, night out, girl time with friends, etc). Should I give up personal activities, as well?

Ask yourself, would a man do this - secure babysitting to go off and have fun - and feel guilty? Of course not. Would he be stupid enough to want to take along a six-year-old girl? Of course not. Think like a man. You have a right to a private life. Some things are better not shared. Risky stunts like dirt biking is an example.

How to potty train a boy when daddy works all the time?

Q. I have a 2 year old that I really need to start potty training. It is much easier with a girl. LoL I am wondering what is the best way to potty train my son since his dad is always busy?

Being a former preschool teacher and home childcare provider, I have potty trained MANY children and dozens of little boys..... There are lots of articles on the subject - but here is my personal experience:

1) A man does NOT have to be the one to teach a boy...Besides you are better off having small boys who are just learning - to SIT on the toilet and hold their "privates" facing down into the toilet, as opposed to standing. They can learn standing later after they are fully potty trained.

2) It is important for YOU to be relaxed about this whole thing. Learning to use the toilet is a natural transition stage in a child's life and shouldn't be rushed. When the parent is anxious... so will the child be.

3) There are exceptions to every rule (both of my own children were potty trained before their 2nd birthdays) -- But this is not the norm. Most toddlers begin to naturally lean towards using the potty between 2 1/2 yrs to 3yrs. And on the other end -- there are children who are still not potty trained at 3 1/2- 4.

4) The bottom line is that when a child is READY to be potty trained, my experience has been that it has NEVER taken longer than 3 days - week -- TOPS!!!! HONESTLY!!!

---- HOWEVER ---- and this is HUGE..... When a child is rushed to be potty trained before they are ready... it can take several months.... 'causing undue stress and anxiety on both child and parent..... AND... in many cases these children go on to have many more accidents than those who were not rushed.

I have seen it time and time again... a child going from adamantly refusing to use the toilet.... to one week later doing a complete about face and being totally potty trained in a matter of days.

5) The best time to begin potty training is to take your cue from the child.... When they show an interest in sitting on the toilet... or when they are "fed-up" wearing diapers... START.

6) Give them an INCENTIVE to use the potty.... something like "stickers" everytime they go.... and then give them a sticker to wear -- and another one on a chart. When they earn so many stickers -- they get a reward (try not to use candy...)

7) Give them a really great reward when they are fully potty-trained (Fully = wearing underwear.. and staying dry through the night on a regular basis) -- A really great reward for our children was a new bike. Make it something THE CHILD wants.... could be a movie, a toy, whatever... The idea is that they will be self-motivated to do it.

8) DON'T BELITTLE, SCOLD, YELL, COMPARE TO OTHER SIBLINGS OR OTHER KIDS, etc.... Some children are afraid of the toilet.. Use positive reinforcement only. -- And comparing is another way of belittling or humiliation.

9) Make the bathroom a fun place... with pictures, singing songs, whatever.... Put a photo or picture of something that interests your child at eye level across from the toilet.

10) Once you have started the potty training... Do "potty prompts" every 1/2 hr.... IE... every 1/2 hr ask if they have to go, & physically take them there if they have been dry for an hour -- even if they say they don't need to. Young children sometimes do not recognize the sensation of "having to go" -- and it is amazing when you put them on the toilet and they get surprised because the pee-pee comes out.

****** PULL-UPS ********

This is such a tough area..... But based on my experience again... When a child is started on potty training on their timing -- no parent should have to purchase more than one box of pull-ups.

Pull-ups are GREAT and BAD.... We all know the "great" reasons... But here are the "not-so-great" aspects....

They are way more expensive than diapers -- so if you start using them too early... it is going to cost you a lot. They have a tendancy to leak out the sides... ruining clothes, furniture, etc... They definitely are not designed to hold BMs... and kids at this age have larger BMs . -- Pull-ups have "stay dry" linings so that many times, children will runaround with a full pull-up and not feel a need to be changed.

What I have found works with pull-ups is to start using them when a child has begun to "tell you" that they need to go -- OR -- at the very least they are holding it naturally until you prompt them to go....

.... And for the child who wants to wear pull-ups because they are sick of diapers, and pull-ups are cute but they aren't at all interested in the potty...... USE THIS AS AN INCENTIVE.... Say, "Okay Johnny... Pull-ups are for big boys who are trying to use the potty.... If you will at least try.... Then you can wear pull-ups" (etc.)

Once you put them in pull-ups.... DO NOT change them like they were diapers.... (unless you have to).... treat them like underwear.

What really works for most kids is when they are home with you for the day (and "they" are ready for potty training) -- let them wear underwear..... If they have an accident... Most children immediately feel the sensation of wetness and do not like it and will run to the bathroom -- or at least tell you. This feeling quickly teaches them to recognize the sensation of having to go.... Of course you will have to deal with the mess... But if you are okay with that.... then most parents I have dealt with have found this worked for them -- and many times a student of mine has gone home on a Friday wearing pull-ups and by Monday they are in underwear.

My final word of advice on this is, once again.... RELAX -- This can be -- or actually -- SHOULD BE a fun and rewarding transition.... not one full of strife.

... Oh... one other thing... about the standing.... Little boys love to watch their Dads pee (let him)... But Mom's make the best teachers because we teach them to wipe themselves, wipe around the rim, put the seat down AND wash their hands! These are lifelong lessons that go a long way.... And their future wives will thank you!!! *LOL*

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

How can I get my dad to let me have a bigger motocross jump?

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Q. He wont let me have a jump more than 3ft tall. :( He says when he was a kid he wasn't even allowed to have a bike. He said I should be lucky to even have a dirt bike. When my friends come over that race dirtbikes ride on my track they laugh at it and make it look look like crap. How can I talk my dad into letting me have a bigger jump that i might get "air" off of.

Well if he thinks the dangerous than just ask him to get a table top there not as bad a a double or a triple. Or you can tell him your way more hardcore and awesome than he was when he was young JK UMM.. im not sure your just going to try to convince him or let him take you to a real motocross track and show him you can actually hit big jumps. Then he may let up a little. Good Luck and i hope you can get a 50 ft. jump.

How to make my dirt bike run better and faster?


So Ive got a Baja 70cc dirt bike it goes pretty fast but i was wondering how i could make it run better and also a little faster

Like adjusting things or different mufflers that you know might make it better

And if anyone knows the MPG on the Baja 70cc and the top speed
~besides on their website~

Leave it alone.

My neighbour's kid has one of these. The quality of materials, components, and workmanship is very low. In stock form, these bikes run adequately because they are low-powered copies of a Honda Cub (easily the toughest engine ever made), but add any power to them and the low-grade components and materials are likely to start failing.

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Is learning to shift gears on a dirt bike really that hard?

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Maggie Hag

I'm learning, but I see little kids doing it all the time, so I figured it shouldn't be too hard. Also what is the ideal cc of a bike for a beginner who's about 5' 4? Any help is appreciated.

It isn't hard at all and best to get the idea of it by riding in an open area and riding in straight lines till you get used to co=coordinating the clutch, throttle and gear lever till you get it smooth, then you can advance to changing gears while braking and cornering.

Watching the young guys will help with the basics to...

what dirtbike brand and model would be good for me as a beginner?


I am 5'10 and weigh about 125 lbs., I have rode ATV's all my life and want to start riding dirt bikes. What would you recommend? I just want to trail ride and not race or anything right now. Also, what could I expect to pay? I definitely want to buy brand new, so give me an average price I would expect to pay. Try to keep the bike somewhat inexpensive. Please only answer if you have experience. Thanks!

You see you have two conflicting concepts here.. brand new and inexpensive. Those just don't connect for the most part. Then again, maybe you're a bit rich, but I'd think you would pay anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000 for a brand new Jap bike (Kawasaki, Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha). Really I'm still thinking you should buy slightly used off craigslist.... but hey, back to what you asked. Now I don't know what size ATV's you ride or even how old you are, but since you atleast have some experience, I'd recommend a 200-250cc four stroke to a small adult. However if you are a kid (13ish-16ish) I'd say more like a 150cc. Now running on my lack of information and truth of spirit (what.. I needed an "and") I'd recommend probably the least popular answer, a new Chinese motorcycle. Now before you do the standard "dismiss those junky pieces of shit" routine, some companies know what they're doing. Look into Zongshen, Lifan, and Qlink. Specifically Qlink as they are an interesting case. They take Chinese motorcycles and put them through American Quality Control (inspections) and then test every single bike. The Qlink XP200 is a dual sport, which I guess really isn't what you're looking for (I think) but it would allow you to ride in the dark, is the cheapest that I can find prices for online at $2,599 with a free 2-year warranty and you can find parts on their website. That engine is the same as a Suzuki dr200se motor(made on the same assembly line even), so you can also find parts for that engine and use those.

Hope I helped.

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What do you do when a kid is addicted to video games?

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What if he never leaves the house & is "afraid" of the sun because he's never gone outside?

My 7 year old son is curious if other kids have this problem and wants to know what other parents would do! Thanks!
BTW: My son is asking about a friend of his... not him. We have a Wii that just SITS there off all but one or two hours a week! =)

That's really sad. It's sad but it's true, children are victims of society, gaining a lot of weight, and the most disappointing observation I've made is most can NOT solve problems without the aid of an adult or a computer. You may not think of this as an answer, but more like an ode to simpler time that really wasn't very long ago.

Riding in the back of a pick up on a warm day was always a special treat. We drank water from the garden hose and not from a bottle. We shared one soft drink with four friends, from one bottle and no one actually died from this. We ate cupcakes, white bread, real butter and drank kool-aid made with sugar, but we weren't overweight because we were always outside playing. We would leave home in the morning and play all day, as long as we were back when the streetlights came on.

No one was able to reach us all day. And we were okay.

We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps and then ride down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. After running into the bushes a few times, we learned to solve the problem. We didn't have Playstations, Nintendo's, X-boxes, not even a Gameboy. No 150 channels on cable, no cel phones, internet, DVD's, MP3's, or PC's. We had FRIENDS and we went outside and found them, even on rainy days where the worst part would be getting a soaker.

We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and there were no lawsuits from these accidents. We were given BB guns for our 10th birthdays, made up games with sticks and tennis balls and, although we were told it would happen, we did not put out very many eyes. We rode bikes or walked to a friend's house and knocked on the door or rang the bell, or just walked in and talked to them. Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team. Those who didn't had to learn to deal with the disappointment. Imagine that.

The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke the law was unheard of. They actually sided with the law.

These generations have produced some of the best risk-takers, problem solvers and inventors ever. The past 20 years have been an explosion of innovation and new ideas. We had freedom, failure, success and responsibility, and we learned how to deal with it all. If you are one of us . . . congratulations.

Share this with your kids so they will know how brave, and lucky, their parents were.

What are different kinds of awards to give kids on the motocross team I coach?

Just wonde

I am coaching a team for kids from 10-15 years old and want to give out awards at the end of the MVP. What are some other awards I could give out?
I do plan to have an award for every racer

Get in touch with the local importers who deal with bike stuff. Where I one such is called monza imports and ask for some freebies. Also local bike shops and get stickers and odds and ends that don't cost much and do up some grab bags so all the kids can have one.

Don't just give out 'most improved' and such as while it is great to be achieving I find sometimes this only focusses on one or two riders and they get the pats on the back the whole way through. Did anyone have a big off in training as you could give out a 'bent handlebars award' One of the clubs I am involved with actually has this and it really is a set of bent handlebars. So make a few fun awards like this as well.

A lot of coaches I know get the kids to balance on their bikes and try to have a slow race. Those with good balance can stay upright with the bike basically not moving for ages. See who is best at this and give them an award. So you could make the end of year a fun things as well. Have a race where they have to start by putting their boots on before running to their bike and doing a lap. Again you can award a prize for it. You can do a tag team race where you put the riders in groups spreading the ability out and making sure each group has a 50cc bike to slow them down. See who gets over the finish line first with each member of the group doing a lap.

This way the day is fun and the kids go home, some with real achievement awards and others with just a fun award.

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How hard is it to learn how to drive a sport bike?

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zach r

I owned and rode dirtbikes regularly from the age of 10 to 17 (I am 20 now and feel responsible enough to get one). I am a strong kid and about 5'11.

I am thinking about a 600cc bike...Is this a good first bike?
Thanks in advance.

It isn't that hard to learn. It is HARDER to learn on too much bike, hence a good first bike is not a good bike to keep for the long haul. EX: I started out as a beginner going out on track days on a Yamaha R1 and had a horrible time. I was coping instead of riding and never really got going. Then I switched to a SV650 and rode the snot out of it and had a blast.

Modern 600's are not a good 1st bike. HP and riding position are SUPER aggressive and not conducive to learning well. Older ones like Honda f3 are ok. Better yet go for the SV650, GS500, FZR, etc etc. Get something that isn't your dream bike and learn on it, be prepared to perhaps plop it over and not have it be a huge deal. These other bikes we are mentining are NOT slow! new 600's are rippers these days!

THEN after your first season, spring for the 600 if you are feeling initial competency. It is different then dirt. You are going to get a kick out of countersteering!

Good luck!

What are materialistic things young kids want?


What are materialistic things young kids want?
Ages 10 - 15

Mostly electronic goods including laptops, MP3 players, iPods, iPads, Desktop Computers, video gaming systems along with the actual video games. At younger ages it could be materialistic goods including action figures, dolls, (depending on the gender of the child), stuffed animals, etc. Many things are found in the interest of children between those ages. More expensive goods including recreational vehicles could also fall under that category. Also including bicycles, scooters, etc. Recreational vehicles would include ATV's (4 Wheelers), or dirt bikes. Hope this helps for whatever type of information you're attempting to find.

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Name some good bicycle helmets for kids 9-15 yrs and why are they so good?

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Is their any additional padding that a child should have on their little bodies, or will the helmet suffice?

P.S. is it a national law that parents must wear a helmet? If so what do you where and why? Any other pads? Thanks.

All Wal*Mart helmets or other chain / low cost store helmets have passed safety standards in the U.S. That's why thaey can be sold here...

So.. anything you buy will meet the same standards... Expensive or cheap.

Buy something that your child likes (color / graphics), otherwise they will fight wearing it...

The bigger the vents, the cooler they are.. probably not a critical thing for a child sitting in a bike seat not doing any strenuous exercise, but once your 9 to 15 year old is doing the hard work of pedaling, then a cooler helmet will be nice.

Expensive helmets are usually lighter, and have bigger vents... That's where the differences are... Not in the amount of protection they offer.

My state does not have a helmet law (bicycles or motorcycles). so there is nothing "National".. your state may have specific helmet laws.. you need to check on that.

BMX helmets give the illusion of offering more protection.. it may be more than an illusion though. They cover more of the skull. They are more like a hockey helmet... They have a higher "cool" factor than a regular bike helmet... since they are also used by the skateboard gang.. They may be a bit heavier though.

Fingerless gloves with padding in the palms are the only other riding item I would suggest...

How can you legally travel on a 50cc scooter with a toddler?


It is legal in Missouri to drive without a license or helmet on a 50cc scooter and I would like to purchase one to cruise around town. However, I am concerned about how much I would use it. I would use it more frequently if I could legally carry my 3 year old with me. Just curious if it's legal and what I should get to protect him (other than a bicycle helmet).


A bicycle helmet will do NO good.
3 years simply isn't big enough.

I'm all for kids riding, my son sat behind me at 6. There are minimum requirements, even if not written into law (they are law elsewhere): Dedicated seat for passenger, dedicated footrest for passenger (which they must be able to use), handhold(s) for passenger. Helmet - and a styrofoam cooler is for beer, not pavement.
The passenger must be large enough (and understand enough) to be able to hold on. The helmet must fit properly - good luck finding a hat for the little melon.

I added an extra set of pegs for Jr. The law said he must reach, did not specify must be in original location.

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What are some extras you take camping when you go so that you don't get bored, what can you bring for?

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~Ronyea Q

kids to do? I don't have kids but my friends who are going camping with us have an 8 yr old and a 14 yr old, I want them to have fun, what can we bring so they don't get bored in the mountains?

1.Art supplies...watercolors or colored pencils for easy set up and clean up.
2.Binoculars for day and night (star gazing)
3.musical instruments: guitar, flute, harmonica, ocarina or just a song book for around the campfire...if you can have a fire...otherwise sit around a lantern and!
4.We also always take horseshoes, frisbee and stuff to make bubbles...giant ones(use a wire coat hanger dipped in a pan of dawn detergent/water with a little gycerin...huge bubbles!
5.Bikes if you are in a place with a good path.
6. Don't forget your camera!!!
Have fun!!

What are some essentials you need when going away to College?

Q. Examples: how many sets of sheets? Laundry basket? Towels? My son will be going away next year and I want to start buying things that he can take with him. I also want him to use them...not go wasted because they are not what an 18 yr. old would want.

Many schools also have lists of what they suggest kids bring and not bring. Once you know which school he will be attending, you can contact the houseing department and they should be able to give you a list.
In the mean time, you can start pre-shopping to spread out the expenses. Most schools have extra long twin beds, standard twin sheets won't fit. If your local stores don't stock them, the national catalog vendors do--Lands End, Garnet Hill, etc.
Two sets of sheets, a light blanket or comforter, a pillow or two should be enough for the bed. Towels are bulky and storage is at a premium, 4-5 bath towels, 6-8 wash cloths, and 2-3 hand towels will get him through the week. Some kids will use a plastic laundry basket, some will prefer a drawstring duffle bag for laundry, that's a question for your son. (The advantage of the basket is that it is easier to toss dirty clothes into one place, the disadvantage is that it takes a lot of floor space and both hands carrying it to the laundry. The advantage of the duffle is that it's a little more discreet and can be carried with one hand. The disadvantage is that it is harder to use to toss dirty clothes at the end of each day.)
Many dorms now come equipped with a mini-fridge and microwave oven. Most do not allow other cooking in the room. Two each of the following will allow him to nuke simple meals and snacks: plastic plates, bowls, tumblers and mugs. (Anything more takes too much storage.)
A water pitcher with a filter with a cleanable water bottle will allow him to take water to class without the expense of buying bottle water. Some of the cleanable bottles you can buy have clips for back packs or belts.
Ask your son what he considers essential and you will get a more electronic answer: a computer, printer, and sound system,(plus power strips and surge protectors.) Some schools want incoming freshmen to have the same sort of computer, some want them to have laptops. You should wait until he is accepted to buy this equipment. (All the major computer suppliers will run sales in the fall for students.)
Most schools don't allow freshmen to have a car. If he is going to to a school with a large campus, you might consider a bicycle with a good lock. (Do NOT get an expensive bike with all the bells and whistles, it will be more likely to be targeted by thieves.)
Before he leaves, take photos of all the big ticket items he is taking and engrave them with some sort of identification--his initials and your home phone number. Your home town and the last few digits of his student ID number--something unique. Make a folder with all the receipts, model numbers, and warranty information so you will have it in one place. Check with your homeowner's insurance and see if his bike and computer will be covered with your policy. If not, you might consider adding a small insurance rider to cover them against theft, loss, etc.
Once you see his dorm room, you will be able to see what sort of extra storage he will need. Over the door hangers, and slender stacking shelves/drawers are available from many national suppliers. He and his roommate can coordinate who needs what and share some of the cost. The last thing he is likely to need for comfort's sake is a rug for the room. You can get inexpensive carpet remnants and have the store bind the edges or check the catalogs for options.
Once your son has been accepted, your mailbox should overflow with companies wanting to supply all these things. Good-luck to you both.

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What are my best options for toting three kids around with my bike?

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Is there a trailer for 3 kids? Would it be ok to have a "trail-a-bike" type option then connect a trailer to that? Or get a child seat plus the trailer? Kids are 4 mos, 2.5 yrs, and 5 yrs old.. The 5 yr old can ride a bike, but very slowly and not very far.. Thanks!

You have a few option, although I agree with those who mention 4 mos may be a little young for any kind of biking. The only way I would bike with infants is if I can either carry them very close to me, or if I can strap them into a reclined seat where they don't have to fully support their head while going over bumps etc.,OR&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=40.460237,67.763672&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Bend,+Deschutes,+Oregon&ll=44.05157,-121.315155&spn=0.28771,0.529404&t=h&z=11 Front mounted seat. Top Bar Mounted

In Denmark they often ride with the youngest in a front basket or cargo bay laying down in blankets.

I've tried my kids in trailers at 9 mos and found it didn't work for me with any of them because I couldn't watch how they were doing and couldn't attend to their needs at all without stopping, dismounting etc. AND until over a year they didn't do well enough with head control. The trailers actually ride fairly jouncy and bumpy because the kids are sitting right on top of the wheels.

Moving on....

I have seen people do the tag along and the trailer, but for regular use it seems to long and unwieldy to me.

I'd go the cargo bike / long tail route: Madsen Cycles has a model that seats 4 with seat belts (takes the optional extra seat to get to 4 - standard is 2)
A review of cargo bikes:
And Riding triple on a long tail

What can I do to flatten out my stomach?


I am NOT fat.
I run.
I bike.
I exercise a lot.
I'm 115 pounds.
I eat healthy.
I work off almost everything I eat.
my stomach is NOT flat.......

Please read the recommendations below and review these links:,5768,s1-21-0-1-ABC-0,00.html

The following healthy living recommendations will help you if youâre trying to lose weight, tone up your muscles, have aspirations of building lean muscle mass, are attempting to get a wash board stomach, or just want to feel better:

*1) Burn more calories then you're consuming everyday and measure your results using the following formula: Calories Consumed minus Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) minus Physical Activity minus the Thermic Effect of Food (TEF). A website that explains this formula in more detail and will help you determine how many calories you need to reach or maintain a certain weight is at

Get an online, desktop, or cell phone diet and fitness calculator. This will allow you to easily calculate the above formula, set goals, log your daily calorie consumption, and register your physical activities.

Set realistic goals for your ideal body weight. Here are two websites that will calculate a suggested body weight:

It is difficult and unhealthy to lose more than one or two pounds per week. There are 3,500 calories in a pound. If you eat 500 fewer calories per day for a week you will lose one pound. If you burn through exercise 500 more calories per day for a week you will lose one pound.

Here are two articles on how to break through a weight loss plateau:

*2) Eat natural and organic foods found on earth versus something created by a corporation to make money. Eat meals in small portions throughout the day and take a good multi-vitamin supplement.

Do not try fad diets or diet pills. Avoid âHigh Glycemic Load Carbsâ (sugar, pastries, desserts, refined starches such as breads, pasta, refined grains like white rice; high starch vegetables such as potatoes) and drink lots of water. Read this article for more information on high GL Carbs:

The following are food pyramids and several articles on what you should eat everyday:
Food Pyramids:
Antioxidant Superstars - Vegetables and Beans:
Antioxidant Loaded Fruits:
Good Carbs Mean Better Weight:
The Benefits of Protein:
Some Fats Are Good For You:
Antioxidants in Green and Black Tea:
What You Should Eat Daily:
Best Foods to Fight off Disease and Keep You Healthy:

*3) Perform cardiovascular, core, and/or strength training on most days. Read a book or find a certified trainer to make sure you're doing all exercises correctly.

The following is a website and numerous articles on cardiovascular, core, and strength training:
Exercise Prescription on the Net
Starting an Exercise Program:
Strength Training Basics:
Cardiovascular Machine Workouts:
Balance Your Way to a Stronger Body:
Understanding Your Training Heart Rate:
Exercise Errors:
Getting a Flat Stomach:
Weight Lifting - Does Order Matter:
Encouraging Exercise in Your Kids:
Strength Training Safe and Effective for Kids:

*4) Get plenty of sleep. Sleep experts say most adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night for optimum performance, health, and safety.

*5) Educate yourself continually on health issues and make a life long commitment to good health. A great free publication is âDietary Guidelines for Americans 2005â. A reputable test you can take to measure your biological age is at
Look at all areas where you can enhance your health. For example, make improvements in the quality of the air you breathe. Review outdoor air quality forecasts where you live and get an indoor air purifier.

Send me an email or yahoo instant message to "gainbetterhealth" if you have any questions and good luck!

*Click on all the source links below to get the full benefit of the recommendations. The answers presented to your health questions are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

How do I sell something online?

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I have a Mongoose Flex 24 speed bike with daul shocks. Like new, would like to sell or trade for a simpler mountain bike and trailer for my toddler. How do I do that online?

Go to EBay.

How do you assemble a bike trailer,for toddlers?

tim c

I have a bell trailer,and not sure how to attatch it to my bike.

Most come with a universal hitch attachment that mounts quickly and easily to most adult bicycles, if not you need to contact the company and find out why.

If by chance the universal hitch doesn't work they also make a skewer type hitch that replaces your existing skewer. I purchased a Burley trailer and I had to use the skewer type hitch on my trike because the angles of the chain stays were wrong and to large.

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What age do kids typically start to learn to ride a bike?

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Mikey's Mo

Sorry for such a silly question, but I'm just not sure.

I have a new toddler bike with training wheels for my niece. She is 2 now (3 in September). I'm not sure if she'll be able to start riding this summer, or if I should wait until her birthday or Christmas to give her the bike so she can ride next summer. Or, is 3 even too young?

Thanks in advance!

She can probably start riding now, depending on the size of the bike. You want a bike that is correctly sized. A child will go through several bikes. There is not a one size fits all. My kids are on their fourth set of bikes and they are 8 & 9. They began riding at 2 1/2. One was riding without training wheels at 3 1/2 and the other at 4 1/2.

I was without training wheels at 3 1/2 too.

It's easier when they are young. They have less of a fear. Only with age do we develop fear.

What's a good way to teach a child to ride a bike?


I am a nanny and am working with a set of parents who really think it's time their daughter ride her bike without training wheels. She's definitely physically ready and has good balance, etc., but doesn't really seem confident in herself and won't concentrate. If we stop taking her out she gets upset because then she can't get her brand new purple bike, but if we do take her out, she purposely wobbles the bike. We've tried talking to her and we hold onto the back of the seat while she rides. Are there any other tips you could offer? Nothing mean and nasty about pushing the kid--the parents have decided on this approach with the child (and the mom's a child psychologist so she knows what she's doing), I just need to take her outside every day and "practice" until she gets it... Any suggestions?

We spent a great deal of time trying to teach our son to ride his bike. Riding on grass helped quite a lot, as did spending a lot of time running along holding the seat while he got used to balancing and pedaling and steering at the same time. We also found practicing for short periods often helped keep everyone from getting too frustrated. The reality is most kids won't do it until they are ready emotionally - the physical readiness usually comes long before the emotional readiness. Good luck!

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when did lowrider bike parts become so expensive?

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Mike Farle

and when did shipping become so expensive? i can see paying $14 for a set of ape hanger lowrider handlebars but why $20+ for standard ground shipping? when i was a kid lowrider bikes were cheap to make and cost $150 already built from the store apposed to now $250+ smh.

The price on parts for all bikes have gone up these past years and more people want to buy them for their old Muscle Bikes, Lowriders and some put them on their Antique/Vintage Balloon tire & middleweight bikes aka beach cruisers.

You should see the prices of original ones from the 1960's & 70's bikes but that is partly because people want original parts.

Wald is usually the cheapest & a real good company that has been around for a very long time that can be found at a few local bike shops.

Here is one on ebay but they are short ones.

What is the fastest way to earn $500+?

Joe Smith

Hello, I am 14 years and want a new BMX bike. My parents can't afford it right now as they just had 2 kids. The bike I want is 500-800 dollars. What can i do to make the money. Please just answer the question, I don't need your advice on life. I just want to know how to get some green.
Oh and how long do you think it would take? I just got on summer break.

I would suggest trade up: start with something small but cool or useful, like a funny pen or a colorful paper clip, and go to people's houses or independant businesses (chain stores can work too if the manager is nice, but they're usually not as good. If you try them though, ask for damaged or remaindered stock that they can't sell). Tell them you're trying to work your way up to a BMX bike and than you'd appreciate anything of slightly greater value that they could give you. when you've amassed stuff of equal value to the bike (it likely won't take as long as you think), try and either trade it for a used one or sell it on ebay to make the money you need. That might take a while longer, since you're getting mostly stuff people don't want, but it should be possible before summer's over.

If you're techsmart, you could make a website where you trade your original bike for slightly better versions until you get a BMX.

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Monday, July 22, 2013

How do i ride a 2 wheel bike?

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I want to know how i can ride a 2 wheel bike. I have no idea how to ride a 2 wheel bike and people are teasing me that i can't ride a 2 wheel bike so i want to learn/know how to ride a 2 wheel bike. Any tips/ideas/what i can do?

Here's a tip.. You might want to ask your parents to get you a rollerblading safety gear package, which includes kneepads, elbow pads, gloves with palm and wrist guards, and a helmet.

Wearing this gear will prevent the common "ouchies" when learning how to ride a bike-- It will save you from painful injuries such as skinned knees, scratched and bruised palms and wrists and other such scrapes that has discouraged so many kids. That way you won't be so afraid of losing your balance and falling, and have the courage to get up and try again.

After a couple of tries, keeping your balance on a bike will become second nature, like you knew how to do it all along. Once you learned how, you can stop wearing the pads, but you should keep wearing the helmet.

Good luck!

My daughter is 5 and she has terrible balance. How can I help her develop better balance?


She has terrible balance. She always has. She is trying to learn to ride a bike - it is terrible. She experiences just as much difficulty on ice skates and roller skates. Is there anything I can do to help her develop this?

have her ears checked! If there is no problem there, then yes, we found something we were able to do with one of our adopted sons who also had a real problem there. We built a 'balance beam' a few inches off the floor and helped him learn to walk it. It was just a 4 x 4 beam, as I recall, nailed on to a couple of 2 x 4 cross beams at each end. I don't remember how long it was, but maybe six feet? All the kids enjoyed playing on it. If you are worried too much about her slipping and hurting herself, put a couple of old folded up blankets on each side.

Play hopscotch with her. Play jump rope with her. Simple, easy stuff for you and me but it will be hard for her, so just do little short games.

Check her diet. Make sure she is getting enough good food. If you can, eliminate anything artificial: flavorings, colorings, preservatives... this can sometimes contribute to physical problems.

And enough sleep.

but first, get her ears checked. Not her hearing, but her ears themselves. Our main sense of balance is located in the inner ear.

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Anyone have a bicycle seat for baby that you love?

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I would love to get one for my 13 month old for this summer. Have the breeze in our hair and great exercise and freshness...I want the best for a good price, no more than $60 give or take. I am not sure what to look for. Any ideas or advice? I don't mind shopping online either, but I am not sure where to go and Google is just killin me today.

Also, a baby helmet too...?

I have absolutely no advice about what brand to get, I'm sorry. If you have a large sporting goods store near you that may be worth looking at. Chances are they would have some.

Mostly I'm just wanting to answer saying that I love the idea of a bicycle seat rather than a trailer. Everyone says that if you fall baby falls too, which is going to happen with a seat or a trailer. With a seat the baby is strapped in and protected on three sides like with a car seat. I'm more paranoid with the trailers. They make the bike longer, which means that you have more of an opportunity for a car or another bike to hit the trailer if they aren't paying attention. Plus if you fall on the bike the trailer is going to tip too, and often kids aren't as secured in them as they would be in a seat.

Here are two that I found on amazon. I think both look great, but for a younger toddler I would go with the one that has head support. The front mounted one looks like it would have better stability for the rest of the bike, but it looks a bit scary.
Good luck!

Where can I get a helmet for my 8 month old baby?

Jenna S

A friend just got me the child carrier seat for my bicycle and I need to know where to get a helmet. Thanks!
I have looked at Target, walmart, sports authority and none of them have helmets small enough for her.
I know it is not recommended to take them until they are one year of age however my daughter is walking on her own and I have spoke with her doctor and he thinks she is strong enough for me to take her.

It is not recommended that you take a child on a bike with you until they are 1 year or older . . . they are still developing good neck / back control and the weight of the helmet is not good for them.

Amazon has some helmets that you might be able to use when she is a bit bigger:

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What is a good length of time to go to New Zealand for? ?

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We have between 2 to 3 weeks to spend there and we want to visit the North and South Island. What is a good length of time to do all that?

I would spend 3 weeks there, 2 will not be enough!

Although New Zealand is a small country, there is so much to do!

I would spent about 11 days on the North Island and 10 on the South Island.

I have actually never been to the South Island but I hear it's really nice :)

I'll give you some things to do on the North Island to start with.

1. If your going in summer, you have to visit the bay of islands which is located above Auckland. It has some really really nice beaches and you can go swimming with dolphins!

2. Auckland, nz's largest city! This city is surrownded by water! NICE.

- Go to the Auckland museum

- Go to MOTAT (kind of like a museum but more interesting)

- Visit the many volcanos that surrownd Auckland

- If you're going in summer get down to the beach! The best beaches are Mission Bay, Takapuna Beach and Piha.

- If you have kids, go to Rainbow's End (a theme park).

- Go out to dinner at the many award-winning restaurants around the city.

- Go shopping at the many shopping centres located around Auckland.

- You MUST go to the Auckland skytower. It's really cool and you can do like a bunjy jump of it!

- Do a bunjy jump off the Auckland Harbour Bridge

- Go to the Auckland botanic gardens

- Get out on the harbour and do some boating!

Next on the list in NZ is Rotorua. I loved this town! Heaps to see and do.

1. You have to go to the bubbling mud pools and do all the volcanic things.
2. Do the Luge! I LOVED THIS YOU HAVE TO DO IT!. It's kind of like a hill powered go-cart that ride down a hill.
3. Experiance Maori culture and go to a maori village.
4. The zorb (

Go to Taupo and check out the massive lake that is there. It's beautiful. There are snow capped mountains in the background!

The Hawkes Bay region is great if you're into wine and cheese etc.

Great vineyards. Check out Napier, it's a really nice city.

If you go in winter, go skiing on Mount Ruaphehu, a volcao!

You also must visit Wellington (although you really have no choice in order to get to the south island! mwaaa you thought you could escape Wellington, you thought wrong!)

1. Go to Te Papa museum, that's really neat

2. Go and grab a coffe on Oriental Bay. I just went there 2 weeks ago and it was really nice! Heaps of people out walking and cycling along the water on 4 wheel bikes haha.

3. Go to Mount Victoria lookout and get some good shots (with a camera, not a gun!).

On the South Island, go to Christchurch.

My step brother just returned from there and they went to the Antartica Centre which they said was really cool.

Go skiing in Queenstown in winter or if its summer go to Queenstown anyway.

It has a luge like in Rotorua and the shotover jetboat.

In Dunedin, go to the Cadbury Chocolate factory.

So yeah, 3 weeks should be long enough, you should have a great time!

Thanks very much for the question, hope I've helped :)

Email me if you have anymore questions.

If you live in New Zealand, can you write me about your life?


I'm going to be staying there for a year and I want stories. I'm sorry if it sounds like an invasion of privacy, but I won't know who you are. Just leave names and shit out. I really want to hear stories. :)

Hi :) Here is a basic story of my life :P

I am a 17year old female born in Auckland, NZ. 3 weeks later my family moved to Whakatane, where we lived in 2 homes, one next door to Mongrel Mob members, and then later next to the community constable!! lol. When we lived next door to the Mongrel Mob family, one of their kids kept walking across our front lawn with a defiant attitude, so one day mum baked some cookies and made friends with him - he never did it again...... And when we lived door to the policeman, my older sister used to go over and play with his daughter. Well one day, she went over and played with the toys (the other little girl wasn't there) and the constable didn't realise and left home locking my sister in his house!! haha I don't think his workmates let him forget that one in a hurry!

I'm not sure where and what we did after that, but we ended back up in Auckland where we rented a house in Oratia, West Auckland. That was great as it was right next to an exotic plant orchard and there were heaps of feijoa, passionfruit and other yummy fruit trees. That was the place where my bunny disappeared to who knows where - I don't even know how he got out, there were no holes or anything, and where a huge native weta crawled up my mums arm while she was reading - poor thing, it was more scared of her than she of it! lol.

A few years of living there, we moved to the South Island, to Christchurch to look after dads parents house while they went to England for a few months. Probably the most memorable thing that happened down there was the times I tagged along with my brother (older by 2 years) riding our bikes - to school, the bike track, all sorts of places. It was great. I don't think he'd let his little sister tag along now though lol.

Then, we moved down to Wanaka!! Now that was cool. And if you ever get a chance to travel to the south Island, go to Wanaka/ or Queenstown. There is sooooo much to do there and the countryside is just beautiful. And the fruit! MMMMmmm yum! Unfortunately, it didn't snow very heavily, just one day it snowed a light sprinkling as we came out of school. That was pretty cool. The next day all the kids were having snow fights and piling snow onto this little hill outside the classrooms and sliding down. It was packed so solid from all the sliding down that it was almost as if it were ice - and very slippery! It was really cold that day, we were all huddled around the heater in the morning. Why are schools always cold??!!!! haha

We moved back to Auckland 7 years ago, and thats where we've been ever since (we moved back on my birthday so that was delayed and I was not impressed :P ). I have been to Australia, and am going there in a few months again. During my whole life, though, we have taken many trips around the country so to date I have only never been to Cape Reinga and Invercargill. I'll get there sooner or later :D. I have been to 9 schools in total (including kindergarten) and I am in year 13 (my last year).

Now that you've got me to thinking about it, I am very privileged to have had all these experiences, plus more, and I thank God for all the blessings he has given me. My family is not rich, but we make the most of things and somehow manage to get through by working hard and trusting God.

Well, that is my life in a nutshell....there is so much more, but it'd take a whole book or more to write it all. If you have any other questions about my life in NZ feel free to email me by going onto my Yahoo! profile, and click email me lol.

Hope I wasn't too boring. (but you did ask, and I was bored.... :D ) cya

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Sunday, July 21, 2013

What's the best vacation for kids, specifically a 9 and 11 year old?

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Jenna K

If money wasnt an object, and I wanted to take my 9 and 11 year old on a week trip, and I wanted it to be something FUN, memorable, learning experience, as well as a bonding experience where should I take them?

Yellowstone National Park is pretty awesome for a week

Orlando or California theme parking, they are a good age for that.

A cruise on carnival or disney.

Oahu- go snorkeling, kayaking, biking tours, visit the memorial, parasailing, etc.

A river rafting or ocean kayaking expedition with a guide is a must do.

It'll all be fun if you don't overschedule, do goofy stuff, and don't stress trying to get too much done during your vacation.

Are there any good camping places to take kids 10-14 in Missouri?


We want to take our kids who have never camped somewhere family oriented. My husband and I both grew up tent camping.

We live in the Missouri Ozarks and have 5 children ages 9, 11, 12, and two 14 year olds. Our favorite place to take our family is Alley Springs campground on the Jacks Fork river. It is about 6 miles west of Eminence. It offers plenty of sites, some with electric, hot showers, flat level sites with paved roads for bike riding, and a good swimming hole. About 1/2 mile away is the Alley Springs Mill and spring with two hiking trails, one that goes around the spring area, and then a more difficult one that goes up to a lookout that is above the spring. It is a beautiful place. Hope this helps!

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Is there a best type of bicycle trailer for carrying kids?

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There are loads of options, mostly two-kid carriers but a lot seem really much more expesive. Anyone used one of a particular type that wasespecially good?

I pull a Burley Nomad Cargo trailer and its the best design that I have found. The hitch system is excellent, the quick release wheels and fold ability makes it simple to use and store. There kid trailers are the same setups.

Check this link, most all there trailers are there and you can compare.!346&keyword=%28burley+bicycle+trailers%29&match_type=&gclid=CMKu-4y5pIgCFSZcVAoduBMeZA

How much should I sell my bicycle for?

Rissa Roo

Its vintage looking with the curved handle bars. Its from about the 80's and its an olive green and cream color. The cleaned the crome and removed all the rust. Also the tubes, tires (it does not have white wall tires), bake cables, and bike chain are brand new. My parents bought me a candy apple red vintage cruiser with white wall tires for my birthday, so I was thinking of selling my old one.

I sold it for $150 b*tches! haha

$10.Or give it to a poor kid who has none.

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