Sunday, June 1, 2014

26" GT Aggressor Mountain Bike?


I found one of these on Craigslist for $150. Its six years old and rarely used. Im not too up to speed on mountain biking, other than I'm not suppose to get a bike at a department store (seems to be the consensus I'm getting).

How are these bikes?
Is this a decent price for this particular model?


PS, I ride mainly on pavements, pulling my kids in a bike trailer.

The #1 problem I see is - people always buying ATB or off-road bikes when they never go off-road. Get the point? Yeah...if you install some different tires on it, it would ride a lot better on pavement.

But you'll still have those suspension parts chewing up your energy. With every stroke of the pedals, part of your energy is soaked up by suspension parts & not transmitted to the rear wheel.

Best Road Biking Gear ?


My dad is an avid biker.
However, he is sacrificial and never buys anything for himself, only for his family, so he has done without the legitimate biking gear for years.

This Christmas, I want to hook him up with some legitimate gear!

It's cooler where I live, so I know he definitely needs some biking pants, a jacket, and like, biking glasses (he always rides with sunglasses, but I want him to have the legitimate gear) (:

Any other suggestions, please suggest away!

I need help!
Thanks so much!
(if you provide links, it would be greatly appreciated!)

You sound like my kids. I'm congenitally cheap. I do get legitimate gear, but I lean towards the sale bins and closeouts, while my kids get me the good stuff that I would never buy for myself. Yes, its always appreciated.

Some thoughts: Shoes are good, but you can't buy them online, since sizes and fit are all over the place even among different models from the same brand.

Gloves are always good. If you're dad's putting in any kind of miles, he's wearing out gloves constantly. Tights, jerseys, underarmour (I like that better than bike specific base layers)

Here's my favorite place for a variety of jerseys. They have other stuff as well. If you get lucky and find what you need in their closeout section, you can be stylish AND frugal.

The other place I get most of my bike stuff:

Then of course there's your friendly LBS (local bike shop).

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