Saturday, March 1, 2014

Where can I find a toddler bike perfect for an autistic child?

Q. I am looking for a toddler bike for my 4 y/o autistic child. I am hoping to find a bike that has two important things to make teaching him easier. One that there be straps on his pedals and two that the pedals will be "fixed" so that they move while the bike is in motion. We bought him a walmart bike and he sits on it but he doesn't grasp the concept that if you push the pedals the bike will move and not just mommy and daddy doing the pushing. ;) thanks in advance.

I know that toys r us has toys for special needs kids. I dont' know if they have this particular item, but you can check with them.
Also, check out

how to teach a toddler to petal a bike?


My daughter is almost 3 years old and has been asking for a bike. We bought her a small bike with training wheels but she doesn't have any idea how to petal. My husband is frustrated because we spent money on something she can't do but i am determined to teach her how to ride it. How do you teach a kid to petal. thats what she doesn't get
Cognitive development.. WOW, you have no clue about my daughter. She is in the 4 year old class at preschool because the 3 year olds class wasn't challenging enough for her. She is smart enough to get this, I wanted tips on how to teach her. I''ve never taught a kid how to petal and I don't know the right words to explain it. I've been teaching her all of 30 minutes and she has petaled a few times on her own. She is smart and has the cognitive development. WOW, is all i can say!

Just let her get on it and she should figure it out. Mine did, nobody taught him. Don't push her to learn it, she will in time.

While she may do well in some areas, she won't excel everywhere, don't push her to do something she is not ready or interested in. I bet if you ask her doctor, they will tell you to just let her learn it when she is ready. The other person was not suggesting she is stupid or inept, just not ready for that skill yet.

And it is Pedal not petal- a petal is on a flower- a pedal is on a bike

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