Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What kind of helmet should I get for my mountain bike?

best helmets for kids on bikes on Best Kids Motocross Helmets DOT ATV Dirt Bike MX Kids Green Motorcycle ...
best helmets for kids on bikes image


I want to get a helmet for my bike, so I was wondering what I should get. I ride my Globe mountain bike down the channel to the ocean right now, but I want a cool helmet for when I ride in Yosemite in the summer. I was looking at a few of the Pro-Tec models, and I fancy the Cyphon and B2 model looks, if it helps. Thanks for reading!
Just an aside, what is considered a lot for a bicycle helmet?

Just make sure the color matches your bike. Haha just kidding.

Looks don't matter. Fit matters. All helmets are pretty much the same in terms of protection... IF they fit you properly. Go into your local bike shop and try on a few. There are so many, you're sure to find one that fits and looks cool.

What kid of bike is good for an adult beginner?


I never learned how to ride a two wheeler as a kid just a tricycle.

I've tried the Giant Suede and the Schwinn Town and Country Trike and was looking at the Townie. $500 is about my price range.
By tried I mean I hopped on and sat on it while the saleswoman held the front wheel. The trike I was able to get on an d go obviously =D

You will have to judge if a three wheeler will meet you needs.

I will tell you how to learn to ride a two wheeler. Buy a low cost Dahon folding bike and get a bike helmet. Drop the seat way down so you can stand up while sitting on the seat. Wear your helmet and long pants. Go to a local park during quiet hours when no one is there. Drop the seat on the Dahon so low that it can be used as a scooter with both of your feet flat on the ground. With helmet on and riding in the soft grass in the park walk around with your weight on the seat and getting the hang of the steering. Don't use the pedals at all and in fact they can even be removed from the bike. When you get too far leaned to one side use the leg on that side to right yourself and start again. This will take most adults about 1-2 weeks of visits to the park to get the hang of it. After a while you will be able to coast and hold your legs off the ground for several seconds before the bike loses speed and leans over. At that point you can try to actually start pedaling.

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