Monday, September 9, 2013

What age do kids typically start to learn to ride a bike?

best kids bike to learn on on best sellers the new york times best sellers children s books ...
best kids bike to learn on image

Mikey's Mo

Sorry for such a silly question, but I'm just not sure.

I have a new toddler bike with training wheels for my niece. She is 2 now (3 in September). I'm not sure if she'll be able to start riding this summer, or if I should wait until her birthday or Christmas to give her the bike so she can ride next summer. Or, is 3 even too young?

Thanks in advance!

She can probably start riding now, depending on the size of the bike. You want a bike that is correctly sized. A child will go through several bikes. There is not a one size fits all. My kids are on their fourth set of bikes and they are 8 & 9. They began riding at 2 1/2. One was riding without training wheels at 3 1/2 and the other at 4 1/2.

I was without training wheels at 3 1/2 too.

It's easier when they are young. They have less of a fear. Only with age do we develop fear.

I would like to start bike riding to shed some baby weight what are the best bike trailer/bike combos?

Yeah Momma

i need a bike and want to buy a bike trailer, what type of bike should be used?

- how much do you want to/can you spend?
- what kind of trailer - cargo or kid?
- how long and where do you want to ride (urban/country, flat/hilly/mountainous)?
- commuting or sports/training?
- what's your weight - and do you do any kind of sports?
- are you fixed on a bike/trailer combo, or would a (two or three wheeled) bakfiets be a practical alternative?

Unless you want to lay down at least 4k$/â¬, there's no sense in talking about 'best'. You can start thinking about 'good' (enough for everyday use) with 2k$/⬠and either the willingness to learn basic maintenance or a friendly LBS within reach.

As a short guide to what I'd consider best (I'll just throw in a few buzzwords, use google or come back here if you want to know more):
- steel frame, touring geometry, Rohloff dropouts
- Rohloff internal geared rear hub
- SON front hub generator
- Edelux front bike light, b&m rear light
- Magura hydraulic disc brakes
- disc brake rims, Schwalbe Marathon Supreme tires in 26x2.00, DD stainless spokes
- Brooks leather saddle
- closed chain box, e.g. Hebie Chainglider

That'll cut down the yearly maintenance to the gear oil change and regular inspection (and occasional exchange) of brake pads and chain.

- Weber hitch
- brand trailer - for kids, Chariot or Croozer, for cargo, Roland or Carry Freedom

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