Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Bicycle safety?


I recently bought a bicycle with the rear child seat attached. I bought it used at a thrift store so it didnt have safety instructions for the seat.

How old does the child have to be before they can ride in it? My 7 month old sits up perfectly by herself and is very strong. But I cant find a safety helmet for anyone under age 3. I have tried walmart and toys'r'us.

Can I put my daughter in the seat? Do they make safety helmets for young babies? If so, where can I find one?

Thanks for any help!

I believe all bike seats and bike trailers require a child to be at least 1 year. There are helmets available for toddlers, but I believe they also say for 1 year and older. Our local hospital does fittings and helmet sales but only for children over 1 year.

What's a good bicycle trailer for a baby/toddler?


Unfortunately, you can't put a baby in a bike trailer. Even with a helmet, it's not safe. All the trailer manuals say you can't use them with a child under 1 year old. (It's for the same reason a child that young can't ride in a forward-facing car seat.)

The two commonly available top-of-the-line models are Chariot or Burley. The Chariots are nice because the front wheels--the ones you'd use if you were using the trailer as a stroller--go UNDER the rider's compartment instead of out front like the Burley.

That said, I have a double Burley. It was on super-sale at REI, and we're members, so we got it for half-price.

My 4 year old and 2 year old love it.

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