Sunday, December 1, 2013

What are your opinions on..?

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And furthermore, people who do just as everyone else with their lives.
Get married, have children at an early age, buy a house in suburbia, go to work each day, take their kids to school.

I couldn't stand it. I think it's disgusting that so many people have bought into that normal, average lifestyle.
Don't people like spontaneous lifestyles, or even adventure?
I mean, I suppose vacations still fit into that description.
It's just all been done before.
And it's so.. boring.
Family 'get-togethers', birthday parties, car-pooling.
I don't know, those sorts of things make me so uncomfortable.
I would want every. single. day. to be a different day.
Nothing repeated.

Or I'd vomit.
What do you think?
How would you want your future to be lived?

Would you want to settle down early?
A life like your parents?


And believe me, I am speaking in a general sense, I know each family has it's own flaws, and each person's day doesn't consist of exactly the SAME thing, but I think you'll all understand what I meant.
You guys, I'm only 15.
I just think about the future a lot.


One of my favourite days was: driving home from work (landscaping) with my two friends who also worked there. We stopped for groceries so when we get to Ty's place I'm kindof chilling in the car eating blueberries and they stick around too. So we shoot the breeze eating blueberries, very stretched out and relaxed for 40 mins. Ty is very routine oriented and he thought it was hilarious.

That's kind of my style, on good days. I think I'll save up for a few
years. I'll get a motorbike and a decked out custom trailer with a bit of a library and a grill to haul camping gear and bike around possibly sleeping at the side of the road, hiking a lot, and visiting people. Hiking actually bores me, it's one of the things that makes me feel like I'm running in a hampster wheel but it'll be different when I'm heading out for weeks at a time. So I hope. I have a feeling I'll go over a lot of north america, maybe end up in NYC for a while. That's what I see happening for me.

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