Thursday, September 26, 2013

How to fix power wheels hummer and quad?

best kids quad bikes on Quad Bikes
best kids quad bikes image


the quad is blue and white, hummers black. Both for kids and from walmart I think. my dad found in shed from previous home owner, said he can keep em. Think the quad needs charger and hummer might need battery and charger. Want one that will work on both. What type of charger and battery should I be looking for?

should be 6 volt battery, im sure the batteries and chargers are available from the makers. i used to strap on a drycell 12 volt battery, and use a 6/12 volt charger, but my kids were bored with the slow ride, they grew up on bikes and gokarts.

What is best Quads Roller Skates or Inline Skates for Children?


We would like to teach our daughters how to Skate. They are 4 and 6 but we are not sure what kind of skates we should buy for them. Should they start with Quads Skates or with Inline? when I was a child I started with Quads... Any help?


Quads are easier to initially stand up on but inlines are better once they progress beyond a smooth driveway. It is probably easier to start them on quads.

However, the big thing is that they want to learn and their abilities. My girlfriend has 6 1/2 year old boy/girl twins. The girl is more athletic.

I am an avid inline skater. Girlfriend used to do ice figure skating and quads. After the first time back on her quads, she tried inlines and hasn't gone back but uses a bike for longer skates that I go on.

I got inline skates for her kids but they have been "on again - off again" with using them. They found their bikes with training wheels to be more fun in the driveway and finally decided that loosing the training wheels was good this summer. Recently they have tied out ehe skates again and the new found balance from their bikes may help them stay up better. They seem to have matured a lot in their abilities this last summer.

If you get them skates, avoid the complete toys with hard plastic wheels. They have no grip when they get beyond the walking on them stage. There are a couple of brands (can't remember other than that they are the higher end toy companies) that make a three wheeled inline skate where you can remove the center and back wheels to convert them to a pair of rear wheels forming a tricycle arangement to be easier to stand up on.

Obviously, they will fall somewhat regularly, pads help them not scrape up their hands or knees. We are training the kids that they always must wear helmets with the skates or if they ride their bikes beyond the driveway.

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