Thursday, July 11, 2013

What are some activities to do with a 5 year old girl when babysitting them in the summer?

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I am 14 and babysitting a very active 5 year old. She can get bored easily so I need to find some ideas to keep her busy. Any ideas are welcome!! Thanks.

-Do her hair
-Play board games
-Watch movies
-Bake cookies
-Do crafts
-Run through the sprinkler
-Make your own sundae day
-Watch her ride her bike
*The kids I babysit like to make their own towns with chalk. They make roads, houses, YMCAs, and Wal-Marts. You can even let her name the town!
-Play tag, or hide and seek
-Go for a walk

The Babysitting Box
Another good idea that I found: Make a box of the things you enjoyed around that age. They can be movies you liked(I know the kids I babysit really liked my Winnie the Pooh tapes), books you liked, or even toys you liked.

The Surprise Bag
Occasionally when you go to babysit, bring a large bag. In this bag you can put little surprises. They don't need to be big or expensive. Kids will be satisfied with anything from the Dollar Store, or even their favorite snack. I've given little stuffed animals I don't use anymore, a box of five crayons, a bouncy ball and many other things. Then every time you come to babysit with the bag, they'll get all excited!

Is there an infant seat system for bike trailers?


Years ago we sold our car to get a slower lifestyle in our suburban town, and for 10 years we lived by bike and bus. We used the bike for short trips and for going places the bus didn't go. At the time the bus service didn't run on Sundays or holidays, so if we wanted to go anywhere, we had to take the bikes.

At the time we had three children - age 7, 4.5 and a newborn. The 7 year old rode his own bike, the 4.5 year old rode behind his dad on a trail-a-bike, and we jury-rigged an old infant seat into a bike trailer for the infant. I also carried all our groceries in that trailer, and once, a door (without the baby!). Eventually they all rode their own bikes, but it started this way.

My brother's wife is about to have a kid, and I want to give them a bike trailer to go riding with their new baby.

Has anyone invented/marketed a better system for infants in bike trailers? If so, what bike trailer does it work with, and where can I get it?

Most bike systems are designed for babies 9 months and over. It's an issue of being able to hold their heads up enough to prevent the sort of jostling that biking creates. Even a carseat in a bike trailer, isn't secure enough to hold them steady, especially not in the case of a spill or accident. I also wanted something for our five month old to use with our bikes in the spring, but no such luck. Now she's 16 months, and we've gotten her a bike seat.

I think maybe just buy them a bike trailer and let them decide what they are going to do to. It might've been a risk you and your husband were willing to take, but each parent should decide for themselves.

Good luck!

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