Sunday, November 10, 2013

How old should a kid be before using a treadmill or other cardio equipment?

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SoCal Dude

I have a friend who lives in a small town in the Upper Midwest. He and his wife have two kids, ages 8 and 6.

He told me that his kids were starting to get a little pudgy. The kids have PE class only once a week for 45 minutes.

Recess is indoors for at least 5 out of 9 months of the school year because of the weather. Their school has one gym, so the kids can't go the gym for recess because of PE classes. So they end up doing puzzles and board games instead.

The school doesn't have any after school sports for kids their age. The nearest YMCA is more than 20 minutes away in good weather, and very difficult to get to during the winter months.

He and his wife have a treadmill, but they think the kids are still too young to use a treadmill.

Any ideas on how his kids can get some regular physical activity during the cold weather months? Would a different cardio exercise machine (like a stationary bike) be okay for the kids to use?

Has everyone forgotten about playing OUTSIDE? Even in Minnesota, its reasonable to shag them out in the snow for an hour or so if they're dressed properly.

Jebus, we're raising a generation of hot house plants!!!

How do you deal with mom burnout? What has helped/worked for you?


How often to you need to hit that reset button.

I have two children (ages 6 and 8) and another 36 year old child I married. The signs are there that I've reached a breaking point because I'm just ignoring everyone and being selfish. I NEVER do that, but for the past week or so I've been running on empty.

What are some things you do when you've reached this point?

Thanks all.

You need to tell your husband that you need some time to yourself too and that if he can watch the kids while you go out to the gym or what ever you like doing, that it will be for just a few hours. There is nothing wrong with pampering yourself even if you just want to take a nice warm bath listening to some music with no distractions. Or, do what I do sometimes, go for a long walk and enjoy the outdoors. Plus, it will help the kids with spending some quality time with their dad. Or, tell your husband to take the kids out for a walk while you take a nap. If you have a bike, take a bike ride alone and then during the week or weekend, go for a bike ride, or a walk with the family.

You and your husband do need some time alone too. If you can get someone to watch your kids for a few hours, you and your husband can go out on a date. You should at least do that twice or maybe once a week. When was the last time you two did that?

You just need something to do that interests you. Find a hobby that you enjoy. I enjoy gardening and photography. What are you interests?

What also helps me is a good neck and shoulder massage by my husband. You never know where that may lead. Get the hint?

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