best kids bikes 16 image
My husband is wanting to buy a bullet bike and I am totally against it.
I just feel it is super dangerous.
He is going to buy one whether I like it or not. So how do I accept the situation?
Its not about the money so much! I am just worried about his safety!
He's a big boy and you playing mommy and preventing him from buying a bike is going to do nothing but cause a lot or resentment on his part. But then again, if he's an idiot 16 year old kid in a 30 year old body, you don't want to stand by and do nothing. Do this instead, be a good wife and support him by telling him you will buy him a good full face helmet, leather riding gear that's meant for safety rather than styling, boots and gloves. Tell him that as long as he rides responsibly and wears the gear any time he rides, you won't say a bad word about the bike or him riding. And be true to your word. Every one needs a way to relax after a hard day and if he does that by riding, so be it. And you never know, when you find out that he is a responsible and safe rider, you might even want to go for a ride with him. Never can tell, he might really enjoy having you along. I know I enjoyed taking my wife for leisurely, relaxing rides.
However, if he wants to be a smarta$$ and says that he'll wear whatever he wants to or that he'll decide what he does or doesn't wear, tell him to get ready for a divorce. If he has that little respect for you and your concerns, then he doesn't deserve you. And be true to your word on that one too.
How does a skinny kid like me gain weight?
I am 16 years old and i've always been skinny, constantly trying to gain weight. I workout 3 times a week and take weigh protein after each workout. What else can I do to bulk up. Nothing seems to work. I've been doing this for 2 years now
ok man, firstly im right there with ya.
secondly, its not impossible. heres some tips for skinny blokes building weight; muscle.
at 16 - 20 ur metabolism is still gunna be super quick. but watch it past 20 years old because it slows the f*ck down and then you start piling on the pounds o.O
however sometimes it doesnt slow down, anyway either way it doesnt matter. right now heres some tips.
when you do heavy weight training (anaerobic) you also need to do aerobic training for it to do any good. so the 3 days out of the week ur working out, make 2-4 days dedicated to aerobic (runnings the best i reckon). These can be during your weight training workouts at the gym aswell.
so normal fitness is important before weights. Running is excellent, seriously. it takes less time than all the others and gets ur body pounded way faster, and u can notice the difference between ur distances, running a little further each time, and it feels good.
if you got the cash get a nike+ipod adapter, nike ready shoes and an ipod nano and record ur workouts seamlessely =]
now. doing the weights.
there are sloppy as hell workouts, and then there are workouts that are gunna make a difference.
which one are you doing?.
have you noticed guys at the gym will spend only about 5 min on each machine before hopping on the next one?
i make it a rule to do as many reps of whatever it is as you can before you simply cant pull or push anymore, and then move on to another muscle group.
For skinny guys, squats, dips, military press, and bench press are a MUST. if you dont know what these are then google em.
get advice about squats. you should be squatting whatever kills you after 5 squats. the 6th you wont be able to get back up. then keep doing that until you can do 3 sets of 5 reps (15 squats) of that weight.
only then can you move on to heavier squat weights.
bench press is sort of the same. cept reps of 8 are good.
3sets of 8reps of bench press before you are KILLED is what you should be aiming for. have about 2 minutes break between sets, stretch during the breaks.
dips, same story. do sets of 20 and see how many sets you can do. 3 sets of 20 dips should get you on the ground aching.
after your almost dead in the gym, then hit the dumbells!
bicep curls. i do 10 X 3 on each arm with 12kg.
miliatry presses. 8 X 3 with 12kg.
lateral raises. 3 X 5(sets) with 8 kg
more sets with less resistance cause lateral raises are a bitch.
anyway after all that you will be curb f*cked. take as long as you need to get completely enhilated on each machine before moving on to the next, your muscles will love you for it.
protein shakes are great, but also solid proteins!
chicken, eggs, tuna fish, cottage cheese, almonds etc etc.
when you have a workout that intense, it may take you 3 days just to recover! which means your doing well. DURING those 3 days, AEROBIC EXERCISE. biking is good, running might hurt your pecs since theyre bouncing up and down.
horizontal / vertical cross trainers are the best choice! so youl need to go back to the gym to do your aerobics.
good luck =]
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