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We have between 2 to 3 weeks to spend there and we want to visit the North and South Island. What is a good length of time to do all that?
I would spend 3 weeks there, 2 will not be enough!
Although New Zealand is a small country, there is so much to do!
I would spent about 11 days on the North Island and 10 on the South Island.
I have actually never been to the South Island but I hear it's really nice :)
I'll give you some things to do on the North Island to start with.
1. If your going in summer, you have to visit the bay of islands which is located above Auckland. It has some really really nice beaches and you can go swimming with dolphins!
2. Auckland, nz's largest city! This city is surrownded by water! NICE.
- Go to the Auckland museum
- Go to MOTAT (kind of like a museum but more interesting)
- Visit the many volcanos that surrownd Auckland
- If you're going in summer get down to the beach! The best beaches are Mission Bay, Takapuna Beach and Piha.
- If you have kids, go to Rainbow's End (a theme park).
- Go out to dinner at the many award-winning restaurants around the city.
- Go shopping at the many shopping centres located around Auckland.
- You MUST go to the Auckland skytower. It's really cool and you can do like a bunjy jump of it!
- Do a bunjy jump off the Auckland Harbour Bridge
- Go to the Auckland botanic gardens
- Get out on the harbour and do some boating!
Next on the list in NZ is Rotorua. I loved this town! Heaps to see and do.
1. You have to go to the bubbling mud pools and do all the volcanic things.
2. Do the Luge! I LOVED THIS YOU HAVE TO DO IT!. It's kind of like a hill powered go-cart that ride down a hill.
3. Experiance Maori culture and go to a maori village.
4. The zorb (http://www.zorb.com/
Go to Taupo and check out the massive lake that is there. It's beautiful. There are snow capped mountains in the background!
The Hawkes Bay region is great if you're into wine and cheese etc.
Great vineyards. Check out Napier, it's a really nice city.
If you go in winter, go skiing on Mount Ruaphehu, a volcao!
You also must visit Wellington (although you really have no choice in order to get to the south island! mwaaa you thought you could escape Wellington, you thought wrong!)
1. Go to Te Papa museum, that's really neat
2. Go and grab a coffe on Oriental Bay. I just went there 2 weeks ago and it was really nice! Heaps of people out walking and cycling along the water on 4 wheel bikes haha.
3. Go to Mount Victoria lookout and get some good shots (with a camera, not a gun!).
On the South Island, go to Christchurch.
My step brother just returned from there and they went to the Antartica Centre which they said was really cool.
Go skiing in Queenstown in winter or if its summer go to Queenstown anyway.
It has a luge like in Rotorua and the shotover jetboat.
In Dunedin, go to the Cadbury Chocolate factory.
So yeah, 3 weeks should be long enough, you should have a great time!
Thanks very much for the question, hope I've helped :)
Email me if you have anymore questions.
If you live in New Zealand, can you write me about your life?
I'm going to be staying there for a year and I want stories. I'm sorry if it sounds like an invasion of privacy, but I won't know who you are. Just leave names and shit out. I really want to hear stories. :)
Hi :) Here is a basic story of my life :P
I am a 17year old female born in Auckland, NZ. 3 weeks later my family moved to Whakatane, where we lived in 2 homes, one next door to Mongrel Mob members, and then later next to the community constable!! lol. When we lived next door to the Mongrel Mob family, one of their kids kept walking across our front lawn with a defiant attitude, so one day mum baked some cookies and made friends with him - he never did it again...... And when we lived door to the policeman, my older sister used to go over and play with his daughter. Well one day, she went over and played with the toys (the other little girl wasn't there) and the constable didn't realise and left home locking my sister in his house!! haha I don't think his workmates let him forget that one in a hurry!
I'm not sure where and what we did after that, but we ended back up in Auckland where we rented a house in Oratia, West Auckland. That was great as it was right next to an exotic plant orchard and there were heaps of feijoa, passionfruit and other yummy fruit trees. That was the place where my bunny disappeared to who knows where - I don't even know how he got out, there were no holes or anything, and where a huge native weta crawled up my mums arm while she was reading - poor thing, it was more scared of her than she of it! lol.
A few years of living there, we moved to the South Island, to Christchurch to look after dads parents house while they went to England for a few months. Probably the most memorable thing that happened down there was the times I tagged along with my brother (older by 2 years) riding our bikes - to school, the bike track, all sorts of places. It was great. I don't think he'd let his little sister tag along now though lol.
Then, we moved down to Wanaka!! Now that was cool. And if you ever get a chance to travel to the south Island, go to Wanaka/ or Queenstown. There is sooooo much to do there and the countryside is just beautiful. And the fruit! MMMMmmm yum! Unfortunately, it didn't snow very heavily, just one day it snowed a light sprinkling as we came out of school. That was pretty cool. The next day all the kids were having snow fights and piling snow onto this little hill outside the classrooms and sliding down. It was packed so solid from all the sliding down that it was almost as if it were ice - and very slippery! It was really cold that day, we were all huddled around the heater in the morning. Why are schools always cold??!!!! haha
We moved back to Auckland 7 years ago, and thats where we've been ever since (we moved back on my birthday so that was delayed and I was not impressed :P ). I have been to Australia, and am going there in a few months again. During my whole life, though, we have taken many trips around the country so to date I have only never been to Cape Reinga and Invercargill. I'll get there sooner or later :D. I have been to 9 schools in total (including kindergarten) and I am in year 13 (my last year).
Now that you've got me to thinking about it, I am very privileged to have had all these experiences, plus more, and I thank God for all the blessings he has given me. My family is not rich, but we make the most of things and somehow manage to get through by working hard and trusting God.
Well, that is my life in a nutshell....there is so much more, but it'd take a whole book or more to write it all. If you have any other questions about my life in NZ feel free to email me by going onto my Yahoo! profile, and click email me lol.
Hope I wasn't too boring. (but you did ask, and I was bored.... :D ) cya
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