Saturday, July 6, 2013

how many hours or minutes a day do your kids play outside?

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Roxanne Mi

i don't have any kids, but when i baby sit my brothers' kids they play outside for 3 or 4 hours. the kids are 4, 3, 3, and 1 years old and love playing in the backyard with their bikes or on the playground, climb trees and racing and they like the park and loveeee going to the beach and the pool. but my cousins' kids never play outside and but they are 2 and 8 yrs old. so i am just wondering if it is the age difference or if it is just that they don't like it.

They get at least an hour outside every day the weather permits it. Even on hot days, we get out in the morning before it gets too hot. For cold days we bundle up and go out during the warmest time of the day.

Inclement weather for us would be thunder storms with lightning or severe storm type weather, below freezing weather.

How old should my son be before getting his first dirt bike?


My husband was riding his own bike before he was able to ride a bicycle with out training wheels but I don't know if I'll let our son do that which starts fights between me and the hubby. I've been out plenty of times to the desert and oceano dunes and it never seems safe but my husband insists it is for a little kid.

any suggestions on age?

I had my first dirt bike a 50 cc at 8 1/2 by the time I was 11 I was racing motocross*

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Do you have higher expectations of teachers in general?

best kids tri bike on Best Of Philly Bicycle Shop For Road, Mountain, Kids and Triathlon ...
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Q. It seems as though teachers in the US -I don't know about other places- don't really TEACH, namely, give lessons. I know my teachers give me a textbook, then photocopy worksheets created by the textbook's manufacturer, hand them out, then correct them using the teacher's manual. They're getting paid to do that? One of my teachers is so stupid, she pronounces "Tokubei" as "tuk-bee"!

Sometimes it depends on what a school or a district requires a teacher to do. Some are not allowed to stray from the curriculum (meaning the text) without threat of being fired for "not teaching the curriculum."

I know of a teacher who once, during an observation, mentioned to second graders that "tri" was from the ancient Latin language, that it meant "3", and was found in words like "Tricycle," which is a 3 wheel bike. The teacher then asked the kids if they could come up with other words with "tri" in them. The kids loved it. They were engaged, they came up with great words, etc.

The teacher was "written up" for several things, including not teaching the specified curriculum, [apparently it's okay to teach word families as long as they are of the cat-hat-rat sort, but not if they make the kids think] teaching "inappropriate material" because how could 7 and 8 year olds possibly understand Latin, and being "out of touch with student needs."

It is not always the teacher who is at fault if the curriculum is stagnant! By the way, this teacher left public school for private school; much less money, but more intellectual honesty and freedom.

Vacationing in FL in February 5th for 3 nights with my family and my 5 pnd dog.. where can I go? Any idea?


I am planning to take my kids for vacation I live in FL, we love water, fishing, camping,biking but also I know is not that hot in FL at this time of the year, besides I have a 5 pound dog with me. Does anyone has a great idea to have a good time with my girls 9 and 11 year old??

Fort Wilderness Campgrounds at Walt Disney world.

Check out this link:
as well as the - there is a specific forum for Ft.Wilderness with more info.

Marina where you can rent:
Canoes, kayaks, sailboats, pedal boats, pontoon boats, water mice or go water-skiing.
2 Large pools with slides
2 arcades and playground areas for children as well.
2 lighted tennis courts
Tri-Circle-D Ranch - horseback riding, carriage rides, petting zoo.
Chip & Dale's Campfire Sing-A-Long is held nightly with a 7:30 fire lighting; marshmallows can be toasted over the campfires. . It features a sing-along, Disney movies on outdoor theater.
3 Restaurants, 2 trading posts, all inside the resort.

So much to do you would even need to go to parks. You could also pool hop to all other resort pools with free disney transportation, and visit Downtown Disney / Marketplace as well. BEST of all they allow DOGs in certain loops, and it's very reasonable for the amount of amenities & cleanliness WDW provides. GOOD LUCK.

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Taking my baby for a bike ride...?

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Hayden's M

My baby is 7 1/2 months old. He loves being outside and I would like to be able to get out with him this summer and do things. I was thinking of buying a babyseat for my bike and going for rides. they have these new seats out that go between you and the handle bars. i thought this would be perfect because i can see him and he can see where we're going and it seems to be safer all around. the problem is, they are not recommended until 1 year of age. My baby is big for his age (20 lbs) and he has been sitting up on his own for months. Would it be ok to use this this summer? Will the wind in his face take his breath away??

It just might. There could be other reasons for the age minimum too that you aren't thinking of. I suggest speaking with his doctor about it, but first call the manufacturing company that makes the seats and ask them if the age limit has anything to do with weight. Get the minimum weight required by them and take that info to his doctor. Edit: I found some info on the subject you might be interested in. I'll copy and paste here and cite the link.

The primary determinant of when an infant can join his or her parents on bike rides is the strength of the the child's neck. Because of the jostling and the additional weight of a helmet (8-10 oz.), this is a few months after a baby can first hold their head up. Note: Some jurisdictions have laws requiring passengers on bicycles to be at least one year old.

Usually by age 12 months parents can start checking with the child's physician to see if they have the neck development to safely go for a bike ride. Most toddlers' neck and shoulder muscles can tolerate the weight of a helmet and absorb shock from bumps in the road at 1 years old. [We do know that infants in Africa travel by bike. They are tied tightly to their mothers back, with their heads well supported.]

We know of no comprehensive study on the best method to carry an infant on a bike and there are risks associated with all of them.. Here are some factors to consider:

I think my son has ADHD?


I'm usually the first to scoff at these kinds of questions ... but I'm honestly starting to wonder and worry about my 3-yr old. My husband says I'm being paranoid, too soft on him and he doesn't exhibit the same behaviors with him as he does with me. What my husband forgets is, that my son spends 90% of his awake time with me, so obviously he'll behave differently.

He's extremely hyper and all over the place. Nothing keeps him occupied for more than 5 minutes at a time, unless he's being active - like swimming or riding his bike, that he can do for hours on end. Sometimes, if there's a really good movie on, he'll watch it, but gets up frequently with little requests for things like milk or a snack.

When he gets upset or angry he'll lash out by hitting or shaking me - he goes into the naughty chair when he does this, and while he's doing it I'll tell him to stop, and he'll stop for a little while, but next time he'll do it again. This he only does with me, not my husband (that's why my husband thinks I'm just being too soft on him). He whinges, cries and throws tantrums whenever I say no to something. Every. Single. Time.

He babbles non-stop ... even when he's ignored he doesn't stop. He'll frequently interrupt conversations, and I'll tell him to wait his turn because I'm talking to his daddy now (for instance), but he just goes right on talking. He screams and yells, for no other reason than he can do it. When I tell him to lower his voice, he just keeps right on screaming, sometimes even during a regular conversation. He struggles to go to sleep, sometimes it can take up to two hours to get him to sleep, and then he'll wake up during the night a few times, but be up at the crack of dawn to get going again ... he doesn't nap at all. He'll start doing something, like painting a picture, then stops mere seconds later declaring that he's done.

He's extremely demanding of my time and attention. He can not and will not entertain himself, even if I refuse to give him any attention. He says no to everything. If I give him a task to do, he'll flat out refuse, or start doing the task then stop.

Apart from the hitting, I'm wondering if this is just normal 'boy' behavior or if I should have him evaluated. He's always been a busy little guy, even as a newborn (he crawled by the time he was 5 months old), but this is off the charts. I'm exhausted, and I get so depressed when he gets up out of bed for the 10th time at night demanding even more of my attention, just because he doesn't want to sleep. I don't mind giving him attention, but after 15 hrs straight of hearing nothing but mommy, mommy, mommy and looking for something new he/we can do that won't bore him, I do need a little down time too.

This isn't all of it, there are other little things he does that just doesn't seem like 'normal' kid behavior. The school has called me in already, because he won't sit quietly when they're supposed to do their work (he wants to go play), or he'll rush through a task to get it done or if he's really bored and can't get out of it, he'll just space out until he can get up from the desk. He gets exceptional reports though, so he's a bright enough boy.
@Ms. Nancy. First off, you're rude. Secondly, I NEVER switch the television on during the day, because I don't have time to watch television. I don't read magazines, I do however read fiction novels before bed, if that's quite okay with you? I do have the radio on, because my children enjoy listening to music and dancing. Is that okay? Or should we live in a dead quiet house? I haven't watched Oprah since I was 18, I'm now 33 ...

Perhaps try to be helpful instead of condescending.
Good grief. I don't want to medicate my child into submission. I want to help HIM - not me. Sure, we didn't have ADD and ADHD when we were children, and 100 years ago we didn't have schizophrenia either, just crazy people in asylums. Nor did we have antibiotics, but medical science advances, and now we don't die of infections anymore because of penicillin, and schizophrenia can be managed quite well with medication.

For what it's worth, I'm not a 'medicate them until they listen' kind of mother ... I'm asking if it's normal for him to be this way, and if it's not and he is diagnosed with ADHD, I'll try alternatives first before I'll even consider medication.

Take a deep breath...

If you're concerned, that's the first indication that you're doing a good job as a mother. We all worry about our children, and we definitely want to be proactive in handling any difficult situations such as his having a disability or illness. If you are truly concerned, I would definitely suggest talking with your pediatrician about it. However, I would also suggest holding off on any medications simply for the fact that children quickly build tolerance to medications and what may start off as a small dose at age 3 could lead to huge dosages by adolescence. Many times large amounts of medication may help with the symptoms, but they can also mask your child's personality.

It sounds like you definitely have an active and precocious toddler on your hands. I would suggest a few things:
1. Make a schedule for your day where your child knows exactly what he is supposed to be doing at any given part of the day. Of course, it will have to be flexible on any given day. Include in this schedule lots of active times for playing outside or playing games inside. Also, include some down time wherein he is expected to be still and color or watch tv (it's not all bad - just make sure there's a benefit to it). Start with the active times being much greater than the down times. When he gets used to having a schedule, you can increase the down time to give yourself some rest. Use a timer to that he knows that the down time is not unlimited.

2. Each week, try to schedule some time for you. If your husband works, ask if he would be willing to take care of your son during a week night or for a few hours on the weekend. As moms, we take on a lot, and it easily becomes stressful. If you have something to look forward to, it will help ease your mind during those times when you may feel like pulling out your hair.

3. When he acts up, let his "time out" place be somewhere with no stimulation. We use our spare room at my house; my sister has used a bathroom. Simply somewhere the child has no reinforcement. Limit it to one minute per year of life (i.e. 3 minutes for your son). When he comes out, take the time to explain why he was sent to time out. In addition, praise him as much as possible for even the most meaningless positive behaviors.

4. When he gets out of bed, have no discussion with him. Just go put him back in bed, kiss him on the forehead and go back to bed... This will probably keep you up for about 3 or 4 nights, I realize, but without the reinforcement of the attention and/or conversation, it may not be much fun for him.

With these suggestions, though, there are a few reminders:
1. The most intelligent children are going to be the ones who often give their parents a hard time. They see our weaknesses and will manipulate them to the end of the earth. Not because they don't love us but because that's what kids do.

2. You know your child better than anyone in this world. Your opinions do count, and you should always follow your instincts. Yes, there are people who have had many many years in school and are experts in their field, but you are the expert on your child.

3. When you are trying to extinguish behaviors, there are "extinction bursts" wherein the behavior gets worse before it gets better. So be prepared for that and work through it.

4. None of us have a manual on parenting...So, we're going to make mistakes sometimes... Even Oprah ;). In all seriousness - You're allowed to be frustrated, and you're not alone. Don't ever let anyone feel like you're not doing your job. If you're trying and you're loving that child with all you've got, you're doing a great job!

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what are the differant styles of road bikes?

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I am in the market for a road bike but i don't know what to look for in a bike. Any suggestions would be appreciated

There are many variations of road bike based on a variety of factors, including (1) intended use and (2) material.


Ok, there a variety of different styles of road bikes and many people often call them different things. Here is my breakdown.

If you are planning on riding long rides but still want to have a fast race bike, the "Plush" category of bikes. Don't let the word "plush" fool you -- these are still high quality race bikes, they are just slightly altered to accomodate longer rides. These would include the Specialized Roubaix series (go to and the Cannondale Synnapse series ( These two bike series will range from about $1900 to about $6000 depending on the model. They are designed to be fast and compliant, but at the same time slightly more comfortable. Trust me, though, you won't be lacking in performance.

If you are going to be focusing on road racing, you might want to go with a Specialized Tarmac, a Trek Madone, a Cannondale SuperSix, or something similar. Again, a huge price range. (for a less expensive option, look at the Specialized Allez). These bikes generally will have a little more aggressive geometry (shorter head tubes, steeper angles, etc).

If you live in an area with flat ground and foresee yourself doing triathlons or bike time trials, then getting a time trial bike would be the way to go. These bikes focus on aeordynamics (although they are still really light) and pure straight speed (not as good on hills, curves, etc). Examples are the Trek TT, the Specialized Transition, the Cannondale Slice.

Many companies also make a variety of bikes in the "touring" category. These are not racing bikes, focus more on long haul comfort, but are still fast and fun to ride.

Cyclocross bikes may be a good choice if you want a limited ability to go off-road. They are generally not as light or fast as road bikes (although a really high end one will be), but still have a good sporty feel. They are generally geared a bit lower - in cyclocross you need the ability to accelarate over rough terrain and steep hills, not necessarily the ability to go 35 mph on a straightaway. I have a cx bike that I use for commuting, riding in bad conditions or going out with my kids -- situations in which I wouldn't want to take my carbon road bike.

As far as materials, the main ones are Carbon Fiber, Aluminum, Steel and Titanium. If you are going for a race bike, I personally believe that Carbon Fiber is the way to go. The material is stiff, light, and eats up road vibrations. I would guess that a vast majority of bikes on the pro tour are carbon. Aluminum can still be really light and is very stiff (and would be great for a time trial bike or criterium bike) but may not be as comfortable over a long ride. Steel is old school and is a popular material among bike messengers because it makes a statement (I don't need your fancy materials) and is very durable. It also is used on many cyclocross bikes. Titanium is a great material and generally the choice of middle age men (and older) who can drop some cash.

I hope this helps. Good luck.

Am I the only one who remembers when the Trix Rabbit ate the cereal?


It was maybe in the 90s and kids had to write in that they wanted him to eat it because i think all the color went from the world... but no one believes me! prove them wrong please

In the 1980s, one of Trix's television ads ended in a cliffhanger accompanied by a write-in survey asking children whether the Trix Rabbit should be able to finally get a taste of Trix. The commercial consisted of the Trix rabbit competing in a triathlon, in which the prize was Trix. The Rabbit then got the prize of Trix, however it was taken away from him on the basis that "it is for kids", whereas other kids said because he won the race he deserved his prize of Trix. The commercial ended by encouraging kids to vote on whether or not the Rabbit should have Trix and mail-in ballots were included in cereal boxes. America's children responded with an overwhelming "yes," and a subsequent television ad depicted the rabbit finally getting to eat a bowl of Trix cereal. While he is known to have previously enjoyed a bowl in 1976, following this public intervention in 1980 he has not succeeded in gaining access to Trix again. However, in one commercial in the early to mid-1990s, the rabbit (disguised as a police officer on a motorcycle) managed to eat a spoonful of Trix given to him by two children on bikes, but he was so happy he went a little crazy and the costume fell off as usual.
Poor Rabbit! I always liked that rascal and thought he should have his Trix!

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How do you get the kid your babysitting to go outside and get exercise?

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The boy I babysit is is 9 years old. He's OBESSED with video games, superheroes, and cartoons. I would really like him to go outside and swim, ride his bike and just do other stuff besides sit around all day. I even went to A.C. Moore and got a lot of cool crafts for him to do but he says hes too tired and he goes in his room shuts the door and watches cartoons. When I watched him last year, he wasnt like that. He also says that he doesnt want to go outside because its humid and hes afraid that its going to thunderstorm! I've tried to convince him that he will be fine, but its not working! Please help me! Thank you!
i would never leave him outside alone...i always play with him
hes pretty old enough to tell if im lying about the tv isnt working
we live in the middle of know where surrounded by cornfields...the nearest park is 10 minutes away driving...and we wouldnt be allowed to walk there...theres not even side walks

just to clear some things up :)

Maybe incorporate the cartoons into his playing outside.
If he says it's too humid, suggest to play out in the sprinkler.
Ask HIM what he wants to do, but don't give him 'watching TV' as an option.
Even tell him that his mom(or dad, or whoever) says that he has to go outside for awhile. (Parents can be more intimidating than the babysitter).
BUT, DO make it fun for him, too! Offer ideas and suggestions, and give him the final choice.
If he still locks himself up in his room watching cartoons all day, you may want to talk to his mother or father(or whoever) and see if they have any ideas.

Good Luck! :)

What to do when a kid is afraid to ride a bike?


my brother pat is 9 years old and doesnt know who do ride a bike. We have tried to teach him a few times but he is deathly afraid of falling and getting hurt. Any ideas on how I can help him get over his extreme fear.

start him off with a scooter.

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Thursday, July 4, 2013

Looking for a good starter motorcycle for cheap?

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Hello I want to start motorcycling and want to start it off cheap in case I dont like it. I am 6 foot 5 and weigh 230. What would be a good cheap starter bike??

Anything you can find used. You can't really pick one, if you're looking for cheap. Being a rather tall person, you should probably go for a dual sport. They're more forgiving if you drop them, and usually pretty cheap used from families with grown up kids. Check, or the cycletrader religiously.

is a 2006 kawasaki ninja 250r a good starter bike for me?


im almost 16.6ft 1 1/2in. 170lbs. first bike thats mine. want good mpg and fast enough to get out of trouble if i need too. got to last a year at least but probably more. and any tips for my first bike? were to park and such?

I completely agree with "defiant..." about the Ninja 250.

The only adversity I can see with your owning a Ninja 250 would be your size. The little Ninja 250 is a small bike.

You may want to go check one out at a dealer and see how you fit on it before buying one.

If you find that it is just too small (and my 15 year old son is finding his is starting to get too small), then you might want to consider a 500cc or 600cc bike instead.

After you take the MSF class (you are taking it I presume), you should be able to handle the 500cc or 600cc bike.

The bigger bikes will cost more than the Ninja 250, but used ones shouldn't be out of range.

I park lots of places cars can't get. Those little triangular spots right across from the front doors at Walmart --- nice.

At work there are these spaces at the end of each parking row which are perfect for a motorcycle. And they are right near the door.

Parking with a bike can often be a pleasure indeed. Plus the fact that you can still get them into the garage even when the kids have piled all kinds of crap in there.

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What is the difference between fixed gear and single speed road bikes?

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The only thing I know is that you can coast on single speed, and you pedal continuously on a fixie. I haven't ridden a bike (I live in the suburbs so I mostly drive) since middle school. Only rode a road bike a couple times.

Here are a few questions:

What is the difference, feel-wise, of riding them? For example, does one go faster, or smoother than the other?

I hear fixies are dangerous but only because a lot of people who have fixies ride brakeless. Can I install brakes on fixed gear? And if so, what brakes would be best? I rode a bike as a child but it was not really a road bike, just a generic kid's bike, and I am used to pushing down on the pedals to brake.

Which bike would be better for riding in the city of Chicago? I've rode in traffic with my friends but had borrowed someone's mountain bike because I don't own one, and that was a workout trying to keep up.

Which one would be easier to maintain? I'm a beginner so my boyfriend could help me with maintenance, but I don't want to spend too much to keep maintaining my bike.

Thank you so much! All the help is much appreciated. I'm moving to Chicago in the fall and would like to start riding. Thanks!
Oh, and can I always change the gears? Like could I start off with a single speed and then once I'm used to that, if I ever want to try fixed gear, could I change the whole thing into that? As I said, I'm a beginner so I have to learn everything about bikes and I don't really know much lol.

They're both crap.

How do I know what the best bike for me is?


I am looking to get a bike to give me a cardio alternative to walking or running. I haven't ridden a bike since I was a kid, so I am trying to figure out what kind of bike to get -- mountain bike, road bike etc. How do I make sure that I get the right bike for me --- kind and size?

Start by reading "Bicycles: How to Choose"

It's all based on "where & how" you will be riding. Road bikes will be your fastest choice but for the streets & smooth roads ONLY. Mountain bikes or all-terrain bikes basically suck on the streets because of the knobby off road tires & suspension parts zapping your energy. Knobby tires slow you down. And with every turn of the pedals, part of your energy is absorbed or soaked up by suspension parts. All-terrain bikes are OK on the streets ONLY if they have a smoother "street friendly" tread design & "lock-out" front forks. This (in essence) turns the suspension fork into a rigid fork with the simple twist of a switch.

Hybrids are a good "all around" type bike. They are great at nothing - but still good at many things. They can be ridden on the streets or light (man-made) groomed off-road trails of finely crushed stone.

"How do I make sure that I get the right bike for me --- kind and size?" Nine very, very simple words... See your authorized, independent, knowledgeable, friendly, local BICYCLE shop! Not K-Mart, Wally World or Target. At a REAL bicycle shop you can TRY B4 you BUY! You can test ride as many bikes as your little heart desires before the sale!

Other advantages are...
1) Professional sales - not some minimum wage "associate".
2) Professional assembly of the bike by a certified mechanic - again, not some minimum wage associate.
3) FREE service after the sale. ALL new bikes require a tune-up as shift & brake cables stretch a bit during the break-in process. Some shops do this only once. Some for a year. A bike shop near me does this for LIFE!
4) Vastly better quality. Wally World lists bicycles on their website in the TOY Dept.! Does that give you a clue? A quality bike from a REAL bicycle shop - taken care of properly - can last a lifetime. Those from discount stores are "disposable bikes", meant to be ridden a year or so - then into a dumpster.

See link below. This is my "pride & joy" - a 2011 Raleigh Sojourn touring road bike. Time spent in the shop for repairs? ZERO. Money spent after the sale? A bottle of chain oil (about $8.00) and a set of new tires when the original ones wore out. And I replaced them with the SAME tires. Flat tires to date? ZERO - none - nada. Sure - you'll need to do routine maintenance & cleaning on any type of bike. But getting a quality bike from the start cost LESS in the long run.

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Wednesday, July 3, 2013

what are some good child triathlon bikes?

best kids triathlon bikes on No, not a metal box with some fiddly bits like in original series
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Tim O

My son who is 8 wants to get into triathlons. What are some good bikes for his age?

I don't know that anyone makes a child's triathlon bikes, meaning one that has aero wheels and bars, etc. A child's road bike or even general purpose bike should be sufficient. Try attending a local tri that includes kids and see what the competition is using.

in a kid's triathlon are the events broken up between people?


what i mean is, one person does running, another swimming, and another biking. is this what happens in a kids triathlon? if not, what is the race i'm describing called? thanks much.

I've heard what you're describing called a "relay triathlon."

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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Iam 15 Years Old My Weight Is 175llb My Height Is 5'8 My Waist is 35 inches I dont eat and fast foods?

best kids 16 inch bicycle on Balance Bikes & Wood Run Bikes | Toddler Bike Reviews
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atif khan

i do excercise also 300 star jumps daily no junk food also can anyone help me lose some weight i need to 20llb in one month plz help me

I assume star jumps are the same as jumping jacks? They don't help lose much weight, unless you do at least 10 minutes of them... and even then, it's a very small help... a few calories at most.

What do you mean you don't eat? If you meant eat out, then that's good... if you don't eat period, that's bad.

It's not safe to lose so much weight so quickly, it would probably be muscle and water weight. The muscle would come back along with much exercise and the water weight will come back every week.

It takes 3500 calories burned total (taking away food you ate that day) to lose one pound... So you'd need to burn 2334 calories more than you eat a day to lose 20 pounds in 30 days.

The following activities will burn the amount of calories next to them if done for 60 minutes... You can use a combo of these, as long as you do 2334 more than you eat a day...

Talking on phone84
Sex - foreplay115
Washing dishes178
Horseback riding - walking199
Brush teeth199
Football - playing catch199
Walking 2 mph221
Playing Piano221
Dancing - ballroom slow242
Frisbee playing242
Playing Guitar252
Weight lifting - general273
Golf - cart273
Volleyball - recreation273
Pilates Beginner294
Coaching - team sports315
Table tennis315
Water Aerobics315
Bicycling - leisure315
Walk/run play with kids315
Raking lawn315
Sex - intercourse336
Tennis - doubles336
Walking 3 mph346
Volleyball - competitive346
Mowing - push346
Calisthenics - moderate357
Basketball - shooting baskets357
Washing car357
Canoeing 2 mph357
Painting House399
Skating - moderate399
Softball or baseball399
Pilates Intermediate410
Walking 4 mph410
Dancing - fast ballroom441
Dancing - aerobic, ballet, modern472
Skiing - water472
Boxing - punching bag472
Horse grooming472
Golf - carry clubs483
Swimming - moderate483
Chop Wood483
Tennis - singles483
Aerobics - low impact483
Shovel Snow483
Weight lifting - vigorous483
Pilates Advanced504
Horseback riding - trotting515
Rearranging Furniture525
Sledding, toboganning546
Stationary Bicycle - moderate556
Rowing Machine - moderate556
Aerobics - high impact556
Soccer casual556
Racquetball casual556
Stair Step Machine556
Basketball - officiating556
Step Aerobics - low impact556
Calisthenics - vigorous640
Walking - up stairs640
Horseback riding - galloping640
Basketball 1/2 court651
Running 5 mph672
Bicycling - Mountain672
Skiing - downhill693
Football - touch693
Bicycling 12-14 mph693
Rowing Machine - vigorous693
Skating - vigorous725
Canoeing 4 mph735
Football - full contact766
Ski Machine766
Swimming - vigorous777
Racquetball competitive798
Rope jumping798
Soccer competitive798
Judo - martial arts798
Running 6 mph798
Bicycling 14-16 mph840
Step Aerobics - high impact840
Rock climbing872
Basketball full court872
Skiing - cross country903
Elliptical trainer903
Stationary Bicycle - vigorous903
Running 7 mph914
Boxing - in ring955
Running 8 mph1,071
Running 10 mph1,428
Running 12 mph1,775

Correct tire,rim,and fender size?


I got a 16" kids bicycle frame. What are the correct tire,rim,and fender size for this size frame? Thank you.

It could either be a frame made for 16" wheels, or the length of the seat tube is 16 inches, independent of the wheel size. You can measure the fork or take the frame to a bike shop.

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when did lowrider bike parts become so expensive?

best cheap kids bikes on Dirt bike and motocross tires from Dunlop, IRC, Maxxis, Metzeler ...
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Mike Farle

and when did shipping become so expensive? i can see paying $14 for a set of ape hanger lowrider handlebars but why $20+ for standard ground shipping? when i was a kid lowrider bikes were cheap to make and cost $150 already built from the store apposed to now $250+ smh.

The price on parts for all bikes have gone up these past years and more people want to buy them for their old Muscle Bikes, Lowriders and some put them on their Antique/Vintage Balloon tire & middleweight bikes aka beach cruisers.

You should see the prices of original ones from the 1960's & 70's bikes but that is partly because people want original parts.

Wald is usually the cheapest & a real good company that has been around for a very long time that can be found at a few local bike shops.

Here is one on ebay but they are short ones.

What are some cheap things to do in Florida for a vacation?


My boyfriend and I are planning on taking a trip to Florida this spring. We do not have a lot for cash, but still want to enjoy our time there. We went a couple of year's ago to Disney World, so we've been there, done that and we don't have kids.

Any cheap, thrifty ways we can enjoy our vacation and still have fun? Also we'll be staying in the North Port area.

You can go camping... that's usually a good time with the weather and all in Florida. Its cheap too, about $20 a night.
The beach is always a good idea. And free. Or go swimming at a spring or lake.
You can go canoeing, which is also cheap. Or take a boat ride.
You can go to parks and hike, take pictures, ride bikes.
Any water parks.. if you will be near Tampa or Orlando. They are fun and usually cheaper than the other theme parks.

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What is a good length of time to go to New Zealand for? ?

best kids bikes nz on Pushbikes | Feedback Sports Table Top Digital Scale
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We have between 2 to 3 weeks to spend there and we want to visit the North and South Island. What is a good length of time to do all that?

I would spend 3 weeks there, 2 will not be enough!

Although New Zealand is a small country, there is so much to do!

I would spent about 11 days on the North Island and 10 on the South Island.

I have actually never been to the South Island but I hear it's really nice :)

I'll give you some things to do on the North Island to start with.

1. If your going in summer, you have to visit the bay of islands which is located above Auckland. It has some really really nice beaches and you can go swimming with dolphins!

2. Auckland, nz's largest city! This city is surrownded by water! NICE.

- Go to the Auckland museum

- Go to MOTAT (kind of like a museum but more interesting)

- Visit the many volcanos that surrownd Auckland

- If you're going in summer get down to the beach! The best beaches are Mission Bay, Takapuna Beach and Piha.

- If you have kids, go to Rainbow's End (a theme park).

- Go out to dinner at the many award-winning restaurants around the city.

- Go shopping at the many shopping centres located around Auckland.

- You MUST go to the Auckland skytower. It's really cool and you can do like a bunjy jump of it!

- Do a bunjy jump off the Auckland Harbour Bridge

- Go to the Auckland botanic gardens

- Get out on the harbour and do some boating!

Next on the list in NZ is Rotorua. I loved this town! Heaps to see and do.

1. You have to go to the bubbling mud pools and do all the volcanic things.
2. Do the Luge! I LOVED THIS YOU HAVE TO DO IT!. It's kind of like a hill powered go-cart that ride down a hill.
3. Experiance Maori culture and go to a maori village.
4. The zorb (

Go to Taupo and check out the massive lake that is there. It's beautiful. There are snow capped mountains in the background!

The Hawkes Bay region is great if you're into wine and cheese etc.

Great vineyards. Check out Napier, it's a really nice city.

If you go in winter, go skiing on Mount Ruaphehu, a volcao!

You also must visit Wellington (although you really have no choice in order to get to the south island! mwaaa you thought you could escape Wellington, you thought wrong!)

1. Go to Te Papa museum, that's really neat

2. Go and grab a coffe on Oriental Bay. I just went there 2 weeks ago and it was really nice! Heaps of people out walking and cycling along the water on 4 wheel bikes haha.

3. Go to Mount Victoria lookout and get some good shots (with a camera, not a gun!).

On the South Island, go to Christchurch.

My step brother just returned from there and they went to the Antartica Centre which they said was really cool.

Go skiing in Queenstown in winter or if its summer go to Queenstown anyway.

It has a luge like in Rotorua and the shotover jetboat.

In Dunedin, go to the Cadbury Chocolate factory.

So yeah, 3 weeks should be long enough, you should have a great time!

Thanks very much for the question, hope I've helped :)

Email me if you have anymore questions.

If you live in New Zealand, can you write me about your life?


I'm going to be staying there for a year and I want stories. I'm sorry if it sounds like an invasion of privacy, but I won't know who you are. Just leave names and shit out. I really want to hear stories. :)

Hi :) Here is a basic story of my life :P

I am a 17year old female born in Auckland, NZ. 3 weeks later my family moved to Whakatane, where we lived in 2 homes, one next door to Mongrel Mob members, and then later next to the community constable!! lol. When we lived next door to the Mongrel Mob family, one of their kids kept walking across our front lawn with a defiant attitude, so one day mum baked some cookies and made friends with him - he never did it again...... And when we lived door to the policeman, my older sister used to go over and play with his daughter. Well one day, she went over and played with the toys (the other little girl wasn't there) and the constable didn't realise and left home locking my sister in his house!! haha I don't think his workmates let him forget that one in a hurry!

I'm not sure where and what we did after that, but we ended back up in Auckland where we rented a house in Oratia, West Auckland. That was great as it was right next to an exotic plant orchard and there were heaps of feijoa, passionfruit and other yummy fruit trees. That was the place where my bunny disappeared to who knows where - I don't even know how he got out, there were no holes or anything, and where a huge native weta crawled up my mums arm while she was reading - poor thing, it was more scared of her than she of it! lol.

A few years of living there, we moved to the South Island, to Christchurch to look after dads parents house while they went to England for a few months. Probably the most memorable thing that happened down there was the times I tagged along with my brother (older by 2 years) riding our bikes - to school, the bike track, all sorts of places. It was great. I don't think he'd let his little sister tag along now though lol.

Then, we moved down to Wanaka!! Now that was cool. And if you ever get a chance to travel to the south Island, go to Wanaka/ or Queenstown. There is sooooo much to do there and the countryside is just beautiful. And the fruit! MMMMmmm yum! Unfortunately, it didn't snow very heavily, just one day it snowed a light sprinkling as we came out of school. That was pretty cool. The next day all the kids were having snow fights and piling snow onto this little hill outside the classrooms and sliding down. It was packed so solid from all the sliding down that it was almost as if it were ice - and very slippery! It was really cold that day, we were all huddled around the heater in the morning. Why are schools always cold??!!!! haha

We moved back to Auckland 7 years ago, and thats where we've been ever since (we moved back on my birthday so that was delayed and I was not impressed :P ). I have been to Australia, and am going there in a few months again. During my whole life, though, we have taken many trips around the country so to date I have only never been to Cape Reinga and Invercargill. I'll get there sooner or later :D. I have been to 9 schools in total (including kindergarten) and I am in year 13 (my last year).

Now that you've got me to thinking about it, I am very privileged to have had all these experiences, plus more, and I thank God for all the blessings he has given me. My family is not rich, but we make the most of things and somehow manage to get through by working hard and trusting God.

Well, that is my life in a nutshell....there is so much more, but it'd take a whole book or more to write it all. If you have any other questions about my life in NZ feel free to email me by going onto my Yahoo! profile, and click email me lol.

Hope I wasn't too boring. (but you did ask, and I was bored.... :D ) cya

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