best kids mountain bike 2012 image
On 7/28/2012 my husband was hit by a car that was pulling out of a neighborhood on to a busy street. My husband was riding his bike down the sidewalk and was hit by this driver. The driver who hit my husband insisted on my husband coming back to his house so that he could clean up his injury's and then he would take my husbands bike to a bike repair shop and get it all fixed up for him and give my husband a ride to work. The man then proceeded to put my husbands bike in the trunk of his car against my husbands wishes. My husband than called the police they arrived on seen. My husband called me at school I left school to go be with my husband. Told me he had been hit by a car. When I arrived he was standing there talking to police. The driver who hit my husband the went to remove my husbands bike from the trunk of his car. I then went to open the back of my jeep to put in my husbands bike I move my school equipment from the from seat to the back of the jeep. When I did this the man was very rude and mean! He than went and very forcefully grabbed my bag and was very rough with it Keep in mind I go to cosmetology school to i have all my expensive equipment in there. I started getting mad at this point and told him he needs to be care-full that I have very expensive equipment in there. He than proceed to try to shove my husbands bike in the back of my jeep I have two car seats in my jeep so you kind of gently have to maneuver it in. but he was trying to shove it in. and in his frustration he started to tell me that he is not at fault it is my husbands fault that he hit my husband that he saw my husband coming down the hill on the side walk at 50 mph (also keep in my husband has a mountain bike not a street bike) He said he did yield to my husband and it was my husbands fault that he hit him. at this point a am getting really fired up! I start to tell him if you saw my husband and yielded to him you would not have hit him! A police officer than came over because he saw us arguing and I asked the officer if he could help me put my husbands bike in to the back of me jeep. when we got the bike into my jeep the man than came over to tell me he will pay for any medical bill there are. The officer than advised me to take my husband to the hospital because my husband denied medical transport because he did not have and life threatening injury's. I than took him to the hospital after being there for about 4 hours or so and x-rays he has a hematoma on his right fore arm and an abrasion on each limb and a compression deformity vertebrae pushed basically what that is is one of his disks on his vertebrae has been pushed down and out of alignment. He now has to go see a back doctor because of it. After we left the hospital we took written statements in to the police station.
I am in the process of looking for a lawyer we are planning on talking to a lawyer and possibly suing this guy. He damaged my husbands bike my husband is now unable to get to work because his bike is damaged my husband could walk if he was in good condition to walk be that is not an option because of his injury's it is a 2 hour walk from our house to his work and I will not allow that he could take the bus be we do not have money to pay the fair. So I will be driving him to work for awhile. I how ever am not able to do this everyday as I have school and two kids I have to take to the babysitters. To get where I need to be on time everyday also.
I need help in finding a lawyer so I can get this all started! I am not going to let him get off this easy there needs to be consequences for his actions.
If you know of any good lawyers that will put there cost in our claim so that guy will have to pay our lawyer fee's and court costs?
To the second response I dont think I hit the jackpot as you put it the only thing I am worryed about is getting my husband medical bills paid and getting his bike fixed and and future medical bills there will be for the future because he know has to see a back specailist there is no way we can afford to pay out of our own pocket any medical bill let alone pay a back specalist. That is the only thing I am worryed about!
And also I have read the law for cyclists and I do not see where it says it is the law that he has to ride his bike in the street!
After reading all of these I am getting really MAD none of these have been any help!! No where in colorado law does it say you have to ride in the street if you are on a bike only if a bike lane is provided are you to ride in the street!
AND second the GUY HIT my husband head on! He hit my husband so hard and dragged him along the road that he ripped his license plate off of his car. So how is that my husbands fault?!
Sorry I thought I put it in here I am from Co
I am hearing alot that it is illegal to ride a bike on the side walk but I just read the entire colorado cyclist law for colorado and no where does it saw it is illegal for a cyclist to ride on the sidewalk
A person riding or walking a bicycle upon and along a sidewalk or pathway or across a roadway upon and along a crosswalk shall have all the rights and duties applicable to a pedestrian under the same circumstances, including, but not limited to, the rights and duties granted and required by section 42-4-802.
How abour you read the law before you point the finger at my husband!
You file a claim with the mans insurance company. You will get medical bills paid. You will get lost work wages due to the injury but nothing because he now has trouble getting to work. You will get the bike repaired. Maybe some for pain and suffering. Did the police find the car driver at fault and ticket him? If not then you will have a fight on your hand as they can say your husband contributed to the accident. Common knowledge that bikers follow the rules of the road just like a car driver.
You file a claim with the mans insurance company. You will get medical bills paid. You will get lost work wages due to the injury but nothing because he now has trouble getting to work. You will get the bike repaired. Maybe some for pain and suffering. Did the police find the car driver at fault and ticket him? If not then you will have a fight on your hand as they can say your husband contributed to the accident. Common knowledge that bikers follow the rules of the road just like a car driver.
Am I going crazy? I believe so.?
Alright, well I have terrible anxiety.. And it drives me nuts! I get it everyday, yet again I have only Twelve years of age. This anxiety, It put extremely big Rashes on my chest. I have been put in the Emergancy Room for anxiety. I have had to get a Lumbar-Puncture.
I also have severe depression, I am on No Meds. This depression has been here for years, I have cut myself since I was Ten.
That leaves over 750 scars on my right arm, And that has led to bullying. Being called "Emo" and such. When I was Eleven, I was sexually abused having to do things I never wanted to do. That has led drastic effect on me. I have almost killed myself around Four times, because of being bulliled. Since those boys did those things, I have been called "Slut" "Whore" "Skank"...
Despite the fact that I am adopted, my mother was Six-Teen years old when she had me.
So of course kids LOVE to pick on me saying.. I'm the daughter of a "Whore" "Slut" "Skank".. These words had killed my emotional concept of bonding with other humans.
I have the fear of getting attached, because everyone betrays me, they leave me. It feels like they love to hurt me.
I've lost my ability to cry. And that is so hard to deal with, I mean we all want to cry at some points and just never stop. Am I right?
Well ya' know I can't even start.
And You don't know how badly I want to.
When I look in the mirror I see imperfection, I lift up my shirt.. And think not enough ribs are showing, I need to lose weight.. So then I don't eat for a few weeks. But it's hard, I'm a athlete.
I've broken my self esteem.
Somedays I just sleep all day, and never do anything.
I have no friends what so ever.
My bestfriend died, on July 3rd 2012.
And to this day I don't believe he's dead.
I still think he's out somewhere riding his mountain bike.
I've been to therapy, but I couldn't handle the big ball of happy.
I've been off and on drugs, and alcohol.
It made me feel so much better.
I'm trying to quit, and get my life back,
Hello! You are going through a lot right now. You are so young to be going through this. I'm sorry but hope I can help. I'm not a doctor but believe you do need help with some meds. I believe you need counseling also. But again i'm not a doctor. I was severly sexually abused for years and I am in therapy and take meds. Also I have anxiety. I try to deal with this by calming myself down by thinking of peaceful things. I try to stay positive in everything I do and say. This helps because negativity makes things worse. It is a shame that the other kids pick on you and bully you. Could you not say something to the school counselor and go to her or him for a little help. I feel you have some depression also. because you are so blue over your whole life. I'm sorry that you self harm. I don't understand that but know that it makes you feel, so thats why you do it. I think you need to check out different therapist not all are a like. I would go in and tell them you are not a big ball of happiness that you are a mess, that you are depressed and have anxiety, and low self esteem. That you are bullied at school and have been abused. This is nothing to be happy go lucky about. It is serious and you need to find a way to get through it. I hope you can stay off alcohol, it will make things worse not better I know because I tried to self medicate with alcohol myself and all it got me was drunk and in trouble, lol I hope u can find yourself some help. Seek medical attention before you are so bad you have to go into the hospital. Good luck I wish you the best young one. Blessings!
Hello! You are going through a lot right now. You are so young to be going through this. I'm sorry but hope I can help. I'm not a doctor but believe you do need help with some meds. I believe you need counseling also. But again i'm not a doctor. I was severly sexually abused for years and I am in therapy and take meds. Also I have anxiety. I try to deal with this by calming myself down by thinking of peaceful things. I try to stay positive in everything I do and say. This helps because negativity makes things worse. It is a shame that the other kids pick on you and bully you. Could you not say something to the school counselor and go to her or him for a little help. I feel you have some depression also. because you are so blue over your whole life. I'm sorry that you self harm. I don't understand that but know that it makes you feel, so thats why you do it. I think you need to check out different therapist not all are a like. I would go in and tell them you are not a big ball of happiness that you are a mess, that you are depressed and have anxiety, and low self esteem. That you are bullied at school and have been abused. This is nothing to be happy go lucky about. It is serious and you need to find a way to get through it. I hope you can stay off alcohol, it will make things worse not better I know because I tried to self medicate with alcohol myself and all it got me was drunk and in trouble, lol I hope u can find yourself some help. Seek medical attention before you are so bad you have to go into the hospital. Good luck I wish you the best young one. Blessings!
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