Saturday, April 19, 2014

running your kids bikes over with the car?


Is it just me or is running your childrens bikes over with your car fun?

HAHA.. As a mother of 4 kids who are now 17, 15, 14 and 11... it does sound fun although I never did that but i did put them in my caddy trunk for about a week and let them think they got stolen because I was sick of them not putting them where they were suppose to when done riding them..... although I did this with house toys to when they did not pick them up as asked I would throw them in a trash bag and throw in shed 4 months later you take them out and it is like christmas and they learn to pick them up quickly lol

parents can be evil huh

Wrong for14yr old to ride ninja bike?


My dad traded my kid dirt bike for a ninja bike and i called him stupid for him thinking i was going to ride the ninja bike. he said it was alright and i still find it wrong because first he didn't even buy me the proper helmet for my dirt bike(bought a bicycle helmet) he says it's the same thing and to lighten up i still say it's illegal and him coming up with the idea is stupid!
and it's missing a foot pedal
he didn't trade it at a store! he traded with some other guy who wanted my dirt bike for his 5yr old.

Not many places a 14-year-old can legally ride on the road, so I would say the answer to your question is yes, it's wrong.

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Anyone have experience with bike trailers?

Q. I am looking for a light, folding, 2 child trailer with quick release wheels. I've looked on line, but have zero experience with them. Can one upgrade the tires to narrow high pressure tires? Do they affect the handling of the bike? If you have used one, do the kids really like riding along? All that kind of stuff.

I've been using a Kool Stop Lil Trooper bike trailer for almost 4 years now. I agree with the other two answers about having the trailer but I would also have to say that narrow high pressure tires probably aren't a good alternative to what the trailers offer already.

While mine is a decent $200 trailer, the first answer has a Burley D'Lite- which is literally the "Cadillac of Trailers." They have every thoughtful touch including padded seating, recesses for the helmet and tinted windows. Mine doesn't even have quick release. The way I see it is if the D'Lite doesn't offer the feature, it probably offers no advantage. In fact, it may even be unsafe to have narrow tires. The D' Lite is the leader in trailer technology and it is also one of the most expensive because of that.

About the kids being bored: My son no longer rides in the trailer but his 15 month old baby brother does. After the intial ride, neither of my kids gave me any qualms about riding in there. Give them some treats, a drink, and something to keep them busy (toys,coloring books, etc.) and they are good to go. They usually look out the windows or go to sleep- which is what they do best in the trailer.

As long as they see Daddy in front, they don't worry. I'll ride a 40 mile ride with one of them in the back and I just let them get out and play for about half an hour at my halfway rest stop before heading back. No worries. Your experiences may be different but when they normally see me riding my bike without them, they are just glad to come along at times. Heck, it gives my wife a break too unless she comes along.

Also, it's recommended that you not exceed 20 mph with the trailer. I found out why when the trailer began to feel unstable when I hit 25 mph a few times. No worries. With the extra weight, you'll want to save your legs on any ride over 15 miles anyway.

Trailers will affect the handling of your bike and make sure that you have either a full steel or aluminum frame bike with at least 32 spoked wheels to pull them with. I had to buy an all aluminum bike while biuying my trailer because the LBS said that a carbon frame or carbon rear frame will crack from the stresses of a trailer. My original bike was a carbon Trek. Titanium is also a no-no.

There are many choices out there when buying a bike trailer. Burley is at the top of the list. Even their barebones Burley Bee trailer is good.

Cannondale trailers are really impressive and they are up there with Burley in terms of technology. Many riders like their unique, more aerodynamic profiles.

Kool Stop is good and they are a family owned company that strongly backs their products. Just make sure to go for a higher end trailer than the Lil Trooper.

A really good trailer that has had a strong cult following but are now being recognized by the masses are Chariot trailers. They are a Canadian company that makes exceptional trailers. Chariot used to make most of Burley's trailers until many buyer's found out that Chariots were the same trailers they were looking at purchasing from Burley and can be had for less. Now Burley makes their own.

Basic requirements that will make your trips easier are quick release skewers ( as you mentioned) AND aluminum rims.You may even want to make sure that your trailer had a rear window in the trunk area so that air can flow threw it on hot days. If you decide you want the D'Lite but it seems cost-prohibitive, consider a used one. Most used trailers have very low miles and are in great condition because they are used so little. That's good for you because you can buy used for a lot less than a new one. Sorry this is so long winded but I'm trying to get as much info to you, so that you will be better prepared when you go shopping for one. Good luck with your purchase.

is this a good beginner bike?,6/Diamondback/Joker,1844
I need a bmx

Yes, this is a fine beginner bike. The three piece crank, FSA headset and rear brake set (tektro) set this one above most beginner BMXs. For under $200 you aren't going to find much better. Performance has them on sale for $199 this week.

However, I would seriously consider spending $40 more and getting the 2010 Diamondback Nitrus instead. Same bike with an aluminum frame.

FYI: The first poster is dead wrong. Aside from the GMC being a cheap piece of cr@p to begin with, a multi-speed, dropped handlebar road bike like that is inappropriate for most beginners.

You made a good choice. There are lots of department store bikes that are cheaper and since these are outgrown quickly many parents (guilty as charged) buy as cheap as possible. The results are frustration as the kid has to deal with a poorly functioning, always half-broken bike and Dad is always fixing it and dealing with it's poor design and cheap components. You can find half decent department store bikes but you have to look hard and even still they are really only for true first timers. This bike should last a while.

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Friday, April 18, 2014


dan T

Im a new rider and was shocked be how much all the gear cost's! Can anyone tell me how to find quality gear at a cheaper price?

just because something has a big name on it does not mean its quality no mater how much they try to kid you, for leather gear & gloves look at the stitching make sure its not to near the edge or running off as it will just come away in time,

helmets price again does not dictate quality some of the cheaper helmets have out performed much dearer helmets,

i have a lovely pair of ashman motorcycle boots that are like new they cost £70 in the mid 70s
they would not keep your feet dry if someone dropped a cup of water on them, utter rubbish,
i have a pair of akito that cost £45 & after 100 miles in the rain my feet stay dry that i replaced my buffalo boots £69.99 that leak after about 20 miles in the rain with
i have a pair of frank thomas gloves aqua nice glove but the stitching went down the side after 3 days, i have a pair of XSO leather gloves £22 that are warm & dry ,


also dont think a name protects you it does not lost a lot of friends who only wore the best gear from helmet's to gloves & still have lots of friends who just buy gear that fits right & are not bothered about a name,
if its your time its your time no mater what you do or wear , in november i got crushed between 2 cars the bike was totally wrote off all i got was a bruised elbow

best bycicle gear for portland oregon?


ok so i just got a bike but i haven't really used one since i was a kid. i've started riding and realized there's a lot of gear i need to get. i've been doing some online shopping but i figured my best bet would be to ask the consumers... you guys! so here's what i'm looking for let me know what brand/type is the best and if there's anything i missed that ill need please feel free to let me know!
AS a side not : i'm in portland oregon Right now, it's colder than a witches tit and it will be raining cats and dogs soon
Warm weatherproof jacket
Warm weather proof gloves
leggings or tights
under armor for the top half
front and rear lights
some sort of bag to cary things in
a cell phone holder to hold my phone where i can see it as ill be using it for a gps
anything light and safety oriented!
ok i think that's it. but again if i missed anything please tell me!
thanks so much for your help! and i hope y'all have some great gear/brand/product type, suggestions for me!

Good info can be found through R.E.I. website under "Expert Advice: Cycling"

Clothing -
Commuter Bike Gear -
How to Care for Technical Fabrics -
How to Choose Rainwear -

Lights? Only one choice in my book -

Panniers, or as you described it "some sort of bag to cary things in" - These can be found on Amazon.

Locks? Only 2 choices - OnGuard U-Bolt lock - or Kryptonite U-Bolt lock -

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6' 1" tall and don't know what size frame to get for a mountain bike??

Q. I'm trying to get a mountain bike online for cheap, but don't know what dimensions to look for since kids bikes look the same as mens bikes with out a frame of reference? I'm 6' 1" tall and about 200 lbs...please help. These people online have all told me I would fit comfortably on their bikes w ith the frames ranging from 21" - 26"??? I think they are just trying to sell their bike to some sap :)

As a retired bike dealer, I can tell you that fit is very important. I would recommend getting fitted by you local dealer...but remember, all bikes are not the same size. There are really 2 measurements involved...1st is wheel size...that's the 12,16,20,24,26,and 27 inches . Then there is frame size...ths distance from the top of the seat post of the frame to the middle of the crank. How the bike isdesigned can make a difference in this measurement. There is also stand-over height and leg length. You should be able to stand flat footed over the frame and bend your knees a little (If you fall or have to jump off in a hurry you are going to bend your knees, so make sure you have enough clearence.) Most of the good manufactures will have these measurments readily available.
Don't let anyone tell you that you can raise the seat or put in a longer seatpost. That will not raise the handlebar height, and you will bent over too much, and not comfortable.
Lastly, are you going to ride off road, or just around town? The rougher you are going to ride, the smaller the frame you can handle (see above about falling off.)
Go see your local dealer.

Bike Experts: Which Mountain Bike is the Best?

Im looking to buy a decent yet used mountain bike for $200 and was wondering which of these 4 bikes is the best? And if you could rate them in order that would be nice too. Thanks!





*Sidenote: I am 6'3" so let me know if any of the bikes would not work for me. Thanks guys.

None of them will work...period. You are 6' 3" tall & you're looking at kid's bikes with 24" wheels? Even a discount store special wouldn't work because of your height. Discount store bikes come in one frame size only.

Let me back up a bit... Once into the 26" and 700C wheel size (adult bikes) bikes are measured by frame size. For example, at 5' 10" tall, I have a mountain bike with an 18" frame. Because you are 5" taller, you would most likely move into a 20" or possibly even a 22" frame.

Please go to a real bike shop, if for no other reason than to just ask questions. Then go look in the classifieds for something that will fit you better.

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my 3 and 1/2 yr old son does not want to wear clothes. also ever since his 1 and a 1/2 yr old sister made a?

Q. deal about his potty training he still wants to use a diaper. how can i get him to wear his clothes?

My 3 year old does the same thing. I even caught her outside during the summer riding her bike without pants or underwear on! I thought it would get better in the winter, but as we have an infant in the house we have to keep the house warm. It is a struggle everyday for me with her clothes. I do daycare for my sisters 3 kids all under 3 so she will strip down and I wont even notice as I'm involved in the other kids. Lately I've kept a VERY close eye on her, when I notice pants coming off, "no keep them on its cold in the house" or whatever you tell your son. With my daughter I have to be consistent and keep a close eye on her, today we did pretty good. Getting dinner ready I found she had stripped and so told her to put your clothes on so we can sit and eat dinner. We don't want any naked butts at the dinner table" I got an "Ohhhh Ok" like maybe it clicked? Who knows, good luck to you

Destructive 3 year old?

Q. My son is 3 years old, very well behaved. Only downfall with him is that he is very distructive, he like to figure things out on his own. He likes to take anything he can find apart just to figure out how to put it back together, he is so intrigued my electricity we have had to duck tape his outlets in his room because he likes seeing things turn on and off. He has takin out kitchen cupboards apart, he then gets his fisher price tools so "he can fick it". He's takin our vent apart, breaks toys, takes light bulbs out of lights just to screw them back in, taking his bike apart, uses forks to open locked doors (which is one of things me and his father do to keep him locked out of dangerous things). Like I said he's is an amazing well behaved little boy, just very intrigued to find out how things works. We try and keep our eyes on him 24/7 but as other parents will know that sometimes doesn't always happen.. I'm not looking for rude comments just suggestions please! Thank you so much!

It sounds like your son is very curious. You as his parent will need to be extra vigilant to insure his safety. At your local hardware store there are a lot of safety options including sensors that beep if a door is open. You could try to place these on the tops of the doors that you have been locking so they will alarm if he is able to figure out a way to open them.

In the meantime provide him activities that will keep him busy and interested. Think about things such as Duplos, Kids K'nex, Gears Building Set, and puzzles. When he plays with appropriate toys, praise him and play with him to encourage his interest. When he is playing with something that is inappropriate, consistently provide discipline such as a time out.

The Boys Town National Hotline - 1-800-448-3000 is a parenting hotline. We are here for you anytime you would like to talk.
- SB, Counselor

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is 13 considered a little kid?

Q. like when i was 9 i thought 9 was old, but now i know that 9 is a really little kid. So is 13 a little kid? Like would people still treat you like u are really little when ur 13? And is it normal for 13 year olds to like, ride bikes and play board games and fly kites and stuff like that? thanks

Your a little shorty! All that stuff seems normal. People will not consider you an adult till your 18 some might even say 21

Two Wheel Riding. Little Kids HELP?


Im teaching my nine year old sister how to ride a two wheel bike. Training wheels aren't the awnser. She hates them and refuses to use them. Any tips? Please help.

I've seen kids learn on "balance bikes that just have wheels and a steerer; no gears no peddle. They "hobby horse" it and once they get comfortable, move on to a real bike. So I suggest taking the peddles of the bike, lowering the seat, and let her scoot around. At some point, she'll ask you to put the peddles on, and off she goes.

Good luck.

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Help finding a bike (In UK)?


Hey, can anyone recommend a good commuter bike to me? I'm quite fussy and finding it difficult to find a bike I like.

I'm looking for a bike with hub gears (at least an 8 speed), aluminium frame, disc brakes and possibly front suspension, though not necessity! if anyone can recommend one, or point me in the direction of a good site other than evans, it'd be a huge help! thanks in advance!

Hey mate,

Glad you're looking at hub gears for commuting - I'm a firm believer in the right machine for the job and have long questioned why you see so many commuters struggling through 27 gears designed for mountain cycling whilst weaving their way around a bus on the high street - plus changing gear while you are stationary in traffic can be a real leg saver!

Similarly I think aluminium or carbon fibre are a good thing if you can afford them, once you've had a lightweight frame, you really don't go back - I agree with the earlier comment - you don't need a road bike - these are racing bikes and have a very poor riding position after a long day at work, and the larger wheels just have more expensive tubes and tyres, as well as much larger turning circles. If you did find a mountain bike you like, you can of course just change the tyres for road ones, but I really would recommend the hub gears over derailers - less maintenance, longer life, more reliable etc.

As for discs and forks, these may be overkill for everyday commuting, but again this depends on where you're riding - you won't need hydraulic discs, but again the reliability, strength and long life of discs over especially cheap callipers may make them a worthwhile upgrade but if you're just going to be riding on predominantly flat ground in heavy traffic, you really will be fine with a good set of v-brakes or quality calipers. As for the front suspension, just think how often you're route goes around pot holed streets, shortcuts off road, or up on the pavement for those lethal junctions, and decide if you need it.

Finally the most important part - price! Please do not spend more than £500 on a commuter bike - this is a high-wear, high-risk bike. Get a work horse - absolutely nothing fashionable - high theft targets. If you want a quality performance bike, then you need two - one cheap sturdy commuter workhorse and one expensive road/mountain/downhill/bmx bike to suit your needs. Don't forget you are very likely to damage the bike in an accident during everyday commuting over the life of the bike, and that it must 'live' somewhere whilst you are at work and that bikes are very high targets for theft and vandalism - no lock is safe - use a cable/chain lock AND a D-lock (as these take different tools to open) and always remove any quick-release kit when you lock it up. (disc brakes and suspension forks say "expensive" to theives - maybe worth considering?).

I won't recommend a website because I think it's really important to go into you're local bike store and find a bike that really meets you're needs - the most important thing of all is that the frame fits you - this will make it much more comfortable, and efficient! Stick to you're guns about hub gearing though, it sounds as though you really don't need deraillers and they will offer you deraillers in the store - remember the staff are just going to try and sell you kit you don't need - they are just kids that ride bikes at the weekend, they probably know a lot about performance bikes, but very little about day to day commuting!

you sound like you know what you want so try and avoid the sales team and have a good look yourself. You may have to go to several shops, but as you will be using this bike day in day out, rain, snow ice wind and heat you want to get it right. obviously once you find the model you want, check you can't find it cheaper online (take into account some stores include a years maintenance in the price!

Hope that helps!

What's the best bicycle for my kids to learn to ride without training wheels?

Gina W

My husband says we should get a lighter weight bike for my daughter but I think that would be even more likely to fall over. Is there a brand of bike that has a low center of gravity or something similar that would make it easier to learn to ride? She's 6 and has a rather heavy "Cool Ride" by Dynacraft.

Your husband is right - a lighter bike would be easier to balance on: less weight = less work to balance. With a heavy bike she has to balance her weight plus the bike. Unfortunately though, they don't really make lightweight bikes for kids - they all seem to be horribly heavy.

A low center of gravity might help a bit, but you're not going to find a bike like that - all the weight goes into the structure, and anyway, the heaviest thing she's balancing is herself - the bike is only a minor part of the weight.

What you may want to do is get a 'balance bike'. These bikes train the child to balance - they have no pedals and the kid runs the bike along. The idea is to get the child to pick his/her feet up and start to learn to balance. After that, you can buy her a regular bike and she'll already have the balancing skill.

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Thursday, April 17, 2014

Which is the best bike?

Fresh Pisu

So my child really wants a bigger bike. He is growing out of it and everytime he pedals, he hits the handle which turns into a bruise.

It's nearly his birthday now so it's going to be a good fit. He currently has a BMX bike. We go for a family cycle everyday. The track is mostly paved but there are bumps and gravel as well (hardly but I guess that counts). He is pretty flexible so a little bend on the back is okay. We go cycling for about 45 minutes but I'm not sure if that's considered a high or low distance. Speed is not a factor but he wants a speedy one I guess. But a fast one will be great. A gear will also be great since we go up a slightly steep pavement.

We have been looking online for Bikes on sale and found Mountain, Road, Hybrid and more for kids. We have been making targets for a few. We have considered the price and since it's his birthday, I won't care how pricy it is. There are also a few more bikes which I can't name in English.

We live in Thailand and cycling is very popular here and most bikes are good in deal. So we are likely getting a Hybrid. Fast, light, paved and non- paved surfaces, comfy position, long distances.

Also, it would be great if you can help me recognise these bikes.

What type are the first three?


First - read what's on this link - "How to Choose a Bicycle" -

Next - see your independent, authorized, knowledgeable, friendly, local bicycle shop(s). Have your son extensively test ride a few. The one that rides & feels the "best" to him - buy it.

There is no "best" bike for everyone. "Best" is in the eye (and the ride) of the beholder. The one that would be the "worst" is one of those cheap full suspension bikes. Stay away!

I am 4'11 what size bike do i need?


I am not a girl just a bit short lol anyways I do not want to ride a bmx bike just because they are 20' and I need a daily commuting bike but do not know if a 24' would be too uncomfortable and I would hate to fall in the streets.

My wife is 5'0" and has a 12" mtn bike with 26" wheels. It is a REI Bliss, full suspension bike. So there are plenty of options out there for you, frame size is tricky in the short girl sizes, a 24" may work for you but it is more of a kids bike so the components aren't very nice.
Check out the local bike shops and ride lots of bikes.
Set your budget and check out ebay as well, sometimes shops sell last year's x-small frames for peanuts.

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is it legal to have kid seating at bike back in california?

jian l

if yes, what is the hardware requirement? and what is
the safety tips to carry a kid in bicycling?

A kid seat on the back of your bicycle is legal in California and a helmet is required. However, I strongly recommend against those seats. They make your bike top heavy and if you fall, your child falls with you. Your best bet is to buy a trailer to attach to your bike. They have roll cages and if your bike falls over, the trailer hitch has a pivot attachment which keeps the trailer upright. Also, if the trailer does happen to fall over, the roll cage (and helmet) will protect the child. Yes, trailers cost quite a bit more but ask yourself: Are you willing to sacrifice your child's life to save money?

Toddler Seats on Bicycles?


I would just like everyone's opinion of the little bicycle seats you can attach for you kids? Does anyone have experience with these things? Are they safe? What about those little wagon type things you pull behind you (which i'd really rather not use). I want to take my son riding with me.

The seats on the back are perfectly safe if YOU are a safe rider (which as a mommy I am SURE you are) just make sure to get a helmet that FITS baby's head and ride in places that dont have TRAFFIC

(I HATE it when bikers go out to ride for their "health" on a BUSY street where they are SO likely to get hit!! ESPECIALLY w/ kids in tow!! And I have seen it A LOT!)

As far as those wagons that you can pull behind you... those are CRAP!! They are almost IMPOSSIBLE to control and steer making it VERY HARD for you to control your OWN bike. Plus the "drag" that it has makes you have to work a LOT harder when peddling and you can pretty much FORGET going uphill w/ one of those things!!

Hope that helps!

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Where can you buy decent kids road bikes in Singapore?


A bicycle shop?

are bikes allowed on public streets in Singapore?


how about licenses?

You must be kidding. One of the many sights of Singapore is the literally hundreds of bikes on the streets. It is one of the major forms of transportation there.

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14" tire pressure for a kids bike?

Casey Dida

The recommended tire pressure will be written on the sidewall of the tire. Not all tires are the same. Use the recommended pressure on your tires

How small is a 14" bike?


Is that like a kid's size? I'm about 5'3 and I they took measurements at a bike shop and they said I need a 14", I'm kind of scared of how small that is
Well they did measure the inseam. The sizing was based on the Jamis Allegro bike
20" is too big. I can't even ride the bike or stop properly with a 20"

Whoa your 5 3 and they say a 14? You need a 20 inch bike with a 20.5 top tube. Dont listen to them bra.
Check out this rider sizing chart

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Wednesday, April 16, 2014

How do stores measure bike / bicycle sizes? ie.16",20" etc. Is it the outside tire or the inner rim or what?

Mom 2 ZM

I need to get a new bike for my soon to be 6 year old. He is on the bigger side of an almost 6 year old (not fat, just build) and I have no clue on how to measure his current bike to get the next size up for his birthday next week. Please help!

Kid's and adult's bikes are measured differently, btw. For kids, it's the wheel diameter, which may be printed on the side of the tire. If it's not, measure the outside of the tire from one side to the other - children's bikes are either 12", 16", 20" or 24", so there's enough variance that you'll be able to tell pretty easily which one his is.

Look at your son's inseam measurement to determine what size to get him.

And happy birthday to him!

what brand is a good affordable kids bike?

Q. we are looking to get our son a 20 inch bike. he is turning 6 in a month and he is a tall boy so we were thinking a 20 inch would last him a good long time compared to his current 16 inch bike. is 20 inch a good size to get him to last him a long time?
what is a good affordable name brand?
by affordable i mean not over $100. are walmart bikes good for kids??

a walmart bike is fine. the higher priced bikes are made with higher quality parts to ensure a longer life. a kid's bike is only going to be used 3 or 4 years. its fine. happy biking.

yes, huffy is a good brand sold at many stores, maybe even walmart.

hey! also, in my town, our local police force had an auction in the spring. i was surprised at the condition of some of the bikes there. it really is worth trying if your city has any event like this.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Have you ever seen a kid just not like a "balance bike"?


"Balance bike" = pedal-free "bike" that the kid scoots along on, lifts feet up off the ground to whizz along with after getting the speed up.

I think they are a fantastic concept. I have long wanted to get one for my kid.

I do not think she would dig it, though. I think she would be intimidated by the speed required to get it to go fast enough to lift her feet up. She has never been the physically daring sort, and for learning to ride a bike I think we are in for a long slow steady thing, and she will not be one of the kids who races down the block for quite a while.

But perhaps I underestimate...

But, have you ever seen a tot just not take to one of these bikes? Does this happen? People rave about them but when I watch the videos of them my knee-jerk is "No way, my kid just wouldn't. Too fast." Hmm.

Maybe you should stop making your kid look stupid and just get her one. I'm sorry but are you just SO damn intellegent in your eyes even your kid is a worthless piece of crap in your eyes? Your a horrible person. Maybe you should have "digged" classical music. Maybe your kid would be able to be smart enough to ride one them hmmm? If you actually read up you'd see many articles explianing that classical music has helped stimulate the brain. Even Einstein said that math and music go together. Maybe your kid isn't a lost cause afterall. Psh.

Where in USA can I buy Hip Kids Balance Bike?


This is a 2-in-1 Steel Balance Bike that converts to pedals & training wheels.
I can only find them listed in an Australian store that does not ship to USA.
I want to buy 2 of these (different colors), NEW.

I couldn't find a dealer for Hip Kids in the USA. However I did find these sites:

Good luck with your search.

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Monday, April 14, 2014

New mountain Bike...Help?


I am looking at buying a new mountain bike and converting it to electric...I was thinking about getting the Mongoose Status 3.0 but I couldn't find a single review except on Amazon...any suggestions?
I'm 13, about 120 (I know I'm a lightweight) and 5' 6"...
The reason that I want to convert a mountain bike to electric is because I do a lot of rough street riding, and a hybrid just won't do the trick. Also, I didn't mean full electric, just a lightweight hub motor for use on longer rides. So eff off about the Lego's a serious question.
Also, I don't really need advice about the electric components, I know my stuff about that.

Converting it to electric. No. Don't do this. Spend you money getting a nicer bike with less friction and you can go much faster. Or just buy a cheap, old scooter. Why are you doing this? Project?

If you're going to be using it as a mountain bike, it need not be electric, as that's dangerous. If you're using it as a scooter, it need not be a mountain bike: hybrid's. If this is a project and you're 13 and not rich, I'd pick a different project. One of the Lego Robots would make a good project with electricity(i.e. Lego's Mindstorm). Provide more info and I will too.

Kids get so angry these days.

Looking to buy a new mt. bike-Hardtail, $1000-$1300 price range. Any ideas?


I have already test road the Trek 6700 and liked it. Looking at reviews, it seems like the components arent that great though. Any suggestions as to other bikes I should check out in that same price range?

All bikes in that range will have similar components (lx/some xt or equivalent), unless you find one on sale. I like to look at last years model because you can usually find one at 30% off the current retail.

The one thing you failed to mention is what kind of riding you are looking to do, and where. All Mountain, XC, Downhill, freeride, dirtjump, cyclocross. Each will use a different type of MTB and will yield different suggestions from the crowd.

Make it a point to visit 3-4 bike shops. Tell the sales person your budget, your intentions with respect to riding style, and have them help show you what they have. Test ride them all without prejudice and make an objective choice.

just don't buy Trek...... Just kidding. Trek makes a good bike, so does Specialized, or Cannondale, or Kona, or Gary Fisher, the list goes on and on.

Things to consider along with the brand and components, is the feel of the shop where you spend your money. Do they answer your questions? Do you feel comfortable with them? What kind of after sale support is included? What is the warranty for the frame/fork?

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Help finding a bike for college!?


So I'm going off to college soon and I need to buy a bike budget is about $200 more or less. I'm okay with buying used.

I've done some research, but I just can't seem to find a bike I like anywhere.

things I want: narrow/thinish tires, but not like a road bike, I want a hybrid, I want something that will be good for getting around, but also for exercise, I want something that goes pretty fast (nothing like the bikes used for racing, but I like speed)

I had an Eddie Bauer bike as a kid and I adored it.[term]=eddie%20bauer%20bike&filters[primary]=images&filters[secondary]=videos&sort=1
it was just everything I ever wanted in a bike and I even tried to find someone who's selling one (but all of them are too far to pick up)
I want something similar to this.

any suggestions?

You don't need help choosing the right bike. You need help finding it! You just described to a "T" what you're looking for. Now go scour craigslist everyday - maybe even several times a day.

Good bikes go fast on craigslist. Something posted at 12:00 may be gone by 2 or 3 o'clock that same day.

Why do college kids do all kinds of stupid sh-t?

Megan S

My husband is a full time student at the University of Delaware; we live on campus in family housing. Last night some piece of sh-t drunk college kid pushed over his motorcycle. The frame is bent and the bike is now totaled. It was an older bike so Progressive wouldn't put collision on it so we're now out the $1300 book value. We were going to sell it to have some much needed extra cash for a move in 2 months. Because it happened overnight no one in the complex saw anything. We filed a police report and the cop says that someone definitely pushed it.
What are parents thinking when they send their evil little offspring off to college? I just read a survey where a majority of parents think that drinking is a vital part of the college experience. Are these parents high themselves? Why are parents such pushovers nowadays? I'm so pissed I could just strangle the demon spawn that did this! My husband and I are out A LOT of money because someone couldn't behave!
P.S I'm 21 and my husband is 24. Our parents would literally kill us if we did something like that!
PFG; It wasn't insurance fraud! My husband has been applying for engineering positions at various government contractors. He needs to have a clean record to get a security clearance for those jobs. Any type of conviction like that would cost him the position.

You were victimized by someone who was immature and drunk. He did what he did because he was immature and drunk, not because he was in college. Your husband is a college student and, as you say, he would never do such a thing. Neither would most of my students, but there is the occasional idiot who would. The same is true of those in the non-college population. You find similar patterns among others at that age - the military is a good example. There are some who, at a young age, are responsible human beings, and others who are drunken louts. Late teens and early twenties are times in which many people go through a lot of growth. Some mature early, while others take longer. Since most college students fall into that age group, and since they are isolated into peer groups, rather than being integrated into the working population, it can look like the problem is college.

I read the other day that the drinking culture is now beginning at the age of 10. They are saying that parents who wait to talk to their kids about drinking and drugs until they are teens are too late; the kids are going over to each others houses and drinking well before they become teens, in some cases. I don't get the need to drink at all, but if kids have been doing it for eight years before they go off to college, why would that change?

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Sunday, April 13, 2014

what is this toddler item called?


goes on the back or front of bike to carry your toddlers as you are riding bike.
Want to buy one but i forgot what the name of it is. Also is there a certain kind that is good for a 2 1/2 year old?

It is called a child bike seat
It is a good product, but the baby wont fit in it for long and it is not very comfortable. You should try the bicycle trailer. It hooks to the rear tire of your bike and you haul your baby around. It is really good and I love it. my kid is two-and-a-half and enjoys it very much. It's also very safe, comfortable enough for him to fall asleep while we ride, and convenient (ours came with the detachable front tire so it turns from a trailer to a stroller). you can purchase it at wal-mart, target, k-mart, and other dept. stores. It is not very expensive, we found ours at Target for 40.00dlls. but they run all the way to like 200-300dlls.

what is the best way to bike with my toddler in Manila; a child seat or a trailer?


i want to bring my toddler to day care and me to work in my bike. i live in a university campus. there are a lot of cars and potholes en route. help.

Go for a bike seat my friend. Trailers tend to increase the length of the bike that can increase the chances of getting hit by something or turning. Drivers in the Philippines are quite rude by the way and you may not want to add that in factor.

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My new story? What do you think so far?

Q. I'm usually a fantasy writer, but this is a shot at writing a more modern book. i haven't had any reviews of this so far, so what do you think of this beginning?

The still night air was broken by a rumbling in the distance.
Silhouetted trees rustled softly, towering high over a dirt road that wound like a dizzy snake through the flat Australian countryside. Hours ago, the sun had beat down on native plants until the grass was scorched dry and creeks vanished. Even the night air was hot.
The rumbling grew closer, growling and snarling as metal monsters came screaming down the road, kicking up dust clouds in their wake. Insects that had been dancing in the night air scattered as the three Harleys roared by, one by one. The riders were clad in leather, their faces hidden by helmets.
They rode for another hundred meters, before the one in front made a quick hand gesture and swerved dangerously to the side, off the road and banking on the crispy grass. The other two followed and dismounted.
"Do we leave them here?" a male's voice asked.
"Use your brain, Jason," a female - the leader - replied. "Who's going to take them?"
The last rider, the youngest of the three, rested his helmet on the seat of his bike. He shook his jet-black hair away from his eyes. "What if we were followed?"
"Who would follow us? We're just a bunch of kids going for a ride, aren't we? Anyway, we're more than a match for anyone who would follow us," the girl said.
"At least it's night," Jason pointed out to his seventeen-year-old brother. To his older sister, he said, "Mind you, Viv, I reckon we should use cars from now on. Or at least get Alex to stop revving the bike like that."
Alex grimaced.
Vivian took her helmet off and tied her long, white-blonde hair into a ponytail. "Cars are no fun. What's the time?"
Jason checked his watch. "One thirty," he replied.
"We have half an hour. Let's get moving."

I'm going to post a more action-y scene in a few moments, but so far, what do you think?

Well first thing is first. The first sentence try arranging it as: A rumbling in the distance broke the still night air. Instead of what you have. other than that it's okay.At first I was bored but then it started to get interesting and it did leave me hanging wanting to find out more. I like your setting. try making it clearer because it sometimes gets to a point where it's confusing.
Other than that it's good.
E-mail me if you need anymore editing.
Good Luck!

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running your kids bikes over with the car?


Is it just me or is running your childrens bikes over with your car fun?

HAHA.. As a mother of 4 kids who are now 17, 15, 14 and 11... it does sound fun although I never did that but i did put them in my caddy trunk for about a week and let them think they got stolen because I was sick of them not putting them where they were suppose to when done riding them..... although I did this with house toys to when they did not pick them up as asked I would throw them in a trash bag and throw in shed 4 months later you take them out and it is like christmas and they learn to pick them up quickly lol

parents can be evil huh

kids qaud bike?


it will not start put fresh petrol and 2 strke in but it still will not start am sick off pulling the string to try and start it any ideas


Your question has been asked many times on YA. I did a search for the question "Bike wont start?" and look at all the answers I got.;_ylt=AgquZ743XkWr_h3TzdZJDd9Mxgt.;_ylv=3?p=bike+wont+start

I bet there are many ideas in these answers that will help you get the quad running again.

Good Luck

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16 year old kid getting first road bike.?


im turning 16 in about a month and was looking into getting a street bike. I have been riding dirt bike for a little over 3 years now and have ridden a street bike once. i am debating on getting either an R6, GSX-R750 or an R1. everyone i know that has had a 600cc sold it within 2 years for a bigger bike. i dont kno what to do. Most likely i will get it brand new.(no i am not a spoiled rotten little kid either im paying for it my self). and im not the type of kid to stunt the bike either. im very aware of the dangers of riding. So can you help me out... 600cc bike or go all out and get the 1000cc bike?

Read the below articles. If you still think you want a sports bike you're just another idiot who gets to much bike to fast.

Sorry man, it's the truth. If you are serious about riding you will take the time to acquire the skill needed. You don't have that skill yet. If you think you do it goes to show you don't know what you don't know.

Cheap Road bike?

Kristie L

I need a road bike for an 18 mile race two weeks away. Other than that I will use it on a bike path and the road about 2 miles at a time. I really want a cheap bike, no more than $300. But now that Iâm researching, the one bike I thought I would get, the GMC Denali Women's Road Bike, people say itâs not a good bike. I cannot spend a lot of money. What will work? I really donât like that straight bar from the handle to the seat. Can I get away with a more angled bar? As a kid, I remembered borrowing a âboysâ bike and finding that bar annoying.

Also, this is a triathlon I doing. I will swim ½ mile first. I donât care about time or winning, as long as Iâm within what they allow. I just want to cross the finish line. I noticed that they sell triathlon suits good for all three parts of the race. Do people really leave a wet suit on for biking or do some people change into dry clothes? Is a wet bathing suit really uncomfortable will biking, running?

Thank you.

The Denali you mentioned is not a very good bike, I've seen them at Wally Mart ... BUT if you will hardly ride it then sure it's fine to get, it will work and for the ocassional 15 minute ride it's more than fine. Really cheap road bikes are very hard to find.

Many bikes are sold with a sloping top tubes now. The top tube slopes down towards the seat. That could be an option in many brands of bikes.

Isn't there anyway you could borrow a bike for this one time event? 18 miles isn't very long and to buy a bike that you really won't use seems a waste. Some bike shops will rent a bike for the day check it out. It just depends where you live. Same thing for the Tri suit. Buy it for a couple hours use? No way. Use a swim suit and you can throw on shorts over it if your modest for the ride/run. Make sure the shorts are NOT cotton, but made of anything that dries fast.

What have you been riding to train for this? You have done a little training??? Maybe?

From what you say this is a one time short Tri you want to do . Very cool, but borrow or rent if you can. Don't buy stuff you'll never use just to look cool. Be happy you want to do this and if you make the cut off Congrates to you.

Good Luck

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