best kids bikes 12 inch image
I'm 12 and 5ft5. I really want to grow 2-3 inches more and quite fast.
How much sleep should I have and what should I eat or drink to help. (milk and stuff)
thank youu ;)
Growth comes from genetics (family), good nutrition, healthy eating and exercise.
Children ages 10 to 12 need a little over 9 hours of shuteye a night. But it's up to parents to judge the exact amount of rest their children need and see that they're in bed in time for sufficient sleep.
Lack of sleep for kids can cause irritable or hyper types of behavior and can also make a condition like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) worse
You need to eat healthy ~ If the body, especially a growing body, needs to be well nourished in order to grow to its full potential. If any nutrients are missing for any length of time, the body goes into a 'survival mode' ~ the brain is saved first, then the heart and organs, then the rest of the body in varying degrees.
It will not stay in a 'growth' mode unless it is very healthy.
So, in order to keep growing, every day you will need to eat~
Dairy ~ calcium for bones, plus Vitamin D to make the calcium work.
Protein ~ lean meats (beef, chicken. fish), peanuts, peanut butter
Fruits ~ not sugary fruit juices
Vegetables ~ both dark green and yellow
Breads ~ whole grains best, brown rice (if it is white or enriched be careful)
Drink plenty of fluids, water is best...limit pop and sugary drinks ~ check labels if more than 10 sugars pass it up.
Exercise ~ run, walk, bike ride if you use the legs they will become strong and will grow.
Whether you will grow 2 more inches or more depends on many things, but you have the best chance if you eat right and exercise at least 3 times a week.
In the EU what is the standard measurements for products sold?
I will be traveling to the EU in a fee months for work, so I am trying to get accustom to the metric system; however, I am having some issues. What is the standard unites of products that are comparable to what I purchase in the United States?
Can of Soda is 12 fl. Oz. -----what is the standard volume of a local drink for the EU?
1/4 burger ------- standard volume of food related in EU.
Thank you.
Instead of trying to "compare " the size of a drink or a hamburger, try this...........
Order a half litre of wine, and a sandwich, with black forest ham, and edam cheese, and enjoy it.
Now try this, go to your local American food store and find a 2 litre bottle of coke, and imagine a quarter of it, and you have a EU can of soft drink. A sandwich would have about 200 grams of ham and 100 grams of cheese on it. 454 grams is a pound of something. A kilo is 2,2 pounds in weight.
My car has a 50 litre gas tank, I'm 172 centimetres tall and I weigh 88 kilos.
Translation..........My car has a 14 US gallon gas tank, I'm 5 feet 9 inches tall and I weigh 193 pounds. And it is 560 kilometres from Toronto to Montreal, or about 350 miles.
The only country in the whole world that doesn't teach the metric system to their kids is the USA.
It is a system of tens, and multiples of tens, hundreds and thousands.
A metre is made up of 100 centimetres ( remember that a dollar is made up of 100 CENTS ? ) A kilometre is made up of 1000 metres . Distance is in metres ( 200 metres from your hotel to the subway station is about 200 yards ) a highway speed may be 100 kph ( 63 miles an hour ) and gas may be 3 Eu per litre.
You know that a Glock hand gun is a 9mm, right ? So weapon calibers are expressed in millimetres, so the M 16 is a 5,56 mm round. Engine sizes are expressed in litres, or cubic centimetres, so a Harley Davidson bike that is a 88 cubic inch V twin is going to be a 1400 cc im metric measurement, and a Mustang with a 302 is a 5 litre V8 engine.
Starting to become somewhat more clear ?
If you look at your medicine cabinet, you will find that most if not all of your "over the counter " meds are packaged in metric sizes. Grams, milligrams, and millilitres for liquids. American science and medicine uses metric for everything, it just hasen't penetrated to the majority of your population, yet.
Look at your car's speedo, does it have both miles and kilometres per hour on it ? If it was built in Canada it does. 70 percent of our automobile production is exported to the USA.
Ask your local auto mechanic what size wrenches he has in his rolling box ? I bet he has a complete set of metric ones plus a set of "imperial sizes " in fractions of a inch , as well. Most US built cars are now fitted with metric bots and nuts, as standard.
Ok I hope that I have been able to bring some information, and a light hearted approach to the subject at hand. Relax and enjoy your European adventure. Try the local food and learn some phrases to find your way around. Not every one speaks English, right ?
Jim B. Toronto. Ontario. Canada.
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