Lol- Okay, so my daughter's 2nd b-day is literally 11 days before xmas- and I'm starting to save up money now for 1 big gift(around a 100) 5 medium gifts(under 50) and several smaller gifts to be split between both days. She may also end up having 2 parties again this year, one right after Thanksgiving when we go visit my family, and then the one around her real birthday where we live by my boyfriends party.
I think her big gift will either be a toy kitchen(a cabinet in our kitchen won't work, it's too small, we tried and I almost slit my wrist tripping over a toy while on my way to the sink, lol) or a radio flyer liberty horse sspring bouncer thing. I know she'll be getting board books, a dress up chest with things from the dollar store and clearance halloween costumes in it, lol) clothes, and if we can, her first bike/trike. So what things are you planning on buying for your two year old for xmas? I want age appropriate ideas that will grow with her.
My daughter's birthday is December 30 so I feel your pain girl!! :) Actually I'm really excited, mine will be 2 as well. I plan on getting her the most awesome play kitchen I can find, because she is always all up in my kitchen! I want one that has a million things to do and I want EVERYTHING to make a sound. Annoying or not I know she will love it! As far as other presents I'm going to buy every toy food, pots and pans, dishes I can find to go with it.. I've been researching them for a while trying to find the best ones and I haven't made a decision but I have read great reviews on how the higher priced kitchens last longer and there are children who play with them for 2 or more years which is cool. My daughter really likes digging and stuff so I am thinking about getting her a sandbox too, I had one when I was little and I loved it.. my husband says it's unsanitary but if it's just her playing in it and I keep it clean so what?! Also, books books books! My baby loves them and I buy at least one new book for her a week. I also want to get her (inflatable or hard plastic depending on money situations :D) a castle or house or something to play in, you know so she can play house, or w/e she wants.. I just know she would love something like that. I'm going to get her lots of dress up things too.... I found this Disney vanity but not sure if she's really big enough for it yet.. she's so prissy already though, I HAVE to paint her toenails and brush her hair, and we can't go near the shoes in the store without her screaming shoes and pitching a fit for new ones! Ahh! I'm so glad I had a girl, lol. I hope your holidays are great!! I am really looking forward to mine!
My daughter's birthday is December 30 so I feel your pain girl!! :) Actually I'm really excited, mine will be 2 as well. I plan on getting her the most awesome play kitchen I can find, because she is always all up in my kitchen! I want one that has a million things to do and I want EVERYTHING to make a sound. Annoying or not I know she will love it! As far as other presents I'm going to buy every toy food, pots and pans, dishes I can find to go with it.. I've been researching them for a while trying to find the best ones and I haven't made a decision but I have read great reviews on how the higher priced kitchens last longer and there are children who play with them for 2 or more years which is cool. My daughter really likes digging and stuff so I am thinking about getting her a sandbox too, I had one when I was little and I loved it.. my husband says it's unsanitary but if it's just her playing in it and I keep it clean so what?! Also, books books books! My baby loves them and I buy at least one new book for her a week. I also want to get her (inflatable or hard plastic depending on money situations :D) a castle or house or something to play in, you know so she can play house, or w/e she wants.. I just know she would love something like that. I'm going to get her lots of dress up things too.... I found this Disney vanity but not sure if she's really big enough for it yet.. she's so prissy already though, I HAVE to paint her toenails and brush her hair, and we can't go near the shoes in the store without her screaming shoes and pitching a fit for new ones! Ahh! I'm so glad I had a girl, lol. I hope your holidays are great!! I am really looking forward to mine!
your opinion: my little sister (3) was in tescos and a motor bike beside he counter fell on her...?
Q. the motorbike wasn't part of the shop but my sister who's 3 touched the bike and it pushed her forward making her fall face first to the hard ground.
shes bruised on her back and knees (pretty bad bruises if you ask me ) but nothing severe as to go to the doctors.
my mom was with her and the women at the self checking saw but just ignored us nd never said is she ok... none of the staff said anything they jut walked bye.. and she was screaming and screaming and screaming.
my mom rang 2 days ago and got the manager on the phone and rang to complain. he said he didn't hear anything about that but was very sorry to hear and that he would look into it and ring back in an hour.
2 day later and NO phone call
wat do you suggest.. should we let them away with her or press on...?
shes bruised on her back and knees (pretty bad bruises if you ask me ) but nothing severe as to go to the doctors.
my mom was with her and the women at the self checking saw but just ignored us nd never said is she ok... none of the staff said anything they jut walked bye.. and she was screaming and screaming and screaming.
my mom rang 2 days ago and got the manager on the phone and rang to complain. he said he didn't hear anything about that but was very sorry to hear and that he would look into it and ring back in an hour.
2 day later and NO phone call
wat do you suggest.. should we let them away with her or press on...?
Ouch! First thing that needs to be done is to take a few photos of the injuries, just for the future if they need to be presented to anyone after the bruising has faded. Your mom should go back to the store, bring your little sister with her to support the story (NOT the photos), and go talk to the manager in person to explain what happened. She should be firm and tell them that it is unacceptable to ignore such a serious complaint! It makes me wonder how many other children/families have been in a similar situation by that same store/company. If they continue to ignore it as a serious matter, ask for their general manager to be contacted immediately, as in right there on the spot. If they decline, write down the store number if available, get the names of employees that were involved, and go above their heads to the core of the company. Also, most places have cameras positioned everywhere, especially by the register. Ask to review the tapes if they don't believe the severity of the situation.
It all really boils down to what course of action your family wants to take. When speaking to the manager or GM, explain to them exactly where things stand and make intentions clear. (i.e. "We don't want to sue your company for neglect, we just want to make sure that this doesn't happen to another toddler.") Most places don't want to be sued, or get a bad reputation so they should be more flexible about discussing the matter once they know what they are braced for.
Good luck and I hope this helps!
Ouch! First thing that needs to be done is to take a few photos of the injuries, just for the future if they need to be presented to anyone after the bruising has faded. Your mom should go back to the store, bring your little sister with her to support the story (NOT the photos), and go talk to the manager in person to explain what happened. She should be firm and tell them that it is unacceptable to ignore such a serious complaint! It makes me wonder how many other children/families have been in a similar situation by that same store/company. If they continue to ignore it as a serious matter, ask for their general manager to be contacted immediately, as in right there on the spot. If they decline, write down the store number if available, get the names of employees that were involved, and go above their heads to the core of the company. Also, most places have cameras positioned everywhere, especially by the register. Ask to review the tapes if they don't believe the severity of the situation.
It all really boils down to what course of action your family wants to take. When speaking to the manager or GM, explain to them exactly where things stand and make intentions clear. (i.e. "We don't want to sue your company for neglect, we just want to make sure that this doesn't happen to another toddler.") Most places don't want to be sued, or get a bad reputation so they should be more flexible about discussing the matter once they know what they are braced for.
Good luck and I hope this helps!
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