The Jolly
Do you use a child seat or trailer? What brand/style? Any complaints/praises?
I have been researching and reading reviews and have no clue what would be ideal for us.
We have a Chariot and its the best thing ever! Its a trailer that converts to a jogger (you can also buy skiing and hiking attachments). They are lightweight, convert in a snap, fold down flat to fit in your car (wheels come off too), and are top quality from materials to design to engineering.
We use it for biking and outdoorsy things like going to the beach, the zoo, or for a trek in the woods.
They are very pricey, but they hold up extremely well, and they hold their value so you can sell it after using it for 5+ years and still get at least 1/2 your money back, probably more. Used ones are VERY hard to find around here. I couldn't find used so I splurged and got new and I am not disappointed.
We have a Chariot and its the best thing ever! Its a trailer that converts to a jogger (you can also buy skiing and hiking attachments). They are lightweight, convert in a snap, fold down flat to fit in your car (wheels come off too), and are top quality from materials to design to engineering.
We use it for biking and outdoorsy things like going to the beach, the zoo, or for a trek in the woods.
They are very pricey, but they hold up extremely well, and they hold their value so you can sell it after using it for 5+ years and still get at least 1/2 your money back, probably more. Used ones are VERY hard to find around here. I couldn't find used so I splurged and got new and I am not disappointed.
Balance bicycle for toddlers - did/do you have one?
I asked this over in Toddler & Preschooler, but they didn't have any clue what I was talking about so I'll try here as well...
I would like to get a balance bicycle for my son who is 20 months. I was going to buy one for his birthday which isn't until the end of November, but I am considering just going ahead and getting it for him now. I was looking at the Strider, as they seem to have gotten the best reviews at that price point and I won't spend more than that. Do/did you have one for your toddler and were they able to use it before the 2 year age mark listed on the bike? What were your experiences with one?
Link to what I'm talking about: http://www.stridersports.com/
We have a tricycle that he is just starting to learn how to pedal efficiently.
Deans - I was going to look on e-bay as well. We'll have to fight for it!!
Otherwise, I was going to suggest to his grandparents that it would be a great early birthday present..they're coming tomorrow to visit for 2 weeks.
yes and yes they work, get one, they are awsome. At first I thought they were a fad, until someone gave me one. Now I'm converted! At 20 months he is a little young, may not be able to use it and may get bored or irritated with it before he has a chance to use it properly. Get him into them and then by the time he is 2 he will be totally in love with it and use it everywhere. He will be balancing in a few weeks or at least ready for a big boy bike by the time he is 3.
yes and yes they work, get one, they are awsome. At first I thought they were a fad, until someone gave me one. Now I'm converted! At 20 months he is a little young, may not be able to use it and may get bored or irritated with it before he has a chance to use it properly. Get him into them and then by the time he is 2 he will be totally in love with it and use it everywhere. He will be balancing in a few weeks or at least ready for a big boy bike by the time he is 3.
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