Okay my parents way of having to do something fun, is to do NOTHING! Gosh! There is nothing i can do! I'm am so bored! Like seriously all i do all day is watch t.v doing stupid dishes! I want to do something exciting. I wanted to go swimming but my mom was like saying No because of my hair! I ask to go to any amusement park they say it cost money, i tell to take me out, the next place i no i am is at my aunt's boring place! There is nothing to do! I to old to imagine stuff! Like I want to do something in Toronto man! I am So bored, I can't go bike riding cuz my bike isn't working propaly and my dad won'r fix it like seriously every time i want to do something small they make up something! Please help! I am bored !
read magazines, try on clothes, dress crazy and walk around in public, sleepovers/slumber partys, squirt yourself with the water hose, sleep,
1.Get a make-over at the mall
2.Go to a restaurant that you have never been to before
3.Have a picnic
4.Bake cookies
5.Give yourself a manicure
6.Go bowling
7.Have a scary movie marathon
8.Go for a bike ride
9.Go online and discover all the tourist spots near your home that you have never been to before.
10.Go swimming
11.Create a new playlist that would include all the songs if a movie were made about you
12.Make up the list of actors who would play the characters in a movie about your life
13.Plan a vacation to an exotic destination for the future â do the research online
14.Take a long, hot bubble bath with candles and music.
15.Run through the sprinkler with your clothes on
16.Rent and watch a whole season of your favorite television series
17.Swing on swings at the playground like you used to (can you go all the way around?)
18.Climb a tree
19.Write a stand-up routine and practice it for your friends
20.Read a book by an author you like
21.Go to a museum
22.Call an old friend from elementary school and catch up
23.Hunt for bugs in the yard
24.Have a BBQ
25.Learn a new language
26.Play mini-golf
27.Wake up early and watch the sunrise
28.Make a smoothie with only local fruit
29.Have a friend or relative teach you a recipe of a food you love them to make
30.Write a story
31.Get a pedicure
32.Grill your breakfast on the outdoor grill
33.Organize your CD collection
34.Make a list of traits you would want in the perfect BF/GF
35.Check out the library (and not just the internet â peruse the books, too)
36.Spend an entire day in your pajamas
37.Make or update a website
38.Go to the Zoo
39.Play Badminton
40.Plant a veggie garden
41.Get a play from the library and direct your friends in it
42.Find a really cool quote online and then text it to a random person on your friend list
43.Make ice cream
44.Memorize a really funny joke and tell it to a friend
45.Have a sleep-over
46.Camp out in your backyard
47.Write a poem
48.Go to a local farmersâ market
49.Play a game you havenât played with since you were a kid
50.Make up a secret code
51.Have a garage sale
52.Star-gaze and learn the summer constellations
53.Build a sandcastle
54.Pick strawberries
55.Write a story with a friend â each taking turns
56.Make a movie with a camcorder
57.Go backpacking
58.Get a facial
59.Dance like no one is watching
60.Dance like you have an audience
61.Spend a whole day playing board games with friends
62.Make up a treasure hunt for friends
63.Read the back of your cereal box
64.Give yourself a make-over
65.Learn a new exercise
66.Think about a business you would like to own someday and write up a plan
67.Play crochet
68.Go to the movies
69.Make up a scavenger hunt for you and a few friends
70.Go hiking
71.Make up a new game
72.Make popcorn the old-fashioned way
73.Volunteer at a nursing home, hospital, animal shelter, daycare or library
74.Listen to a new style of music (and give it a real listen â a couple songs or more)
75.Hang out with your grandparents and ask them to tell you what it was like to be a teenager for them
76.Write a song
77.Make a list of things you want to do before you are twenty
78.Learn how to knit
79.Buy a random magazine at the store and read the whole thing
80.Redecorate your bedroom
81.Make a funny commercial and post it online
82.Get a part-time job
83.Get a pen pal
84.Learn a new game
85.Go on a photo-scavenger hunt
86.Have a water gun fight with friends
87.Play poker and use candy to gamble with
88.Google your own name
89.Bake and frost cupcake
90.Set up a backyard party for younger kids and offer to babysit for the whole day to earn some cash
91.Check out colleges online
92.Have a snowball fight (use the ice from your freezer)
93.Wash your family car
94.Make dinner as a surprise
95.Paint a picture
96.Try not to complain for a whole day (this is really difficult â try it)
97.Try to make a house of cards
98.Offer to go grocery shopping for the week
99.Take driversâ ed
100.Do something nice for someone else but donât tell them it was you
101.Write your own list of 101 things to do â I bet yours will be way better!
read magazines, try on clothes, dress crazy and walk around in public, sleepovers/slumber partys, squirt yourself with the water hose, sleep,
1.Get a make-over at the mall
2.Go to a restaurant that you have never been to before
3.Have a picnic
4.Bake cookies
5.Give yourself a manicure
6.Go bowling
7.Have a scary movie marathon
8.Go for a bike ride
9.Go online and discover all the tourist spots near your home that you have never been to before.
10.Go swimming
11.Create a new playlist that would include all the songs if a movie were made about you
12.Make up the list of actors who would play the characters in a movie about your life
13.Plan a vacation to an exotic destination for the future â do the research online
14.Take a long, hot bubble bath with candles and music.
15.Run through the sprinkler with your clothes on
16.Rent and watch a whole season of your favorite television series
17.Swing on swings at the playground like you used to (can you go all the way around?)
18.Climb a tree
19.Write a stand-up routine and practice it for your friends
20.Read a book by an author you like
21.Go to a museum
22.Call an old friend from elementary school and catch up
23.Hunt for bugs in the yard
24.Have a BBQ
25.Learn a new language
26.Play mini-golf
27.Wake up early and watch the sunrise
28.Make a smoothie with only local fruit
29.Have a friend or relative teach you a recipe of a food you love them to make
30.Write a story
31.Get a pedicure
32.Grill your breakfast on the outdoor grill
33.Organize your CD collection
34.Make a list of traits you would want in the perfect BF/GF
35.Check out the library (and not just the internet â peruse the books, too)
36.Spend an entire day in your pajamas
37.Make or update a website
38.Go to the Zoo
39.Play Badminton
40.Plant a veggie garden
41.Get a play from the library and direct your friends in it
42.Find a really cool quote online and then text it to a random person on your friend list
43.Make ice cream
44.Memorize a really funny joke and tell it to a friend
45.Have a sleep-over
46.Camp out in your backyard
47.Write a poem
48.Go to a local farmersâ market
49.Play a game you havenât played with since you were a kid
50.Make up a secret code
51.Have a garage sale
52.Star-gaze and learn the summer constellations
53.Build a sandcastle
54.Pick strawberries
55.Write a story with a friend â each taking turns
56.Make a movie with a camcorder
57.Go backpacking
58.Get a facial
59.Dance like no one is watching
60.Dance like you have an audience
61.Spend a whole day playing board games with friends
62.Make up a treasure hunt for friends
63.Read the back of your cereal box
64.Give yourself a make-over
65.Learn a new exercise
66.Think about a business you would like to own someday and write up a plan
67.Play crochet
68.Go to the movies
69.Make up a scavenger hunt for you and a few friends
70.Go hiking
71.Make up a new game
72.Make popcorn the old-fashioned way
73.Volunteer at a nursing home, hospital, animal shelter, daycare or library
74.Listen to a new style of music (and give it a real listen â a couple songs or more)
75.Hang out with your grandparents and ask them to tell you what it was like to be a teenager for them
76.Write a song
77.Make a list of things you want to do before you are twenty
78.Learn how to knit
79.Buy a random magazine at the store and read the whole thing
80.Redecorate your bedroom
81.Make a funny commercial and post it online
82.Get a part-time job
83.Get a pen pal
84.Learn a new game
85.Go on a photo-scavenger hunt
86.Have a water gun fight with friends
87.Play poker and use candy to gamble with
88.Google your own name
89.Bake and frost cupcake
90.Set up a backyard party for younger kids and offer to babysit for the whole day to earn some cash
91.Check out colleges online
92.Have a snowball fight (use the ice from your freezer)
93.Wash your family car
94.Make dinner as a surprise
95.Paint a picture
96.Try not to complain for a whole day (this is really difficult â try it)
97.Try to make a house of cards
98.Offer to go grocery shopping for the week
99.Take driversâ ed
100.Do something nice for someone else but donât tell them it was you
101.Write your own list of 101 things to do â I bet yours will be way better!
What do people from other countries think of Candians?

What do people from other countries think of Candians?
So im a Canadian, and I want to read the stereotypes you people honestly think is true. :)
I just want to clarify a few things.
Who the hell says aboooot? I'm from Ontairo and I say about. I've NEVER EVER in my 14 years of being alive heard someone pronounce about, aboot.
Also, the Eh thing. That two letter thing is like, barely used its SOOO rare. Everyone says HUH.
Igloo thing, I've NEVER EVER met a igloo eskimo person whatever their called. Nobody lives in igloos except for those people up north who live like right beside Alaska. (Yukon, Northwest Territory, Nunvut.) We live in houses, buildings condos, ect. and they are made just how American people make American homes. THEY ARE NOT MADE OUT OF SNOW BLOCKS AND ICE :D
Oh! and it does not snow all the time. The only time it snows is in winter, or at the ending of fall.
No, not everyone speaks french. A lot of kids, teenagers epically Hate! french class why? because
its hard.
What else.....
we drive in cars. Tayotas, Honda, Escalate, GMC, and so on. not sleds moose and polar bears.
When i look outide my house, I see a backyard with a tree, not a maple tree but a willow tree and some outside stuff (chair, table ect). No penguins, no ice ponds. not of that stuff.
Jobs, k seriously no fathers dont work as lumberjack people, and moms stay home making syrup. I buy syrup and the grocery store. thank you very much. Jobs are like american jobs.
OH ALMOST FORGOT! we have malls!!! yess!! we do! lol, no they dont cell deer fur. They have stores like Victoria Serect, TNA <3, Garage, Holister, American Eagle, so much to list! if you want to know how malls are like in canada look here http://www.scarboroughtowncentre.com/ fairvew shows you the inside of the mall as soon as you get to the website! http://www.wem.ca/ http://www.fairviewmall.ca/en/Pages/default.aspx , http://www.vaughanmills.com/ theres sooo much more but those are the ones i go to. and yess!!!!!! we do have theme parks i'll put one up for you to look at lol http://www.canadaswonderland.com/
K so, back to my question.
Dont list the stereotypes I just said were untrue. :)
Oh! and if you want to know how Candians talk, just listen to Justin Beiber and Drake lol you hear them saying abooooot and talking in that weird way people think candians talk? Nope.
and the french thing, that is how it is down here. People dont like french class at all. Except for one or two.
OMG! I'm French and I love American Canadians. (As opposed to French Canadians like Celine Dion; she's annoying and they murder French when they pronounce it, can't stand that!) Yes, I keep hearing "aboot" in my Canadian favorite TV shows, it's so weird and cute and funny! I have never YET heard a Canadian say "eh?" but all my American friends when I ask them about a Canadian accent, they always mention that. (I don't hear a difference between USA & Canada accents except for "oot" and "aboot".
Canadian men are hot as hell. Canadian actors don't bother much with plastic surgery (well not as much as in USA).
I imagine there's probably moose sightings everywhere. The Banff castle is a cool place to visit. Ontario/Toronto rocks. There's underground clubs there where all the vampires hang out and there's another one where all the Shaolin cops hang out at. Still there's another one where this undead rides his bike to, gets behind the mike and sings. (He used to sing all the time before he got thrown out the window).
What else? You have a cool hanging wood & rope bridge above a forest. You recycle the same actors several times as guest stars in the same TV series, playing different characters. You almost only film Sci-fi for TV shows, LOL! What's that aboooot??
You need independence from the Brits!!! Why you submit to the queen? Such a tiny country, there's more of you. You should kick their a**es and then get your own money without her face on it, and stamps too, and your own president or something. Why wait for the queen to tell you when you can wipe your nose, you know!?
In the winter kids drill a hole in a tree and suck out what comes out. Then they fasten a bucket to the tree and collect the sap, add a ton of high fructose corn syrup, bottle it and sell it. (It's really gross. I bet the Canadians keep the good stuff (no HFCS) for themselves and sell the laced one to USA).
Canadians don't have an annoying accent like the Brits or the Australians, therefore they're sexier. You have a huge Chinatown where a Shambala master dude lives. He can walk through walls and his buddy The Ancient makes him potions and he carries a flute but then he died in Bangkok.
It must be hot as hell in the summer (very humid) and then freezing in the winter so you need long underwear like in the westerns (long johns). Man, oh man, I wish I lived in Canada, or at least visited, except for the summer weather!
Oh yeah and you also have a truckload of immigrants: Asians and Portuguese. I was shocked. I thought we had all the Portuguese. How they get to Canada? I mean I know a plane, boss, the plane but why do they choose Canada? I have no idea. And some dude posted that there's a lot of Middle Easterns, I guess muslims, huh? I'm baffled. I didn't know people from those hot weather places would be interested in living in Canada. Me, I come from the same latitude, pitch black at 9am in the winter and daylight till 11pm in the summer (hate that but love the black mornings!!) So that would be no big change, except for the language.
I would like to know if you have a big African Canadian population?? African Americans are really hip and cool and hot and so if there's a lot of them in Canada, even better because I like Canadians better than Americans.
Other than that would love to know more about the White Canadian culture. How different is it than USA? Because for most foreigners, they go "Canadians, Americans, same difference!"
Now my questions for you Canadian boy (or girl)
Do you hate Americans? How do you consider yourselves different from Americans?
What do you Canadians eat? (Besides hot dogs and souvlakis) What's a typical Canadian food?? Oh and you seem to hate the French! :( Do Canadians as a rule hate the French, like Americans do? Do those who hate the French are the French speaking ones or American speaking ones like you? Do kids go to school more hours than Americans, like in Europe?? Because Americans only go to school like 5-6 hour days that's why they're so uneducated. We go to school roughly 8am to 6pm.
Main question: do Canadians always want things to be "nice" and in denial, and backlash people they formerly admired when they don't conform?? (like they did with Tom Cruise once he spoke the truth about depression meds, because he wasn't "nice" to the host and he was very blunt & direct with the truth). Are Canadians for truth like the French or for make believe and lies like Americans?
Finally how much of the Toronto population is vampires? (Ok, ok just kidding with that one, sorry I just had to throw it in there!) =P
OMG! I'm French and I love American Canadians. (As opposed to French Canadians like Celine Dion; she's annoying and they murder French when they pronounce it, can't stand that!) Yes, I keep hearing "aboot" in my Canadian favorite TV shows, it's so weird and cute and funny! I have never YET heard a Canadian say "eh?" but all my American friends when I ask them about a Canadian accent, they always mention that. (I don't hear a difference between USA & Canada accents except for "oot" and "aboot".
Canadian men are hot as hell. Canadian actors don't bother much with plastic surgery (well not as much as in USA).
I imagine there's probably moose sightings everywhere. The Banff castle is a cool place to visit. Ontario/Toronto rocks. There's underground clubs there where all the vampires hang out and there's another one where all the Shaolin cops hang out at. Still there's another one where this undead rides his bike to, gets behind the mike and sings. (He used to sing all the time before he got thrown out the window).
What else? You have a cool hanging wood & rope bridge above a forest. You recycle the same actors several times as guest stars in the same TV series, playing different characters. You almost only film Sci-fi for TV shows, LOL! What's that aboooot??
You need independence from the Brits!!! Why you submit to the queen? Such a tiny country, there's more of you. You should kick their a**es and then get your own money without her face on it, and stamps too, and your own president or something. Why wait for the queen to tell you when you can wipe your nose, you know!?
In the winter kids drill a hole in a tree and suck out what comes out. Then they fasten a bucket to the tree and collect the sap, add a ton of high fructose corn syrup, bottle it and sell it. (It's really gross. I bet the Canadians keep the good stuff (no HFCS) for themselves and sell the laced one to USA).
Canadians don't have an annoying accent like the Brits or the Australians, therefore they're sexier. You have a huge Chinatown where a Shambala master dude lives. He can walk through walls and his buddy The Ancient makes him potions and he carries a flute but then he died in Bangkok.
It must be hot as hell in the summer (very humid) and then freezing in the winter so you need long underwear like in the westerns (long johns). Man, oh man, I wish I lived in Canada, or at least visited, except for the summer weather!
Oh yeah and you also have a truckload of immigrants: Asians and Portuguese. I was shocked. I thought we had all the Portuguese. How they get to Canada? I mean I know a plane, boss, the plane but why do they choose Canada? I have no idea. And some dude posted that there's a lot of Middle Easterns, I guess muslims, huh? I'm baffled. I didn't know people from those hot weather places would be interested in living in Canada. Me, I come from the same latitude, pitch black at 9am in the winter and daylight till 11pm in the summer (hate that but love the black mornings!!) So that would be no big change, except for the language.
I would like to know if you have a big African Canadian population?? African Americans are really hip and cool and hot and so if there's a lot of them in Canada, even better because I like Canadians better than Americans.
Other than that would love to know more about the White Canadian culture. How different is it than USA? Because for most foreigners, they go "Canadians, Americans, same difference!"
Now my questions for you Canadian boy (or girl)
Do you hate Americans? How do you consider yourselves different from Americans?
What do you Canadians eat? (Besides hot dogs and souvlakis) What's a typical Canadian food?? Oh and you seem to hate the French! :( Do Canadians as a rule hate the French, like Americans do? Do those who hate the French are the French speaking ones or American speaking ones like you? Do kids go to school more hours than Americans, like in Europe?? Because Americans only go to school like 5-6 hour days that's why they're so uneducated. We go to school roughly 8am to 6pm.
Main question: do Canadians always want things to be "nice" and in denial, and backlash people they formerly admired when they don't conform?? (like they did with Tom Cruise once he spoke the truth about depression meds, because he wasn't "nice" to the host and he was very blunt & direct with the truth). Are Canadians for truth like the French or for make believe and lies like Americans?
Finally how much of the Toronto population is vampires? (Ok, ok just kidding with that one, sorry I just had to throw it in there!) =P
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