Q. i live in australia, melbourne, hampton park and i really love riding dirtbikes and i always wanted to build a go kart but i have no where to test it? so here me out , literally a 30 second walk from my house is a park now this park is basically a oval and in the middle of it is just a small swing and a slide and the rest is clear land, another 1 minute walk from that park is another park that is bigger but still has alot of land then 4 minutes walk from there is just a plain paddaock perfect i mean perfect for riding dirtbikes, and then we have the wetlands , its a massive land with mini hills and trees and its just huge it goes all the way through hampton park now this is my point ok. lately kids have been riding dirt bikes around the roads and stuff and risking there lives and other people and some people care some dont the cops how ever have been knocking people off there bikes with there cars now you can stop this all if the stupid council just take a little bit of that land in the wetlands and make it into a place people can ride dirtbikes i mean its perfect and also they have to pay alot to get the grass cut but if they let us riders go there and ride on the grass they wont worry about it, this is a win , win situation because if they charge like 5 bux per person they will make alot of money and if people get annoyed they should make it like 3 times a week , the coucil is getting money less kids will ride on the road, cops can stop putting people lifes in danger and every one is happy what do you think about this?
The cost to set it up, the cost for insurance (which would be near 10k a year) and th cost for having someone staffed to take the money, run it. - It is not worth it. They will make a loss. Councils do not have extra cash. Everything they do must make money.
The cost to set it up, the cost for insurance (which would be near 10k a year) and th cost for having someone staffed to take the money, run it. - It is not worth it. They will make a loss. Councils do not have extra cash. Everything they do must make money.
At wits end with son stealing?

I don't know what to do anymore... My son is 10 and he has been stealing since he was 8. I cant say he started off with small things cause he started stealing from his aunt and uncle, even his brother. Taking money, stole his brothers laptop and gave it away at school. Shoplifting candy. Stealing Xbow 360 hard drives, 360 controllers, etc... We have tried time outs, restriction, counseling, spanking, confronting, having him take it back and apologize, even taking him to the police station and having them talk to him. He comes home almost everyday from school with something new. He says that people just give him stuff... Money, pocket watch (really nice one) toys, etc... Stole $80 from his dad a few weeks ago and passed it out on the school bus like candy. Yesterday we noticed that we were missing some money and this morning, his dad caught him with MORE money. I don't know what to do anymore, where to go, what help to get him. He has been seeing his counselor for 2 years now... Apparently it is not working. I cant put him on restriction from anything else cause it is already all taken from him. This is a almost everyday occurrence. I have told him and his sister both (which is 6) that we are not allowed to take things or steal things from anybody period. (Unless family member GIVES it to them in front of me.) My kids don't want for nothing, they have toys, bikes, he has a dirt-bike, they have DS's game-boys, Xbows, PS's. They have clothes on their backs, roof over their head, food on the table. He stole money from his sister this morning (note it was only a nickel) but its the point of it. I am at the end of my rope and about to fall the rest of the way... HELP!!!
To amazed~ He has been going though therpy/counseling for the past 2 years with no immprovment
To mommy~ We dont have that here.
To Hoppele~ He has been in numourous fights due to his stealing.
Ok, this is to the next 3 people on the comments...
1st, He has been spanked, he gets spanked almost everyday.
2nd, he no longer has his toys, Xbow, dirt-bike or any other entertainment. He has been on non stop restriction for 2 freaking years.
3rd. I HAVE taken him to the PD and it worked for about a week.
4th. There is more than enough dispiline in this house. The punishment comes with the crime. He gets his ass spanked on a daily basis. Funny his 2 sisters and brother dont do this kind of thing, just him. He gets the worse of the dispiline but he is the only one that does anything this extreme. His siblings are 17, 16, and 6. Do yall not read the whole thing before commenting? Everything that yall are telling me to do I have already done and is in my description. Please read WHOLE thing before commenting thx.
To Merry! I greatly appreciate you answering. He already has a clear bookbag (due to having so many books) He has gotten to where he cuts places in the bottom of his shoes to hide things (like money). There is already a no closed door policy in our home due to some other issues. Only door that is allowed closed is our front door and the bathroom door. We live in Kentucky USA.
I have been calling a million places today trying to find out if there are any programs that I can put him in. I was told that I have been doing everything right that i can and that it is time to press charges against him for being uncontrollable. I cant see me doing that to my own son, having something like that following him for the next 8 years. I might have to though. I am starting a new councelor tomorrow and see if maybe it is just the one he has been seeing lately.
To cassa.. You have a good way of looking at things. I already dont work, I stay at home so that as soon as my kids get out of school I am here for them. Most of his stealing is affecting the family, not really people at school (which I found out today) He is stealing money from us and buying things from kids at school, things that I am thinking those kids have no right to bring to school. But thats my opinion... I praise my kids when they do something right but i cant let stealing go unpunished. He dont care who he hurts in the process and actually laughs about his stealing. His dad told him he had to do around the house to pay back what he has stolen and he laughs about it. He is starting a new theripist tomorrow so I hope to get things to change. And it is a actual theripist and not a government one that has a million people. He deals soley with children. He will be tested for OCD, Kelpto, and ADHD (which I know he doesn't have). I will update as soon as I can! Thx to all answers
The stealing has is about anger and how he see's himself/sense of self! Praise him for what you love about him, hug him and let him know your on his team ... tell him "I Love you too much to not want you to be the best person you can be".
The current psychologist is not helping and I would look at other alternatives. YES..it does take time but at his age after 2 years I would be expecting to see changes in the right direction and this does not appear to be the case. Something happened to trigger all this and if that hasn't been addressed by now then the 'root cause' of your son's behaviour has been swept under the carpet!
Not sure where you are from (you don't say) I am in Melbourne Australia and would highly recommend a program run through the Alfred Hospitals Child and Adolescent Health Department known as ALFRED CAMHS ..they specialise in complex behaviour issues specific to kids and young adults..whilst you might not live in Melbourne there has to be something in your area or surrounding you that can support you and your son. Talk with a Social Worker in your area and again with the police .... the more people the better...eventually you will find the person who has the answer your looking for!!
As for immediate ideas... No school bag ..No Jacket & No Pockets ... a clear plastic zip-lock bag will do ... limit where he has to 'hide' the things he takes!
Another idea (although heart-breakingly extreme) would be to take your son to all the local shops in your area and get him to hand them a photo of himself so they are aware he is a 'shop lifter'.
Taking "everything" out of his room is one idea.. another idea I heard of and thought sounded interesting ... Remove His Bedroom Door ... 'privacy' & 'respect' is restricted ..it is also something you have to earn!
I wish you all the best ... as a parent myself my heart goes out to you..this would not be an easy situation for any of you ~ take care! :)
The stealing has is about anger and how he see's himself/sense of self! Praise him for what you love about him, hug him and let him know your on his team ... tell him "I Love you too much to not want you to be the best person you can be".
The current psychologist is not helping and I would look at other alternatives. YES..it does take time but at his age after 2 years I would be expecting to see changes in the right direction and this does not appear to be the case. Something happened to trigger all this and if that hasn't been addressed by now then the 'root cause' of your son's behaviour has been swept under the carpet!
Not sure where you are from (you don't say) I am in Melbourne Australia and would highly recommend a program run through the Alfred Hospitals Child and Adolescent Health Department known as ALFRED CAMHS ..they specialise in complex behaviour issues specific to kids and young adults..whilst you might not live in Melbourne there has to be something in your area or surrounding you that can support you and your son. Talk with a Social Worker in your area and again with the police .... the more people the better...eventually you will find the person who has the answer your looking for!!
As for immediate ideas... No school bag ..No Jacket & No Pockets ... a clear plastic zip-lock bag will do ... limit where he has to 'hide' the things he takes!
Another idea (although heart-breakingly extreme) would be to take your son to all the local shops in your area and get him to hand them a photo of himself so they are aware he is a 'shop lifter'.
Taking "everything" out of his room is one idea.. another idea I heard of and thought sounded interesting ... Remove His Bedroom Door ... 'privacy' & 'respect' is restricted ..it is also something you have to earn!
I wish you all the best ... as a parent myself my heart goes out to you..this would not be an easy situation for any of you ~ take care! :)
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