I currently ride a Rieju rs2 50cc, But when i turn 17 im looking into getting a bigger bike.
I know it has to be restricted to 33bhp but its a good bike for when I am old enough to remove it. Is the Ninja Zx6r a good beginner bike? Or a good bike for my next bike? Im stuck between a ninja 650r and a ZX6-R
If it is restricted, maybe, if not restricted, then it is good for an organ donor. You and 1.5 million other kids think they can handle a supersport right off, and you will get a bunch of squids on here telling you that you can do it because they have a similar bike and learned on it, all of less than 10,000 miles worth and are now experienced, great riders. Riiiiiight, more squids that think they can ride anything and live, makes me laugh. All these Ben Bostrom wannabes don't have enough miles experience to realize they haven't seen, and survived many things that happen and are on then road. Oh yeah, it is easy to go fast in a straight line with little or no traffic on a bright sunny day and then think you actually have great skills, any squid can do that. But when there is crud on the road all of a sudden, or a truck jerks out 10 feet in front of you, most of those squidly riders who can do 185 in a straight line then end up as a bumper accessory.
The bike you want is a supersport racing bike, make no mistake about it, you can get on and do close to what the AMA 600s are doing. Being young and full of life, sometimes you don't think things through and think you won't get hurt or killed. I used to think that too. The problem is you, and the other boy wonder jockeys on here don't have the experience, can and do at times panic when the crud hits the fan, and will sometimes grab throttle when you want to grab brake. Happens all the time, dead.
No, I don't ride like an old person, I have been riding over 26 years in LA traffic, mountains, desert, woods, I have 7 street bikes currently and I ride like a Hooligan most times. power wheelies, racing, doing triple digits regularly on the Freeways, and like it. But, I have been through the wrecks, I have the scars to prove it and each time I throw a leg over I know it can be the last time, but I am good, my skills have been honed over years of riding and I have no fear of death. I can say I am a MUCH better rider now than I was at age 24, and I see things differently, traffic patterns etc. and I don't panic when the crud hits the fan, I know what to do to get out of those situations. You and the other boy wonders don't, as such you don't need a machine that will get you into those situations and is not very forgiving of mistakes. The bike you want is a precise handling machine, it does not suffer fools, nor does it put up with mistakes, like a more stable with less power and more weight bike would.
Get a 250 or 400 and give yourself a chance to get experience before going to a beast, a full on race bike.
I learned on a 400, got into my worst wreck on a ZX900 Ninja with a stage 3 jet kit and Yoshi pipe due to lack of experience. And now have a fleet of bikes, some more powerful and faster than that ZX900 I had, and I ride hard. My smallest road bike is a highly modified 700, even my dirt bike is a 530cc.
I don't care if you take my advice or one of the inexperienced wonder boy's who posted on here already, I don't need any new friends nor any other riders out on the road, but what I wrote can save the life of a wise kid who wants to grow up to be an old experienced rider some day.
If it is restricted, maybe, if not restricted, then it is good for an organ donor. You and 1.5 million other kids think they can handle a supersport right off, and you will get a bunch of squids on here telling you that you can do it because they have a similar bike and learned on it, all of less than 10,000 miles worth and are now experienced, great riders. Riiiiiight, more squids that think they can ride anything and live, makes me laugh. All these Ben Bostrom wannabes don't have enough miles experience to realize they haven't seen, and survived many things that happen and are on then road. Oh yeah, it is easy to go fast in a straight line with little or no traffic on a bright sunny day and then think you actually have great skills, any squid can do that. But when there is crud on the road all of a sudden, or a truck jerks out 10 feet in front of you, most of those squidly riders who can do 185 in a straight line then end up as a bumper accessory.
The bike you want is a supersport racing bike, make no mistake about it, you can get on and do close to what the AMA 600s are doing. Being young and full of life, sometimes you don't think things through and think you won't get hurt or killed. I used to think that too. The problem is you, and the other boy wonder jockeys on here don't have the experience, can and do at times panic when the crud hits the fan, and will sometimes grab throttle when you want to grab brake. Happens all the time, dead.
No, I don't ride like an old person, I have been riding over 26 years in LA traffic, mountains, desert, woods, I have 7 street bikes currently and I ride like a Hooligan most times. power wheelies, racing, doing triple digits regularly on the Freeways, and like it. But, I have been through the wrecks, I have the scars to prove it and each time I throw a leg over I know it can be the last time, but I am good, my skills have been honed over years of riding and I have no fear of death. I can say I am a MUCH better rider now than I was at age 24, and I see things differently, traffic patterns etc. and I don't panic when the crud hits the fan, I know what to do to get out of those situations. You and the other boy wonders don't, as such you don't need a machine that will get you into those situations and is not very forgiving of mistakes. The bike you want is a precise handling machine, it does not suffer fools, nor does it put up with mistakes, like a more stable with less power and more weight bike would.
Get a 250 or 400 and give yourself a chance to get experience before going to a beast, a full on race bike.
I learned on a 400, got into my worst wreck on a ZX900 Ninja with a stage 3 jet kit and Yoshi pipe due to lack of experience. And now have a fleet of bikes, some more powerful and faster than that ZX900 I had, and I ride hard. My smallest road bike is a highly modified 700, even my dirt bike is a 530cc.
I don't care if you take my advice or one of the inexperienced wonder boy's who posted on here already, I don't need any new friends nor any other riders out on the road, but what I wrote can save the life of a wise kid who wants to grow up to be an old experienced rider some day.
Good starter bike?
Kory M
I want a dirt bike that is fast but i dont want to make and high jumps with it either, but some jumps if i get good.. under $1000
first time rider
"i would go with a 90 honda, not a 125, to tall for you and power"
you're kidding right? i'm 5'4'' and ride a 200cc, i could even go up more, and this was my first bike... and it's by far not too poweful for me nor too fast... (i'd like more of both actually)
at 5'6'' if you got on a 90 or 125 cc bike, (unless it's two stroke, which you don't want becuase you just aid you don't want too much power or speed) you're gonna look like a fucking circus act... a full grown person riding a midget bike....(aside from chinese pit bikes... those have suspension built for bigger people, not kids.. so of course they're seat height is at about your height limit)
at 5'6'' you can ride any bike with a seat height around 34''-37''... although most likely at 37'' you'll be tiptoing on one foot and flat footing the other (not entirely a bad thing... it's reccomended you can flat foot on both sides, but that's just a general example, it doesn't apply to everyone... that's just what generally people find easier)
start with looking at the seight height range i gave, and go sit on the bikes....
btw, just off the top of my head... yamaha ttr-225, honda crf230f, honda xr200, xr250, yamaha yz250f... all great starter bikes that should fit you perfectly. plenty of speed and power when you need/want it... not enough to kill you. lol.
"i would go with a 90 honda, not a 125, to tall for you and power"
you're kidding right? i'm 5'4'' and ride a 200cc, i could even go up more, and this was my first bike... and it's by far not too poweful for me nor too fast... (i'd like more of both actually)
at 5'6'' if you got on a 90 or 125 cc bike, (unless it's two stroke, which you don't want becuase you just aid you don't want too much power or speed) you're gonna look like a fucking circus act... a full grown person riding a midget bike....(aside from chinese pit bikes... those have suspension built for bigger people, not kids.. so of course they're seat height is at about your height limit)
at 5'6'' you can ride any bike with a seat height around 34''-37''... although most likely at 37'' you'll be tiptoing on one foot and flat footing the other (not entirely a bad thing... it's reccomended you can flat foot on both sides, but that's just a general example, it doesn't apply to everyone... that's just what generally people find easier)
start with looking at the seight height range i gave, and go sit on the bikes....
btw, just off the top of my head... yamaha ttr-225, honda crf230f, honda xr200, xr250, yamaha yz250f... all great starter bikes that should fit you perfectly. plenty of speed and power when you need/want it... not enough to kill you. lol.
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