I am stepping up to a bigger dirtbike and i was wondering what bike would be best. A YZ85 or a YZ125. I am stepping up from a CRF100 and i have about 4 years of riding experience. I am going to be 16 years old in two weeks, I am 5 foot 8 inches tall and i weigh roughly 120 pounds. So what would be the best bet??
like that kid said the 250 has literally ass loads of low end and even more top end power. however, having a bike that will stand straight up in every gear with no effort by you may not be the best choice off an xr100. the 125 is a great bike. it has lots of power, but you have the choice of using it. The top end power is intense, but if you want to putt around in trails it'll do that too. You are too tall to actually use the 85 like its meant to be used.
like that kid said the 250 has literally ass loads of low end and even more top end power. however, having a bike that will stand straight up in every gear with no effort by you may not be the best choice off an xr100. the 125 is a great bike. it has lots of power, but you have the choice of using it. The top end power is intense, but if you want to putt around in trails it'll do that too. You are too tall to actually use the 85 like its meant to be used.
Need hlp sizing a bike for my son.?
Erik G
My son will be 5 on Jan 1st :) and he is big for his age about 3ft in height and 50 to 55 Lbs. I was thinking a 16 inch would be a good size just not sure. I know it sounds weird that I'm asking but Mom is being very difficult and we are currently in the middle of a custody hearing that after all is said and done he will be with me 50% of the time :) so I don't have him yet to get an accurate size. Ugh I wish I could find that perfect world where things like this don't happen. Anyways if there are any parents out there that have a similar size boy can tell me the appropriate size to get I would greatly appreciate it thanx.
I'm happy you will have equal custody, I fought hard for it and failed. Now you're here asking for advice about your son's bike - very cool.
Yes, even if he's big for 5 he still needs a 16" wheeled bike. Kids bikes are cheap and it's silly to buy one that will fit in 2 years! A good fitting bike during this time when he will be two wheeling in the next year or so is important.
I have two girls 9 & 11 now and I been though this. I'm really into cycling so my girls benefited from it. Your son may out grow it in a year but it's much better than having it too big and him being frustrated attempting to use it.
Keep the tires hard the seat up so his knees aren't bent too much and oil the chain. That's about all I've done for my girl's 12, 16, 20 and 24" bikes.
Good luck and cherish all the time you are together. It goes so fast. Get yourself a bike and ride with him.
Merry Christmas
I'm happy you will have equal custody, I fought hard for it and failed. Now you're here asking for advice about your son's bike - very cool.
Yes, even if he's big for 5 he still needs a 16" wheeled bike. Kids bikes are cheap and it's silly to buy one that will fit in 2 years! A good fitting bike during this time when he will be two wheeling in the next year or so is important.
I have two girls 9 & 11 now and I been though this. I'm really into cycling so my girls benefited from it. Your son may out grow it in a year but it's much better than having it too big and him being frustrated attempting to use it.
Keep the tires hard the seat up so his knees aren't bent too much and oil the chain. That's about all I've done for my girl's 12, 16, 20 and 24" bikes.
Good luck and cherish all the time you are together. It goes so fast. Get yourself a bike and ride with him.
Merry Christmas
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