So, I haven't had a bike since I was a kid, but I'd like to get back into it. I am only 5'2", so is there a specific size bike to buy? Do they even make bicycles in sizes? Any help is appreciated.
You can choose bicycles 26-inch and 24 - inch many for you
The Right Ride
In general, bikes are broken down into three major categories:
Road and Racing Bikes--As a general rule, road and racing are built for speed and longer distances on paved surfaces. Thinner tires, lightweight 29-inch (700c) wheels, and drop bars that allow for a more aerodynamic position are the norm. Most road bikes, regardless of price, offer many gears for tackling both hilly and flat terrain.
Mountain Bikes--With their larger tires, hill-friendly gearing, and upright position, mountain bikes are very popular for all types of riding, both on pavement and off. Mountain bikes that are designed specifically for rugged trail use typically feature a suspension fork. Some may have rear suspension, as well. A quick change of the tires on any mountain bike--even one that you use regularly on trails--adds to its versatility and makes it a worthy street machine.
Comfort/Cruiser Bikes--For tooling around on bike paths, light trails, or for cruising a quiet beach-side lane, comfort/cruiser bikes are the ticket. With a super-relaxed riding position, padded seats, and limited or no gearing, these bikes are made for enjoying the scenery and having fun with the family.
The Right Size
Fit is crucial for comfort, control, and proper power and endurance on a bike. Here are some basic bike fit tips:
Stand-over Height--To find out if a bike's overall height fits your body, measure your inseam. Next, determine how much clearance you'll need between your crotch and the top tube of the bike. For a mountain bike, you'll want three to five inches of clearance. A road bike should offer between one and two inches of clearance, while a commuter bike should have two to four inches. Compare the stand-over height for a given bike to your measurements (inseam + clearance) to determine the right bike height.
You can choose bicycles 26-inch and 24 - inch many for you
The Right Ride
In general, bikes are broken down into three major categories:
Road and Racing Bikes--As a general rule, road and racing are built for speed and longer distances on paved surfaces. Thinner tires, lightweight 29-inch (700c) wheels, and drop bars that allow for a more aerodynamic position are the norm. Most road bikes, regardless of price, offer many gears for tackling both hilly and flat terrain.
Mountain Bikes--With their larger tires, hill-friendly gearing, and upright position, mountain bikes are very popular for all types of riding, both on pavement and off. Mountain bikes that are designed specifically for rugged trail use typically feature a suspension fork. Some may have rear suspension, as well. A quick change of the tires on any mountain bike--even one that you use regularly on trails--adds to its versatility and makes it a worthy street machine.
Comfort/Cruiser Bikes--For tooling around on bike paths, light trails, or for cruising a quiet beach-side lane, comfort/cruiser bikes are the ticket. With a super-relaxed riding position, padded seats, and limited or no gearing, these bikes are made for enjoying the scenery and having fun with the family.
The Right Size
Fit is crucial for comfort, control, and proper power and endurance on a bike. Here are some basic bike fit tips:
Stand-over Height--To find out if a bike's overall height fits your body, measure your inseam. Next, determine how much clearance you'll need between your crotch and the top tube of the bike. For a mountain bike, you'll want three to five inches of clearance. A road bike should offer between one and two inches of clearance, while a commuter bike should have two to four inches. Compare the stand-over height for a given bike to your measurements (inseam + clearance) to determine the right bike height.
could a man ride a bike with 24inch tires and get away with it?

Very bord
usually 24inch tires are for kids bikes.but I've rode with 24inch tires and never had a issue other than the pedels breaking off, and the seat cracking lol
My bike is off the road because it's tire is flat and I'm too stubbern to get it fixed because I feel the store I got it from should fix it. So, i'm borrowing my sisters bike. I covered up the pink paint with grey (manly colored) electric tape. but The bike has 24 inch tires, I'm not sure about this. I've ride girls bikes before but they usually have 26inch tires.
I'm asking if the 24inch tires are safe to use since I'm a big man. I don't want to bend the wheels or damage the bike because it has 24inch tires.
Bobby bobby bobby Listen before you judge.
The store sold me a faulty tire. It was old and was bound to pop. Reguardless, if I ran over a nail or glass, the tire would have poped anyways because, the tire they sold me was crapy that the tube bursted. And the tube burst before I ran over any nails or glass.
Most stores replace parts including tires if it was had a defect. and is it my fault for buying it that way? Nope, I'm not an expert in bikes, I assume the bike is in good working order when I buy it. What i don't understand is why stores sell used bikes with parts that are almost ready to explode. give me a break! For God's sake stick a $5 tube in it, and add $5 to the price when you sell it.
I'm not surprized at your arrogant answer. Most people on yahoo answers think that they are know it alls. You ride a bike and think your an expert. Or you read a 20 page book, and now you think your an expert. I'm mature enough to tell people that I'm not an expert in anything. Saying otherwise would make me a liar and in many ways a fool. I Still don't understand why people on yahoo answers think it's an intellectual game, to 'one up' others. That is actually a sign of stupidity.
Please answer the question in a mature and professsional manner.
Hoppy or whatever your name is.
First, I never said the bike was a kids bike. The frame is likely meant for 26" wheels. but the guy put 24" wheels on my sisters bike. This is unrelated to my own bike which is a cheap bike with 26" wheels. I'm borrowing her bike until I fix mine own.
My tire on my bike was not underinflated. It popped like a ballon, and it was bulging off the frame. You need to see the condtion this tire was in. serious, You should not be selling tires to people in that condition. give me a break.
If you had read properly what I said you would know what I was saying. I was talking about people on yahoo answers that are rude and write their answers with a negitive insulting connotation.
Anyways I really don't care about this. It's more of a ethical issue about customer service. I don't care about $5 bike tubes but I care about ethics.
Don't sell bad bike parts to people. It's that simple.
Your answer was good until the end telling me to grow up.
lol this turned out to be funny
ok I'm apolize, This was a PRANK question. hahaha did you fall for it? hehe
"First, I never said the bike was a kids bike. The frame is likely meant for 26" wheels. but the guy put 24" wheels on my sisters bike."
You never said that to begin with. Which brings up more questions. If the bike originally had 26" wheels & now has 24" wheels - how do you stop it?! The brake pads would come nowhere close to the rim. The bottom bracket & crank would sit at least one inch closer to the ground, meaning the pedals could quite possibly scrape the ground. Many other BAD scenarios.
Personally, I don't think you know what the h*** you're talking about.
"First, I never said the bike was a kids bike. The frame is likely meant for 26" wheels. but the guy put 24" wheels on my sisters bike."
You never said that to begin with. Which brings up more questions. If the bike originally had 26" wheels & now has 24" wheels - how do you stop it?! The brake pads would come nowhere close to the rim. The bottom bracket & crank would sit at least one inch closer to the ground, meaning the pedals could quite possibly scrape the ground. Many other BAD scenarios.
Personally, I don't think you know what the h*** you're talking about.
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