Lil Jordan
My son is 2 and and am getting him into motocross. The dirtbike I have in mind is the pw50: http://www.yamaha-motor.com/sport/products/modelhome/40/home.aspx and I haven't decided on the quad yet. I just want to know which one is better and safer for him to learn on?
For anyone who will bash me and not answer the question, don't waste your time. For those who think these vehicles are dangerous, you are misinformed. They are safe when used properly and when the children are closely supervised and wearing the proper safety equip. For almost every story of serious injury/death, I can easily point out what was done wrong. For those who say they go 70 mph, no. Who in their right mind would produce a vehicle for kids that goes that fast? These dirt bikes/quads go up to 35 and the speed can be limited down to 5, plus they have a kill switch to shut off the engine if they get to far or are doing something they are not supposed to do. They also have a wrist strap to shut of the engine if they fall off for some reason. For those who say he is too young to operate a vehicle like this, then check these out:
Yeah, small children can't possibly operate a quad/dirtbike... And there's PLENTY more where that came from! Just do a simple search on youtube.
I plan to teach him everything there is about riding and he can ride along with me. He won't be in any races until a few years from now. If you don't have an answer to the above question, then go away. Thanks in advance my peoples.
If your son flips the 4 wheeler over he has a better chance of getting seriously hurt. If he flips a dirtbike over chances are he will just get a little bump and get right back on the bike. Wrecks are less common on 4 wheelers but when they do happen it usually ends in the child getting hurt instead of a little scrape.
Go for the dirtbike. My husband got my son a JR 50 for his 2nd birthday. He is 6 years old now and hasn't been hurt yet.
If your son flips the 4 wheeler over he has a better chance of getting seriously hurt. If he flips a dirtbike over chances are he will just get a little bump and get right back on the bike. Wrecks are less common on 4 wheelers but when they do happen it usually ends in the child getting hurt instead of a little scrape.
Go for the dirtbike. My husband got my son a JR 50 for his 2nd birthday. He is 6 years old now and hasn't been hurt yet.
is 13 considered a little kid?
Q. like when i was 9 i thought 9 was old, but now i know that 9 is a really little kid. So is 13 a little kid? Like would people still treat you like u are really little when ur 13? And is it normal for 13 year olds to like, ride bikes and play board games and fly kites and stuff like that? thanks
Your a little shorty! All that stuff seems normal. People will not consider you an adult till your 18 some might even say 21
Your a little shorty! All that stuff seems normal. People will not consider you an adult till your 18 some might even say 21
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