Thursday, April 3, 2014

how old are most kids when they learn to ride a bike ?


My kids didn't learn how to ride a bike without training wheels until they were 7 years old. I think that may be older then usual. I think most kids learn at a younger age. Maybe 5 years old. Either way I feel it is individualized from one child to the next. Exposure is the best policy. Make sure that you have a bike available for the child to ride. Alot of parents will start off with training wheels and that helps a whole lot. The bike should be in proportion to the childs body. Some kids are shorter then others and they need to beable to reach the ground while sitting on the bike. If they can sit on the bike with their feet flat on the ground then that is a great size for the child. Most importantly the child has to want to ride the bike and the child has to be ready before taking the training wheels off. Don't ever rush the child to do something he or she isn't ready for. Do get ready to help the child on and off the bike and be the supporter while the child is trying to ride it. Patience, Patience and more patience. There really is no hurry when it comes to riding a bike like everything else in life they will do it when they are ready. Also, make sure they are using a helmet and sometimes you can buy knee and elbow pads. Either way praise, praise and praise again. Alittle time here and there will help build the childs confidence. Good Luck teaching the child to ride their bike. Once they learn it will be almost impossible to get them off their bike. SMILE You will spend lots of hours sitting on your chair in the front yard watching your child ride their bike. The law is that a chld rides with the traffic when riding a bike and walks against the traffic when walking. Teach your child the hand signals so that a car will know when they are turning. Also, at first I taught my child to pull over to the side and stop when a car came because I was affraid they would swirve off in front of the car. Saftey is first.

When your (almost) 7 year old hears all the other neighborhood kids running around, riding bikes and swimming,?


does he ever get sad that he's inside doing laundry, cleaning the bathrooms, making your lunch and trimming the dog's toenails?

If you squint, a riding lawn mower is very similar to a dirt bike. And what 7-year-old wouldn't want to rip around in his yard in a HUGE, bladed, really slow dirt bike?

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