k so i had a bmx bike as first bike... then i got mountain bike 5 years ago... and like i love to make dirt ramps with my friends.. i need to get a new bike but i want to still do jumps but i also like mountain biking.... and my bike right now doesnt jump good... see video on myspace... "zach falling...dumbass" that why i say it no good at jumps.... it too heavy ... thanks for help....
i like haros but the brakes arent that good... what else is good??
the video is not there sry... my friend taped it with his phone and said he put it there but it not sry
i've rode bmx for 7 years, and i never really like mountain bikes until i rode a santa cruz chameleon. i bought mine almost as soon as i rode it! it's a mountain bike that rides just like a bmx bike for bunny hopping, hitting jumps, whatever you would want to do on a bmx.(except grind, of course) but they're expensive to build up, and probably $700-$1000 at least, to find a good used one.
if you're not working with a bunch of money, i'd definitely look into a specialized p2... they ride very similar to the chameleon, but they're heavy! i think they're around $700 brand new. an '07 or '06 model would be an even better deal. if you can find an '06 specialized p3 get it!!! it's just as sweet as the chameleon, super light, and probably just as much as a brand new p2. i also see a lot of kids riding the giant stp. i don't know anything about those though...
good luck in your bike search!!!
i've rode bmx for 7 years, and i never really like mountain bikes until i rode a santa cruz chameleon. i bought mine almost as soon as i rode it! it's a mountain bike that rides just like a bmx bike for bunny hopping, hitting jumps, whatever you would want to do on a bmx.(except grind, of course) but they're expensive to build up, and probably $700-$1000 at least, to find a good used one.
if you're not working with a bunch of money, i'd definitely look into a specialized p2... they ride very similar to the chameleon, but they're heavy! i think they're around $700 brand new. an '07 or '06 model would be an even better deal. if you can find an '06 specialized p3 get it!!! it's just as sweet as the chameleon, super light, and probably just as much as a brand new p2. i also see a lot of kids riding the giant stp. i don't know anything about those though...
good luck in your bike search!!!
Motorcycle is a deal breaker for me. Is that wrong?
meant to say his other buddies now WANT to get bikes too.
I have always known that I do not want to be married to a motorcycle enthusiast. I dated one and had fun on few rides, but decided that would never be my lifestyle and I would be too anxious thinking the worst if he was late getting home etc....I just don't like the feeling.
I have witnessed two motorcycle accidents. One where i noticed the guy pass me on the right (distincitive bike) and a few minutes later saw him get clipped by an SUV and fly over the center divide where he was hit by two cars and killed. I watched the bike skid out across three lanes of traffic halting traffic in both directions.
In addition I had a close high school friend die and a neighbor's son die in motorcycle accidents. I pass idiots in cars swerving in lanes texting and on cell phones every day. I just think risk of serious injury is high.
Anyway, I married a sports car enthusiast and we have one convertible sports car and were planning to buy another sports sedan shortly to replace our commuter car.
Now one of his friends buys a sport bike and my hubby starts watching motorcycle races, buying motorbike magazine, watching motorcycles on you tube, and enrolled in motorcycle class.
Maybe in my 20's I might have come around and tried to change my mind and embrace this new hobby, but I am 39, we have a one year old son. I want to be here for every moment of my son's life if at all possible. I'm athletic, I play tennis, I snowboard, I ride my bicycle. We already have lots of hobbies. Snowboarding is not risk free either, but still less likely to die when hit by skiier on their cell phone.
I am also the bread winner. I pay the mortgage, the insurance, the cable, the power. I bought our cars. 100% of my income goes to the necessities/travel/entertainment. My hubby is supposed to put 100% of his salary into our savings.
I just think it is selfish for him to suddenly want to buy an expensive toy that will be used by him alone and that worries me so much.
Even though I make six figure salary, I don't touch our savings. I don't buy Gucci purses or designer clothes. I buy drugstore cosmetics and get our food at costco. I am focused on bettering our son's future and saving funds for family trips (going to Australia in 2010) and I think he should be too.
He said just trust him that he will be safe. But I don't trust others on the road. And I don't want my son to want to "be like daddy" and want to get a motorcycle too. I know I can't stop it if he is 18 and does want to go that route, but I don't want to encourage that AT ALL.
He is my only child and will be my only child. And I don't want to end up a single my mother in her early 40's.
I am seriously thinking of seperating. Not threatening, just ending it. I don't want to love a motorcycle rider. (Two of his other buddies are also not wanting to get bikes so they can all "ride together").
I am not THREATING divorce. I am not going to stop him from getting his motorcycle. He can buy it and insure it and ride it to his heart's content. I am just not comfortable being with anymore. But I won't STOP him. If he loved me he would appreciate my fears and be satisfied with the sports car that i BOUGHT for him. I have loved him enough to financial support him for eight years and for him to want MORE from me all the time. I think snowboarding, kayaking, sports cars, scuba diving etc.... should be enough of a thrill for anyone. He can't do this one thing for me? Please.
I did not give thumbs down. The fact that I am 39 with a one-year old is exactly why I am having issues with motorbike. I know I'm old!
I just lost a friend on a bike, he left two kids and a wife to go it alone. the kids are 6mo and 3 years old. I tried to talk him out of the bike but he just laugh at me. A woman hit him in a parking lot at low speed. Still killed him. There are no fender benders on bikes. I have two friends who both lost a leg. and a gale in my office has a husband in a chair, hit on his bike. Tell him that. when the kid is groan he can get the bike. Don't leave him, help him understand he is needed in one peace. I sold three bikes when I got married .
PS Your not old, your smart and responsible thinking of others instead of your self. I think you rock. :)
I just lost a friend on a bike, he left two kids and a wife to go it alone. the kids are 6mo and 3 years old. I tried to talk him out of the bike but he just laugh at me. A woman hit him in a parking lot at low speed. Still killed him. There are no fender benders on bikes. I have two friends who both lost a leg. and a gale in my office has a husband in a chair, hit on his bike. Tell him that. when the kid is groan he can get the bike. Don't leave him, help him understand he is needed in one peace. I sold three bikes when I got married .
PS Your not old, your smart and responsible thinking of others instead of your self. I think you rock. :)
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