Friday, January 3, 2014

What bicycles are good for general riding and commuting?

best bicycle brands for kids on Electric Bikes | Varsity Bike & Transit - Electric Bikes Minneapolis
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All I have now is an old BMX bike I had since a kid. I think it is a standard-sized BMX bike, but I'm not sure if I would want to ride it because of its small size and the fact that it was probably designed for children.

What type of full-sized bikes are good for general riding and commuting? What brands are reputable?

There is a bewildering array of choices today. Let the professionals help you. Go to a bike shop and tell them where and how you want to ride as well as how much you have to spend. Let them match you up with the bike that best meets your needs. Then, and most important, test ride the bike. Go to other shops and see what they have to offer, making apples to apples comparisons. The business is very competitive. Let that work for you. If you try several bikes, one will just fit and feel better than the others. You'll be able to tell that very quickly after sitting on it and test riding for just a few minutes. Buy that bike, regardless of the name on it. Name brands mean very little today because almost all bikes are made in just a few factories in Asia. The bike that fits and feels best is the one you will enjoy and use the most.

How much should I sell my bicycle for?

Rissa Roo

Its vintage looking with the curved handle bars. Its from about the 80's and its an olive green and cream color. The cleaned the crome and removed all the rust. Also the tubes, tires (it does not have white wall tires), bake cables, and bike chain are brand new. My parents bought me a candy apple red vintage cruiser with white wall tires for my birthday, so I was thinking of selling my old one.

I sold it for $150 b*tches! haha

$10.Or give it to a poor kid who has none.

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