Sunday, November 3, 2013

where can i find a free diet and exersize plan that will fit my goals or advice on my goals would be cool?

best kids bicycle review on Schwinn Scorch 16
best kids bicycle review image


i am 340 pounds and am 6 ft 6, i want to get to 210 pounds. where can i find a site that will do free planning and fit to my goals. i want to be a singer or go into acting, im 14 so i would be a teen actor, but i dont want to be that fat kid if i go for it, i am also going to try sports so i need to find something that will help me meet my goals, i would also love advice

I struggled with my weight for much of my adult life. I tried every popular diet around, but the weight always came back. I finally lost weight permanently when I decided to eat a healthy well-balanced vegetarian diet for the rest of my life. I now avoid processed foods, sugars, salt, refined carbohydrates, oils, fats, flavor enhancers, sweeteners, and other food additives. I do not eat meat, fish, poultry, pork, dairy, eggs, or other animal proteins. Instead, I eat leafy greens for calcium, iron, and protein. A combination of whole grains and legumes (peas, beans, lentils) provides more than enough protein. I eat raw and cooked vegetables. I eat only fresh whole fruits and clean water shunning all commercial drinks. By eating whole fruit instead of juice, I consume important fiber. I eat a tablespoon of flax seed each day for Omega-3 fatty acids. I also get out in the sun most days for Vitamin D. For further information review "Forks Over Knives" in DVD or book format.

In terms of exercise, you should plan on a 30-50 minute aerobic exercise period five days per week. During the aerobic exercise, your goal is to maintain your heart rate in the middle of your aerobic zone. Just pick an exercise or exercises you enjoy and that you can include in your daily routine: Swimming, bicycling, running, dancing, jump rope, Jazzercise, and so on.

A resistance training program every other day for 30 minutes is adequate to build substantial muscle. I use dumb bells because I can train at home while watching a video. Muscle tissue stores energy 7 times more efficiently than fat. You can carry around an extra pound of muscle or seven pounds of fat. What's your choice? For details on weight training, purchase "Fit for Life" from your local thrift shop.

A good safe tricycle for a 2 year old?

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I've been searching for a tricycle for my almost 2 year old daughter. There are so many conflicting reviews, though! Have you bought a trike that worked well for your toddler? What do you recommend?

Instead of a trike, I bought my little one a bicycle, it had training wheels, and it was a little smaller than an average trike. My thinking, why bother with the trike ? She can learn how to ride on this tiny little bike, when she's comfortable, we'll take off the training wheels, and she can ride it as a regular bike. When she grows bigger, we can get a bigger bike. You wouldn't believe, how quickly she caught on, even faster than some of the neighbor kids that had trikes !! Of course, I waited until I was sure she could handle it, before I took the extra wheels off. In fact, I waited until she "told me" she was ready for it !!

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